New Year - New You!!

Full of Life
on 1/2/07 3:51 am - Broken Arrow, OK
Happy New Year to all you Maysters!!! I'm sitting here eatting some sun chips, (Ugh, the last of the bad stuff in the house). I was reflecting on all that's happened to me in the last year and what this year holds for me. In the last year I've: Gotten to goal!!!! Maintained my goal weight for 9 months Had abdominal plasty and hernia repair Enjoyed buying size 2 - 4 clothes Walked for 5 miles at a time (haven't done it lately though) Moved to a new town Met some new friends in said town that don't know I was ever MO Played with my kids like never before. Enjoyed a better physical relationship with my husband Had vitamin levels drop down into poo poo land and stay there Went through incredible sickness and extra weight loss that I didn't want Spent WAY TOO much money on doctors that DIDNT help me at all. Researched and came VERY close to having my surgery reversed. Had a miracle and was completely healed of my physical problems. Gained back my unwanted weight loss - and am now sitting again at a healthy 130 lbs. (from 124 lbs at Thanksgiving) Enjoying GREAT lab results from my current labs!! Feeling better then I have in YEARS!!! And now as I start the new year I'm out looking for a job!!! I can't believe it. ME!!! I was in bed 17 hours a day just six weeks ago!!! Now, I'm up and around and my family is having a hard time keeping up with me!!!!! I'm looking for a part time job to work while the kids are in school. So - that's been my year, how about you all???? HUGS, Laurie
(deactivated member)
on 1/2/07 7:01 am - Meridian, ID
I'm glad things are better for you and congrats on your weight loss and getting back to a healthy weight. Hmmm, my year in review: Husband had knee and spinal surgery, had complications and I thought I was going to lose him but he healed and got better. While not a complete success, at least he's not in constant pain now. I've traveled to Huahine (Tahiti), Hawaii, Portland, Victoria BC. I've been in several walkathons/races and went from barely able to walk a couple of miles to completing a half marathon (and developed some great friendships with other WLSers from our local support group). I FINALLY got to goal weight and actually got the "too thin" comment. Survived a major house remodel and got moved in on 12/ my house now! Not really any bad things happened other than husband's surgery complications but that is over now. For the most part, a good year. Linda
Full of Life
on 1/2/07 7:07 pm - Broken Arrow, OK
Well you have had quite a great year. Walkathons/races - how cool is that!!! I'd love to train for one, tried to last year but with the hernia surgery and then pulling my ab muscle it put me out!! House remodeling is quite an accomplishment. We're getting ready to start some major work this year. UGH, not looking forward to the "torn up" stage, but am looking forward to having it DONE!!! It's a New Year..... looking forward to a long list of great things for 2007
(deactivated member)
on 1/3/07 7:10 am - Meridian, ID
I was pretty proud of myself for completing that half marathon and in the rain and cold no less. However, at the time, I was saying to myself that this is stupid and was wishing my van was near and I would have quit at mile 9 1/2 but it was 3 miles to my van and I had to walk to get there and then I thought I walked this far what's another mile! We remodeled about 3/4 of our house. We lived in one bedroom and the utility room has a 3/4 bath and our garage attached in that area and that became our kitchen/dining/living room for 3 months. If you plan on living there while they are tearing it up, word of advice...check your furnace filters often and change often. You wouldn't believe the amount of dust they collect. Our furnace kept clicking off one night (during a particularly cold spell) and it never occurred to us that a clogged filter might be the problem. Especially check it whenever they are tearing out sheetrock or installing it and when they spray paint. You may need to change your filter daily. Anyway, I love my house now and my husband even (finally!) admitted that he's glad we had it done. He didn't want to at first but since it was my bonus paying for it, he didn't have much choice, lol.
