Peripheral Neuropathy in all extremeties

Full of Life
on 11/16/06 7:12 am - Broken Arrow, OK
WOW - what a horrible 24 hours. My arms have been numb/tingely for a few weeks now. Last night in church, out of no where my neck and face went numb/tingely too. I FREAKED!!!! It was soooooo scary!! I had to leave and go to ER. There they treated me HORRIBLE! Accused me of losing my weight by taking cocaine Can we say, "instantly PO'd" Then the doctor started in with psyc eval questions. SERIOUSLY!!!!!!! He asked me if I worry a lot and if I feel guilty alot. What the heck is that???? Oh I was soooooooo flippin' mad! I told him that this has never happened and I live an hour away and needed to find out if it was safe for me to drive home. After test, he came in the room and said, "Well, you won't die tonight, so you can go home and follow up with your pcp." What a bedside manner!!!! Today I saw my pcp (the new one) and he said it's definately peripheral neuropathy in all extremeties (arms, hands, face, legs, and feet) The legs and feet went numb in the middle of the night last night. I was pretty darn freaked out to see things degress so darn FAST!! He's sending me off to U of M hospital for a consult for a revision/take down! I'm scared chitless!!! Both to have the surgery and to NOT have the surgery. Keep me in your prayers! Laurie
Becky Sue
on 11/16/06 4:52 pm - Fort Wayne, IN
Aw Sweety, I'm so sorry you're going through this... I would have been P'O'd too... I'd probably file a formal complaint to be honest, but that's just me. They had no reason to treat you like that.
Bonnie M
on 11/17/06 1:38 am - Sioux Falls, SD
Cocaine--you gotta be kidding me!!!!!!!!!!! Complaint at the least for their behavior! Sorry you're going through this and that they treated you like that.
Full of Life
on 11/17/06 7:28 am - Broken Arrow, OK
Yup cocaine! What an idiot!!!! This was AFTER I told him that I'm a bariatric patient and have lost 140 pounds. So he KNEW the truth - he's just a jerk. I'm not sure what steps to take to file a complaint but Monday I am going to file one. There's just no REASON to treat anyone like that!!. laurie
Kathy & Rich
on 11/17/06 6:31 am - Fairfax, VA
Laurie, I'm so sorry, hon, for your problems. That's horrible. Did the new doc a few weeks ago run blood work to see what is going on with you? Shouldn't that have shown deficiencies related to the neuropathy? B6? B12? Others? I would definitely call and complain to the hospital management. How dare they treat you or anyone else like that. I'd be fuming mad. Please know we are here for you. Hugs, Kathy
Full of Life
on 11/17/06 7:26 am - Broken Arrow, OK
Yes they did blood work. My b12 was 299 and I got a shot that day. My b1 and b6 were both good. My vit. d was very low and they put me on a script for that. The only explination my new doc could give me was that it seems to be metabolic problems. Its not from the herniated disk or a pinched nerve. He said that basically because I don't absorb enough that over the past 18 mth I've slowly depleated my blood of the major things it needs. So, now the gas tank is just about empty and it's causing all kinds of weird problems. In HIS opinion, the only option I have is to try to get a partcial take down and lessen the amount of bypass to hopefull absorb more. EEEEEEKKKKKS, I'm stressed right out. My kids are scared. I ran into my sons teacher today. He told me that John wrote a letter to Santa in class today that made him(the teacher) cry. I guess he said that all he wanted for Christmas was a mommy that was healthy and home with him. My poor son! This is obviously very heavy on his heart. Laurie
Kathy & Rich
on 11/17/06 7:58 am - Fairfax, VA
Oh, Geez, Laurie... Your son is breaking my heart. All we want is a healthy Laurie. Okay, and world peace (whirled peas) too. And to win the lottery. And a pony. Hugs again, Kathy
Kathy & Rich
on 11/17/06 7:58 am - Fairfax, VA
Oh, Geez, Laurie... Your son is breaking my heart. All we want is a healthy Laurie. Okay, and world peace (whirled peas) too. And to win the lottery. And a pony. Hugs again, Kathy
Heather L.
on 11/20/06 1:39 am - Marion, VA
Man Laurie! I'm so sorry your dealing with all of this. I think we should all complain to that hospital on behalf of all WLS patients. What a conclusion to jump to!!!! Please keep us informed and know that you are in all of our hearts and prayers! Heather
future former fat chick
on 11/21/06 3:00 am - Baltimore, MD
I hope you complaine about the way you were treated. That was outrageous. Anyway, you and your family continue to be in my prayers. If a slight revision will alleviate some of your health problems, it's something for you to seriously consider. God bless! Hugs, Tracy
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