Maysters (2005) Roll-Call - Check in Folks
Hi Everyone!! What a pleasant surprise to pop in here and see you all!
I, too, have had some struggles with weight. My lowest was 158 and I have ballooned up 22 pounds and today sit at about 180. I have not even updaed my profile with the bad news - I am very, very unhappy with myself. I still exercise regularly but I am clearing out-grazing and out-carbing my workouts. I still do not eat sugar or bread but I can put a hurtin' on crackers, salty snacks, and sugar-free cookies. I need to keep telling myself that cookies are cookies - sugar free or not. They're evil... stay away!
Anyway, i have rejoined Weigh****chers, again, and will be working to get back down to below 160 pounds.
I wish you all the best. We have a three year anniversary in three month, let's challenge ourselves to get back on track and see where we are by May.
Hi all it's been a while. I started at 243 then lost 100 and stayed at 143 for a long time. I then decided for once in my life I wanted to be on the charts as "normal" instead of obese so I ultimately got down to 139. It was hard to keep. Over the last year I have gained and sit at about 154. I would like to see 143 again but compared to the old days I'm still doing great but it is a struggle. I have stretched my pouch and can eat quite a bit also I can eat all the sugar I want (no dumping) I do continue to walk 30 minutes a day. So here I am. Glad to have had the surgery, and I am healthier than before but the struggle to keep my weight down will be mine forever.
It is nice to hear about all of you, keep up the good work,
I'm alive and kicking! It's been a crazy year for me - divorced and remarried in one year (to my 'HS sweetheart!) Up until about 5 months ago, I was still maintaining my weight but have since put on about 8 pounds - mostly sitting on my butt all winter and not being as conscious about what I eat. I've since joined the Y and either walk or play racquetball every day (or both). Initiatially, I dropped about 3 pounds but I've maintained ever since - it's been about a month. I'm not overly concerned about it... Sure, I'd like to get back down to 150 or so but I'm okay where I am as long as I don't keep gaining.
I've found that I pretty much eat like anyone else, although not as much - but certainly what I would consider a "normal sized" meal. I still stay away from fried foods and only tolerate a bit of sugar. I probably do more carbs than necessary and I definately eat non-stop right before my period. I haven't been as diligent as I should on vitamins, but I try. My hubbie (lovingly) reminds me on a pretty regular basis. I just had labs done for the first time in two years, so we'll see how that goes.
Overall, I'm happy and at the very least, a million times healthier than I was three years ago.
I'm so sorry about Rich's dad, hon, and I hope you get your own medical issues under control this year. I don't come on here much but I certainly think about you and many others often.
Hi Kathy,
It's been awhile since I've checked in and I'm sorry to hear about all of the problems you've had...but you are a SURVIVOR!
I had bunion surgery last fall and found that your intake must be adjusted to the amount of excercise you are able to get. I probably gained 10-15 lbs since Thanksgiving and am not at all happy about it!
I also had a terrible family tragedy. In Jan of this year my brother's ex-wife murdered my 91/2 yr old niece before hanging herself. We were all so distraught and the wierd thing was it seemed I ate sweets and junk (you know how everybody brings it) so that I would feel sick because I felt so bad inside.
I'm still trying to get through it. The fact that it's golf season again and I can exercise because my foot has healed really does help.
I know I've still lost 100 lbs but I want to get to 150 and lose the rest of it. Lately I've been seeing myself as that 306 lb person and not the person I really am. I am going to a counselor to try to work through some of these issues. Like everything - it just takes time and living life one day at a time.
My best to all my fellow Maysters!
Sue McD

Hello Kathy
It has been along time for me about 3 years since I have been onhere I just came back to see who was all on here. I have thought aboutyou and wondered how you were doing I remember back befor you had your sugery. I have done ok never did get down to what I wanted to but that was my fault. I didnt eat right andnever really excersied. BUt I have not gained to much back in the years I started at 290 and made it down to 170 I stayed there the wholetime till dec 08 but now I have found my way up to 183 and I amg onna start the 5 day thing I have made up my mind I am goingdownto 150 somehow. Iknow I can do this .
Goodluck to you and you aer in my prayers
lots of loveto you and rich