Hiya everybody ! :wave:

Rejoicing 2B free
on 3/12/07 1:48 pm - southern states
Just dropping in to greet my fellow Mayers. Been " dumb-struck" with some computer problems and unable to post till now, for quite some time. I drop by every day or so to see how you all are doing. Glad Kathy is recovering nicely and some of you who have had your ps are feeling better and looking great. ( gotta admit I'm a bit jealous ) ; - ) I am doing well and have just had a wonderful weekend with 2 little grand-babies and honestly been in " Grandma heaven" ! It's awesome to love them so much and be loved right back . Getting in the mindset for working in the garden now that Spring has sprung - looks like I may even be blessed to have some help from a local OH friend ! Just love to get my hands in the dirt and play. And to have a helper is a dream. Been on a plateau since Christmas and things are just now beginning to move a smidgeon. Whew ! This 'tool' is a help but the stuff between my ears gets in the way ...if ya know what I mean. Seems to take daily work, planning and pulling myself up when I slide back down and slip off the wagon. I appreciate you Mayers and pray for you nearly daily. Wishing many blessings to come your way and continued recovery from the addictive inclination many of us struggle with in the food arena. ( yep - even still ! ) Special greetings to Kathy who has been thru so much and like a Timex watch - inspires us with her positive attitude and practice of ' taking a licking & keeping on ticking' !! In the face of incredible challenges. Hope you are more comfortable now and those drains are out. I miss you all and will pop back in in a day or so, now that I can post at last. Love, Mary
Bonnie M
on 3/13/07 1:24 am - Sioux Falls, SD
Good to hear from you. I also hope everone is doing well. The weather is looking up here too. Thanks for the prayers, I think we all need them.
Kathy & Rich
on 3/13/07 2:45 am - Fairfax, VA
MARYYYYYYYYYYYYY!! So nice to see you posting! Glad to hear you are doing well and enjoying grandma time. That's great. Timex, eh? ROFLMAO. Love that analogy. I'll take it as long as the watch has a really long life battery. LOL. Told plastic surgeon yesterday that my 4 major surgeries and 2 lumpectomies didnn't add up in pain to this one surgery. Owie. But I'm getting better each day and doing some work from home and will return to work next week if not sooner. My ribs under the expanders are sore. The pectoral muscles were the killers and were not happy about having stuff stuck under them and expanded. My plastic surgeon put at least 200 ccs of fluid in my expanders during the surgery so I'm not flat chested. My chest has a funky shape to it at the bottom with the extra skin there but once more saline is put in and pulls up some of that it'll improve and my chest will round out a bit. When I do my swap out with the final implants, she'll work with the skin there and fix it up for me. I have "fills" scheduled for 3/30, 4/13 and 4/30. Then we'll see where we are at. I suspect it won't take many to get the breasts where I'm happy since I'm not looking for huge... just what fits with the rest of me. My pathology report yielded the best possible results so no radiation needed. I meet with oncologist next week and will find out what the plan for me is. I still do not think chemo is in my future but I need to hear that from him. And I'll find out about hormone therapy. My left breast (non-cancer side) did have some intraductal hyperplasia (abnormal cells) so I'm grateful for my decision to get rid of both sides. Rich's folks are (still) having medical issues. Poor guy is juggling more than one person should have thrust upon them at any one time. My weight is stable in the 150-153 range or so. Up and down. Guess this is maintenance mode. I hope to get back to the gym very soon. Been many months since I went regularly and I know it will be good for body and soul. Feel like I lost muscle and do not like that. Hugs to you, Mary! And hugs to all, Kathy
Rejoicing 2B free
on 3/13/07 4:39 am - southern states
Well Hi There Kathy !! I was so happy to see your post too. I was wondering about so many issues you shared about ...and honestly I did not know HOW to ask. So it is so good to have your update. It is very helpful to know what you have been going thru and the plan for the future treatments and reconstruction. Struck me when you mentioned all Rich is going thru. I will add him to my prayer list. I do pray for him when I hear the news but in-between, sadly I forget. Bless him " richly" Tell him that even tho he doesn't post here, we see his name frequently cuz it's forever attatched to his honey's so he's fam around here too. We wish him energy and encouragement and abundant love to absorb and pour out. And a little quiet time to himself now in then to recharge and be refreshed. Just got back in from my little 'cottage garden'. It is truly a beautiful Spring day with perfect weather. I got the rake out and scooped up the 'rain' of twigs from the pit cherry tree that overhangs it. I got a chance to inspect the status to see what is popping up and coming back so far. It looks like the creeping thyme I planted in place of grass is coming up all over...with a few bald spots. It made me realize I need to do some pruning and dead-heading that I'm a few months late in getting to. I found several seed pods from the scarlet runner beans I had planted around the rose arbor. I planted them in a huge pot. They yield lovely red-scarlet blooms that climb all over before bearing the beans/pods. They may be edible (but not by me). I surveyed and thought of some things a pal could help me with that would be super minimal energy wise and could even do from a seated position. 