
on 4/4/07 12:48 pm - Oak Harbor, WA
How ya doin, hon? You've been on my mind the last day or two so I thought I'd check in on you!! Give us an update, dahlink! HUGS!! Michelle
Kathy & Rich
on 4/8/07 6:39 am - Fairfax, VA
Hey, Mich! I'm here. Just being working hard and then tired afterwards so not much internet time. I'm gradually getting my strength back. Just taking it's sweet time. I have to go see my doc in another week or so to check on the anemia. Hopefully things will be much improved. I see the oncologist on 5/2 to find out what he found out about my pathology and if I'm truly "done" as far as treatment (aka nothing other than surgery) goes. I got my first boob expansion last Monday. Went well. I have another scheduled for this coming Friday and I think that'll be it. Not looking to go big... just appropriate for my size. Don't want to outgrow my existing clothing either. I'll find out if she does one extra fill (overexpansion to give her more room to work with when putting in the final implant) or not. I think docs wait a month or so before doing the implant exchange from expander to final implant. But I may have to wait a bit longer if my anemia isn't cleared up plus I may want a surgical break for a bit, ya know? LOL. Looks like we are going on a cruise in September with my family. Goes just to Bermuda for several days. I just need to stop the next shoe from dropping and keeping healthy long enough.... Hope you are doing well! Hugs, Kathy
on 4/9/07 6:50 am - Southeast, MI
Hey Kathy, I've been wondering about you, too. We get worried if we don't see some posts from you every now and then. It's good to know that things are progressing as smoothly as can be expected for you. I just had my labs done, and I'm still a little anemic. I have been for years, even before my gastric bypass. Truly just a little under normal levels, but the doctor decided to put me on Repliva as I had been feeling a little more tired than usual. Just started taking it this week. A couple of my liver enzymes were a little elevated, but he didn't seem too concerned about that. I'm wondering about it, though. Keep us updated on how the "new girls" are growing, Debra M.
Kathy & Rich
on 4/9/07 8:24 am - Fairfax, VA
Hey, Debra! Not sure what Repliva is but I hope it works for you. Vitalady's Tender Iron accounted for a nice jump in my iron levels last year. I switched from another iron and upped it a little bit and they improved (weren't low but were dropping) greatly. The TI are soft enough to chew with a vitamin C tablet (to hide the metallic taste, of course). They really aren't bad. I'm now taking 50% more than I had been taking per my doc to get levels back up. Get it checked in a few weeks. The "girls" are doing fine. Think they'll be all grown up on Friday. Take care, Kathy
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