New Picture Posted
It's on my profile or here... it was taken Saturday night at a wedding.,photos/action,gallery/albumId,360/curPhoto,19070/
Hmmm, I've had my nails get stained a yellow tone from leaving darker polish on for a while.
Cannot say I've seen anything regarding vitamin deficiencies and yellowish nails. Do you know how your liver enzymes are? ALT, AST and alpha phosphatase? I think anything yellow... whites of eyes, underneath of tongue and maybe even fingernails would be a stressed out liver. My enzymes have been wild since surgery. I finally got 2 out of 3 in normal range. The one is still elevated. Seems to be a common thing but not sure what level they'd have to be at to cause yellow nail beds.
I know that white stripes and ridges and such are signs of vitamin issues.
When is your doctor's appointment with the new guy? Be sure to let him know IT ALL including the nails.
Hugs, K
Ahhhha!!! Yup, guess we should have known that one!! I go see new pcp on Thursday. Today I saw new allergy doc - he added in zertex (sp?) into my daily regimine... oh boy, another pill to take. lol
Good news - Seriously, I do get good new once in a while!!! B1 is 64.6 (normal range is 25 - 75) so I'm even the higher end of normal!!! So, B1 is good, B6 is good, B12 is poor but were doing injections now. And zinc is back good!!!!
Something to celebrate!
So, the off things are Vit A and Vit D, prealbumin, and of course iron. Calcium is at the very low end of normal so that needs to come up to.
Hey Doc - what's "folate"??? Mine has gone UP each lab so far, started at 5 and is now 13.2 with normal being 2.8 - 15.6??

You'll need to add Vitamin A and D to the mix and adjust iron or get infusions. You'll need to up calcium though improving your D may make the difference. Vitamin D effects calcium absorption.
Folate is a B vitamin. Its found in leafy green vegies, fortified cereals, dried beans, some fruit and vegies. It helsp produce and maintain new cells. If you are deficient in folate, it can affect red blood cell production and lead to anemia.
There is an interaction between B12 and folate. "Folic acid supplements can correct the anemia associated with vitamin B12 deficiency. Unfortunately, folic acid will not correct changes in the nervous system that result from vitamin B12 deficiency."
There is also some evidence that low folate can lead to depression.