I just wanted to post tha...
We'll get thru this Brenda..and next year at this time we will look back and say its the best thing we could have done for ourselves. Good luck with your surgery...and keep us posted....mine is on May 5th..and cant wait to get it overwith and start the start the 1st day of my new life without looking back...although I'm getting a bit nervous as the date approaches..but I understand its normal to feel that way. LOL WTG

Good Luck on your surgery Bess!!! I know that we will get through it, I just keep telling myself to keep praying and then Lord will look out for all of us. I am getting nervous too and I have been told and have read that this is normal, but it is still hard to not have all of the emotions. I hope that everything goes good with your surgery and that you have a speedy recovery.