Hey, there, peeps!
Just popping in to say good morning. Not a darn thing going on - have had about 5 hours of sleep and even though I've hit the coffee hard, I'm just not rarin to go yet. It's FREEZING outside - 28 whole degrees! - and I'm dreading going outside in it. But, me and the kids have dental appts this morning so I guess I don't have much choice.
After the dentist appointments, I might go hit up Kohl's. They're having a huge sale and I have a 15% off everything coupon from some promotion or another. I'm thinking it's a good time to stock up on some nice warm sweaters... After that, who knows? Aaron's going out with the boys tonight, think I'm just going to sit and veg. Maybe get some organizing around the house done...
Hope you all have a great weekend!
I was at WalMart and Kohls today. Love me some Kohls. Wished I had a coupon. LOL! Looked around alot but didn't buy much. Did get Rich a tea kettle (he wants one - a red Kitchenaide one) and a "I Double Dog Dare Ya" t-shirt ($6). LOL!
I'm home alone. Rich is working 4 to midnight tonight. He had to leave early to go over and help his father get his leg off. It was stuck. YES, you read that right. His artificial leg was stuck on again. Once again, he didn't put the leg sock on properly so it wadded up inside and got stuck in the mechanism that releases it. Apparently he called 911 this morning and the paramedics couldn't figure it out. Rich knows how to. Elderly parents can be a pain. ROFLMAO.
My hubby and I are actually going to get a night out this weekend (I hope, keeping my fingers crossed) and he mentioned taking me to the mall to buy me some warm sweaters since I keep getting so cold at work! YAH! I always looked and wanted those nice plush heavy sweaters before WLS, but I was always to hot from my insulation. Now that the insulation is gone, I'll be bundling up all winter long