Have I Mentioned That I Hate Dumping
I really honestly do.
Yesterday, I decided to have Chinese for lunch. Not something I have had much at all since surgery. I have ordered with Rich a few times and have done fine. We try to avoid sugary sauces and I do not do rice or noodles. So, I decided on the chicken with green beans. It is a bit spicy. Not sweet. Sauce is watery and not gelatinous.
A hour or two later the dumping started. Dumping for me is severe bloating of my abdomen such that my stretch jeans that had many inches of slack early in the morning are cutting off circulation but worse of all... my whole abdomen hurt like heck. It was hideous. It hurt for 5-6 hours. It hurt when I took a deep breath. Everything hurt. Yes, this is dumping. I've had milder versions and my surgeon told me it was dumping for me so I wasn't concerned it was something serious but man - it sucked, big time.
I came home from work and laid on the bed with the heating pad on my belly. It eventually went away and I was able to eat a reasonable dinner (not leftover Chinese of course - that went in the trash).
I had to come out of luke mode
because I'm a chinese food lover. I eat it about once of month and usually with no problems. However, I believe the last time I ate Chinese which was last month and include rice, I dump right in the restaurant. I barely made it to the restroom. I was having dinner with co-workers and 1 old co-worker who had wls as well. It was a little embarassing
291/160/149 (at goal)

i tend to dump whenver i'm stressed or whenver i take my iron without food....which sometimes is more often than not...... trouble is ..... i work long long days so it happens at work and i work in an office building and its HORRIBLY embarrasing!!!! so i sit in a stall (SORRY TO GIVE MORE INFO THAN MOST WANT TO HEAR!!!)..... but i sit in a stall, and as others enter the restroom, i lift my feet , so as not to let my feet be recognized..... and wait for the other ladies to depart..... it has become a daily challenge.
i have tried to remember to bring in some kind of deodorizer, but never ever think about it, because this often happens first thing in the morning. and really.... how can i carry around a large can of spray? i tried the DEVROM, i tried other pills, i tried even taking the other pills..... (the names escapes me at the moment of those green pills) and my BMS were green for the longest time....
it got to the point where i would hate to be ANY WHERE when i had to go... but i have to work for a living and i have to eat .... so what is a girl to do?
its sort of a 'dumping' and a regular BM and just part of the whole side effect of the WLS...
kathy.......my dear expert...... any advise? i have tried taking my iron late at night, right when i get up....... i still have had no good results.....
thanks, JESS