1.) help mix a "start -up tea " for the roses: of sweet tea with a pint of whiskey added. Then ladle around. 2.) sprinkle some epsom salt around the rose beds. 3.) Brain storm with me about color scheme. 4.) Mix sand with the creeping thyme seeds and scatter around the bald spots. (about 1 qt. ) So if you feel like spending a day in the country and breaking free of the confines of 'cabin fever' let me know, OK. Good for body, mind and soul till the gym routine can be resumed. * great way to recharge your 'battery' too ! Bless ya, Miss Sunshine , Mary
Bonnie M
on 3/13/07 6:33 am - Sioux Falls, SD
Kathy, I think about you a lot. You have been a huge support for so MANY people! I'm glad you don't have to go through radiation and I know that you made the correct decision about both breasts. So much pain and stress for both you and Rich. Spring is coming and I know it will prove to be good for you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Hang in there, I'm supporting from a distance.
(deactivated member)
on 3/13/07 7:04 am - TBD, Guam
Hi fellow maysters.... I think about you all too! I dont post that much on this board, but do come in here. I would imagine we will get busier next month and the month after when we have our 2 year 'surgiversary'?? I am going for a ps appeal visit this week. having some issues that are causing quite a bit of pain and hoping against hope that this next visit will allow the psurgeon what she needs (through photos and all kinds of tests and primary care back up visits) what she needs to get the insurance company) to get approval. other than that... life goes on. ups and downs... stresses like everyone. its been 'a year' so far. but we get through, what other choice do we have? and besides.. life is beautiful, isnt it??? Jess.
on 3/13/07 10:22 am - Southeast, MI
I'm so happy I checked in here today. Mary, I have been thinking of you so much the last few months, wondering how you were doing. I was afraid to email in case there was some bad news, scaredy-cat me. It is so good to here all is well with you and your garden. Kathy, thanks for the pathology update, I hope the doctor decides you don't need chemo. I can't imagine what it must feel like with the expanders beneath your muscles, big ouch. You know to take it really, really easy when you resume exercising, right? I am still undergoing PT on my left shoulder. It developed some rotator cuff problems when I stopped exercising during my tt recovery. Then, instead of making the muscles stronger when I did restart, I just kept irritating the injury more. It is slowly getting better. And, to all you other Maysters that check in, it is good to hear from you, too. Can you believe we are almost two years out? I'm having more problems with small bites of baked goods finding their way into my mouth. Still managing the maintainance, but scared of old habits worming their way back in. Maybe if it ever gets nice weather here in Michigan, I could just stay outside! This week, my baby is home from college on spring break, but it's been a killer food wise. She misses the comfort foods of home, so that's what my husband has been cooking, pancakes, waffles, burritos, not so good for me. Debra M. off to drink some protein
Rejoicing 2B free
on 3/14/07 12:51 am - southern states
Hi there Debra, I think of you often myself. Great to hear from you. One thing that has been helping me when I do eat comfort foods is adding some of that new fiber powder. It is tasteless and if stirred well is not noticeable. I have been putting it in protein shakes and blueberry muffins and speghetti sauce and mashed potatoes even this am in my cream of wheat ! Upping the fiber makes those foods less likely to 'stick to your bones' and more likely to be swept out of the system. So while enjoying your daughters visit w/hubbys home made goodies, it may be an idea. I bought mine at Sams club ( member's brand ) a quart sized cannister for about $5. I add about a tablespoon to everything. * Hey just a thought...but I was wondering if you or anyone would like to resume our " What are you eating today ???" posts. It sure kept me honest and accountable in the past. Any nudge in the right direction helps, huh? Have a great day ! Mary
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