Surgery #8 (emergency this time)

Kathy & Rich
on 3/23/07 8:14 am - Fairfax, VA
was in the wee hours of Monday morning. A blood vessel under the skin on my left breast ruptured and my breast started to fill up with blood. Scared the beejeebers out of me. The first spurt I had Rich call plastic surgeon thinking it was an implant issue but as it filled I knew it wasn't good. Rich called 911. We went to the hospital. I felt better with something bleeding in EMS' hands. Ambulance guys definitely got a story out of the ever expanding breast - told them to enjoy the story with family, friends and guys/gals at the station house. At least I kept my sense of humor. Got to the ER and I was a bit freaked. Just kept telling the poor young doc that this thing was growing. They had gotten hold of the plastic surgeon who came in quickly. I showed the breast and told her "This is NOT the effect I'm looking for." She laughed. They got me into the ER within an hour or so and surgery went well. I told her where I felt the first pinch and sure enough - that's where it was. She said that at about 2 weeks post-op or so is when clots try to resolve themselves and get reabsorbed by the body. She thinks it was mechanical failure meaning the blood vessel didnt' stay tied off right and then it clotted. Then when the clot cleared - the flood gates opened. She also discussed this with my breast surgeon and they discussed possible clotting issues due to the gastric bypass malabsorption (I do take vitamin K BTW). Plastic surgeon doubted that was the problem but they wanted me to discuss with oncologist when I go since they are hematologist. I saw my primary care physician Wednesday and got her to run blood work including all the clotting stuff. Plus after this event.... I'm now anemic. They didn't give me a transfusion but I heard my hematocrit is low. We'll see when I get the results. I've worked so hard to keep my labs in good shape. Drat it all. So now when I get pains and twinges in that left breast.... I worry a bit (like right now as I sit here). Not fun. But this too shall pass.... I see oncologist next Friday. Was supposed to see him this past Monday but I was otherwise occupied in the hospital. Tra la, tra la. Take care folks! K
on 3/23/07 11:40 am - Oak Harbor, WA
Kathy, Kathy, Kathy - you sure have been through the ringer, hon. If you wanted bigger boobses, you should have asked for a larger implant! Don't do it yourself, babe! Seriously, though, you take it easy, ****ep us posted and you're, as always, in my prayers. Michelle
Kathy & Rich
on 3/23/07 11:55 pm - Fairfax, VA
Oh I'll be getting bigger boobs but this was insane! It not only looked bad but it kept expanding putting more pressure on. Ugh. What I have in now are expanders... they are like breast lapbands. They have a port you can put saline in to expand. It is to stretch the skin since they remove some during the mastectomy and so that when you get the real implant the skin will appropriately cover it. I have my first "fill" on 4/2. I'm not looking to go large... just appropriate to my body size - whatever that is. Guess I'll know when I'm there. They'll do fills every couple of weeks til I have the volume I want. Then yes, one more surgery to swap these out forimplants but that is supposedly an easy surgery with recovery. Thanks for the prayers! Seems I need lots of 'em. Hugs, Kathy
on 3/23/07 10:42 pm
Kathy, You poor thing! I'm so glad that's over and they were able to repair the problem. I cannot imagine how scared you must have been. I'm hoping this is your very LAST surgery! Please rest and take care of yourself and know that I'm thinking of you. Hugs, Wanda
Kathy & Rich
on 3/24/07 12:32 am - Fairfax, VA
I know for a fact this isn't the last surgery. Hopefully last one will be to swap out my expander implants for final ones. But then if I chose to get nipples and areolas made that would be another one... ARGH! It never ends, eh? Thanks for the kind thoughts - they are always appreciated! Hugs, K
Full of Life
on 3/24/07 12:18 am - Broken Arrow, OK
Kathy dear - you really must quit scaring your doctors like this. lol Wow, what an eventful two years you've had girl. You certainly keep everyone on their toes. Perhaps you should be video taping this and turn it in to a soap opra show, at least get paid for going through all of it. hahaha Laurie
Kathy & Rich
on 3/24/07 12:31 am - Fairfax, VA
Maybe I'll write a book.... I do have a way with words at times... K
Bonnie M
on 3/24/07 1:09 am - Sioux Falls, SD
So sorry! A book is a great idea.
on 3/25/07 2:19 am - somerville, NJ
Wow, so sorry to hear about this, wishing u a speedy recovery... Aliya
future former fat chick
on 3/25/07 9:00 am - Baltimore, MD
I am sorry to hear about this too, Kathy. I know you must be tired of hospitals. Anyway, I'll continue praying for you. Hugs, Tracy
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