My Christmas Miracle

Full of Life
on 12/14/06 10:55 am - Broken Arrow, OK
So... you all know that I've been very ill. I've actually been deathly ill with no hope of the doctors being able to help me. Over Thanksgiving I lost 6 pounds as I wasn't able to eat anything more then a 1/2 cup of soup. My husband has freated and worried himself sick over me and he actually told me that he doesn't know if I'll be around next year! (that was a shock to me. I tend to minimize my physical problems) I was to the point I couldn't get groceries by myself. I could barely drive to church and did so with great pain. I do believe that I was on the downward slope to the grave. I was invited to a ladies Christmas party at a friends church. I went and it was incredible. They had a guest speaker who was so wonderful. During the evening she asked for anyone who was in need on prayer for a physical need to raise their hand. I did. While she was praying for everyone the lady next to me put her hand on my stomach. When she did this - something inside went "pop". Honestly, I could physically feel it pop and I could audibly hear it. It was pretty weird! I asked the lady who's hand was on me if she heard or felt anything, she didnt. But I know that I did. At the end of the evening this guest speaker calls me up to the front of the church - by name!!! I was kind of scared!! (I guess my friend was in charge of the night and she told the guest speaker that I really needed a major miracle). So I go and stand infront of this lady and she looks at me and says, "You need a miracle don't you?" I nodded my head. She said, "You are healed" I just kind of stood there looking at her. Then she told me that she's spoken at churches all across the country and around the world and she NEVER tells people that. She had her assistant come up and testify to the fact that she doesnt go around telling people that they're healed. She took both of my hands and looked me right in the eye and said, "But for you, You are healed!!" I'm still just looking at her (not knowing what to think) She says it again, "You are healed!" When she said it again "something" happened and I KNEW that I was healed. No great light, no audible voice, no angels floating around..... I just knew that I knew that I knew that I was healed..... And I AM!!!!! I feel HUNGRY now. I've never felt hungry. I left the Christmas party and told my husband that I was hungry and wanted to go eat. (He had to drive me and pick me up because I was too ill to drive myself) I told him all that happened and he just kind of looked at me. He said something like, "that's nice dear" BUT then he watched me eat. I ate a regular meal. The next day I ate!! Breakfast was oatmeal. Then we left the house. Two hours later I told him, I'm hungry. So I stopped and got a piece of toast with peanutbutter. About three hours after that I told him, "Geee, I'm hungry - can we go eat?" By then he was really looking at me weird. But he took me out to lunch and I ate a cup of soup and 1/2 a chicken salad sandwich (no bread). His eyes were about bugging out of his head watching me eat. He never said a word..... just stared at me! I smiled and told him, "I'm healed". That's when he really believed that something miraculous had happened to me. This was before my U of M appointment last week. I still wanted to keep the appointment to see what kind of things they would say. The appointment was pretty much a waste of time because they didn't have my medical records, but they did do a ton of blood work. Last night the doctor called me at 7:30 PM. She said, "Uhhhh Mrs. Griffith, I know that your last labs were all out of wack, but I got most of your new results in and Mrs. Griffith they're pretty much NORMAL!!" Some things were at the lower end of normal (Vit. K Vit. C) but she said that would not require further treatment, just taking an extra dose of vitamins. She said that she would call me when the rest of the labs were in but she wasn't expecting anything from those at this point. How cool is that????!!!!!!! I literally went from all messed up to normal - overnight!!!! Now I don't know what any of your beliefs are and I'm certainly NOT trying to stir up trouble or step on anyones toes - but I know that God has healed me of my malnutrition and vitamin deficiency problems!!! I know it as much as I know my name!!! Every meal I have now is truely a Thanksgiving feast!! I praise Him for touching my body! That's my story and I'm sticking to it!!!! Hugs to all, Laurie PS. I went to Walmart this week and walked up and down EVERY isle in the store shopping. I had soooo much energy, I literally spent almost hours getting groceries and Christmas shopping there. What a change from just a couple of weeks earlier where I had to leave and not get groceries because I was so sick. GOD IS GOOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Kathy & Rich
on 12/14/06 11:13 am - Fairfax, VA
One word... WOW... or better yet should that be Hallejujah? There are things that I cannot explain in human life. I do not feel that I have to have a tangible answer to all (though I do like 'em). I hope that you are indeed healed and that you become 110% healthy again. Awesome, Kathy
on 12/15/06 9:21 am
Laurie, Praise the Lord! I believe in miracles. I have been the recipient of some and have witnessed others. I am so delighted that you are well. I hope you continue to be strong and feel terrific. What a wonderful miracle... Big hugs, Wanda
(deactivated member)
on 12/16/06 2:06 am - TBD, Guam
Laurie, That is WONDERFUL news. I hope that you and your family have a blessed holiday and that 2007 is the happiest of years for you. Please keep us posted on how you are feeling. I got chills reading your story. I wish you could have this miracle healer come on to our site and bless all of us (for mental and physical!!) PEACE TO ALL OF US THIS SEASON!! Jess
Heather L.
on 12/18/06 10:43 pm - Marion, VA
I believe miracles happen everyday. Sounds like you got yours! I'm so happy for you! Merry Christmas! Heather
on 2/7/07 7:17 am - Schaumburg, IL
WOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm just doing some catching up and I am so happy for you. May you have a HEALTHY 2007 and continued blessings in your life! Sue McD
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