OT..x-mas lists already??
My children are they out of the norm?? 2 of the 3 have given me their x-mas lists.I think I liked them better when they were under the age of 5
.I need to hit the lottery geeze.I liked it better when I could buy them fisher price toys vs computer stuff and car accessories.I guess I am getting payed back from when I was a teen.I love christmas the decorations and stuff but I think the person who said that x-mas was hap..happiest time of the year was ...a kid.I can see how this time of the year can be depressing and stressful.Have a good Saturday I think I am going to the mall to start some of my shopping ..ugh..good sales this weekend though. ~Laura~

Dear Laura,
I had to smile when I read your post.
One of my fondest memories is of my Daughter (now 16). She was 4 years old and driving me crazy one day.... I sat her down with the Christmas Wish Book from a major retailer. I gave her a whole package of Colored Star Stickers. I told her to put a Gold Star on the things she REALLY wanted Santa to bring and a Blue Star on the things she might like.
Two hours later, when her Brother got home from school, she gave me back the book and went out to play.
One thing lead to another and I forgot all about the project. That night, when my husband asked me why I had the Wish Book on the table, I bragged to him on how I got 2 hours of housework time in that day... He opened the book and started laughing hysterically. At least half the items on Every Page had a sticker next to them....
The next weekend, I gave her a pair of safety scissors and told her to cut out only the things she REALLY wanted.... ( this got me another 2 hours )....
The weekend after that... I told her she had to pick 20 out of the 159 pictures that she had cut out the week before ( another hour)... All in all, I had to pat myself on the back for these ideas...
The following year when the Wish Book was delivered, my (now 5) year old said...
"Mom, now that I can print better, do you think Santa would mind if I only wrote a list"?
I laughed and said that it was a good idea.
(To this day, the sight of the Wish Book still makes me smile)...
Kate Z