on 1/2/07 1:21 pm - Southeast, MI
Hi Laurie and Linda and all you Maysters out there, As always, it's good to hear how you guys are doing. I am always extremely introspective at this time of year, and I've been trying to come to terms with some of the changes of 2006. Reached my goal of less than 150 pounds (although I am too close to it now at 148, with all the holiday eating, ugh.) Had abdominoplasty and hernia repair-which took much longer to heal and recover than I had anticipated. This seemed to absorb my entire Sept-November. Watched daughter #1 move to New York City and flourish. Mourned daughter #2 leaving home to attend college in another state, and leave me with an empty next. Lost my beloved father to a head trauma from a fall in the woods in November, still grieving terribly with this. Bought size 8 clothing for the first time in my life, and still don't recognize my jeans when I pull them from the dryer, this from a size 32-34 lady. lol At peace with my eating and exercise requirements. Looking forward eagerly to 2007 and all the endless possibilities that exist for me. Debra M.
Full of Life
on 1/2/07 7:10 pm - Broken Arrow, OK
Abdominoplasty and hernia repair do take FOREVER to heal up!!!! I didn't think I'd ever get to feeling "normal" again. I can't even begin to imagine what empty nest feels like, with 5 children still at home..... I'd pay to have it for a weekend or two though. LOL I'm with you about not recognizing your jeans. I'm always putting my stuff in my daughters pile, forgetting that they're mine. 2007's going to be an excellent year!!!! ENJOY IT
on 1/2/07 2:41 pm - Oak Harbor, WA
Wow - in the past year I have: *Been diagnosed with fibromyalgia *Been in more pain than I thought possible *Scheduled and had to cancel abdominoplasty because of said pain *Gotten to goal (after nearly 3 weeks of such pain that I couldn't eat) *Finished a full load of classes that put me into my Junior year and am still maintaining a 4.0 GPA *Scheduled another abdominplasty (for 2/1 - hopefully this one will happen!) *Became the proud owner of a teenager (daughter turned 13 in May) *Got a way cute new haircut and style (I'll post a pic soon) *Learned lots of new ways to bake and cook with Splenda *Treated myself to me time - at least once/week *Made a standing date with my dearly beloved hubby - every Saturday morning *Became more organized and faithful with my kids' homeschool and my school *Taught 2 Ancient Egypt classes and a Creative Writing class to kids grades 3-8 I'm sleepy right now, so I can't think of anything else at the moment. I'm sure I'll post more later! Michelle 370/340/321/185 heaviest/consult/pre-op/current (goal)
Full of Life
on 1/2/07 7:15 pm - Broken Arrow, OK
That "pain" sure does wear a person out!!! I'm glad that you got another surgery date!!! Welcome to the "Mother to a Teenager Club" There are more lows then highs instore for the next few years but they tell me that it all evens out in the long run. When birthday**** this spring I'll have a 19 yog, 18 yob, 14yob, 13yob, 12 yog, and 10 yob!! UGH - I'm going to be in this club for a while yet!! I love that you've become more organized and faithful with your homeschool and your school. As a mom who HS'd for 8 years I totally understand the need for that!!!!!!!! Keep up the great work with your kids, your college, and you (and of course w/ hubbie)!!!!!!
Becky Sue
on 1/2/07 6:52 pm - Fort Wayne, IN
Happy New Year! I'm so glad you've had so many great successes this year! And what a great topic to get us moving forward in a positive manner. In the past year, I've reached goal and maintained it. Dropped a little below goal and dealt with it appropriately. Had a TT and BA and am recovered pretty niceley. Given the fact that PS is NOT the magical answer to everything, learned to accept my body as it is for the first time in my entire life - talk about liberating! Started a new life for myself and my family by making difficult decisions regarding my marital status. Pulled straight As in 3 classes while I worked full time, putting me that much closer to my degree (due in Fall 07!) Figured out I had lost myself and set about finding myself again.
Full of Life
on 1/2/07 7:19 pm - Broken Arrow, OK
goal is a GREAT thing!!!! I sure never thought I'd reach it, but now that I have - I'm very careful about keeping it! LOL Accepting your body is a difficult thing to do, but there's a lot of freedom in it. I can't honestly say that I've gotten to that point though. I know I wont be having anymore surgery but I still find myself saying that I hate this saggy backside and these deflated girls!! You've pulled As while in the midst of some major crisis - that's AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 2007 is a year for the New You!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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