Breast Surgery Over

Kathy & Rich
on 12/27/06 5:11 am - Fairfax, VA
Breast surgery (lumpectomy) went well today. I'm just tired. Got home about an hour ago. Started off the day with a 2:45 am phone call saying my FIL was taken to the hospital so Rich and I got up and showered and headed to the hospital to see him. He is doing well. They are running lots of tests. He was having chest pains and difficulty breathing. He had been seeing the doctor for some issues over the past week related to this. Of course, he wasn't at the hospital I was having my surgery at! We left there after he got a room and scooted to the other hospital for my surgery. It's been a long, long day. The sentinel node biopsy was negative which is great news. Surgery was uneventful. Now, we wait for the final pathology on the whole smear. We get that next Thursday. Hopefully they got clear margins and all the cancer is gone. The week after that, I have an appointment with the oncologist scheduled and then a day or two later with the radiation oncologist. The oncologist will probably be starting me on Tamoxifen or something like that and I will probably have 6 weeks of radiation. I think that won't start for another month until I'm fully healed. We stopped at the other hospital on the way home to see Rich's dad. He was being taken for an ultrasound on his leg. Think they are thinking Congestive Heart Failure. Read about that a while ago. Just something they treat with things like Lasix and stuff to keep the fluid from building up. Rich just went out to get sustenance and my pain meds. I'm supposed to be on clear fluids (yea right) today. I feel fine. Later he'll stop back to see his dad who has a CT scan later. That's the story...back to rest. Thank you everyone for the thoughts, prayers, hugs, etc. Much appreciated. Kathy
(deactivated member)
on 12/27/06 8:15 am - TBD, Guam
Kathy, I send a HUG although it is a very gentle one...... You have been in my thoughts and I have been sending good Karma your way for weeks now. I have very good/positive feelings for you. You are such a positive force for our board and for so many people.... We need you and we ADORE you. Stay strong and take all the time you need. 2007 will be a wonderful new year for you and for all of us. Thank you for making us all feel so special all the time, you are an angel with love, Jess
Kathy & Rich
on 12/28/06 7:13 am - Fairfax, VA
Thanks, Jess! All your wonderful thoughts and prayers are so very much appreciated. Heartfelt thanks to you. Love, Kathy
on 12/27/06 10:41 am - Southeast, MI
Kathy, Thanks for letting us know how you are doing. The sentinal node news is wondeful, let's hope the rest of the pathology report is the same, all clean margins. In six months, this will all be a bad dream, and you will have your health back again. I'm sure, less than six months, and you will begin your life anew. Blessings to you. Debra M.
Kathy & Rich
on 12/28/06 7:30 am - Fairfax, VA
Thanks, Debra. I wish that in 6 months this will all be a dream but...I suspect that every 6 months I'll go for a mammogram and will feel the fear, ya know? Something that I'm just going to have to live with and adapt to. My chances of other breast cancers are much higher now unfortunately. Appreciate your kindness, as always. Hugs, Kathy
Becky Sue
on 12/27/06 10:36 pm - Fort Wayne, IN
Hi kiddo. I haven't been around much lately, got a lot on my plate, but you've been in my thoughts. I hope you continue to recover and the news continues to be positive. Also, I hope things go ok with Rich's dad. We went through this with my dad the week before Christmas, brought on by a bad UTI and transposed into CHF. He's home and doing well now, though. Take care.
Kathy & Rich
on 12/28/06 7:32 am - Fairfax, VA
Hey, honey! Sorry to hear about your dad. Today is FIL's birthday and he is still in the hospital. Going home tomorrow or so we hope. Yea, CHF is not unusual, I guess. Hope everyone is doing well. Hugs, Kathy
on 12/29/06 7:14 am
Kathy, So glad to know your surgery went well. Please know I am sending good thoughts and prayers your way. Take care of yourself! Love, Wanda
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