Guess who finally got a home computer?!?!?
Yep, that would be me! I got it last week. It's not new but it did not cost me anything either. It's a 2003 Dell that my job gave to me. We all got upgraded to new desktops at work, so they let us take our old machines home. Apparently the "brain trust" that runs this place has idea that we will use the computers to work at home - poor misguided saps...
Anyway, the Comcast guy came out yesterday evening and hooked up my highspeed Internet. So not only do I have a new"ish" computer, I have broadband!!
So now maybe I can keep in better touch. It was getting to the point at work that I did not have time to sign on anymore, but I can now sign on in the evenings when I have time. Anyway, I am at work now, so I better run. Toodles! Hugs, Tracy
P.S. My weight is currently 163. I got down to 159 for about 5 minutes two Thursdays ago, but I have not seen it since!

Yea, Tracy!
We hope to see ya around more often now that you are hooked up. Nice of your company to offer the oldies to the staff. Congrats on the broadband.
I'm at 162.5 and I was down to 155 for 4-5 days, I think. Right now I'm on the up-zone part of my weight. My this up-zone is lower than before so ultimately a good thing. Not unusual for me to drop to a low weight for just a few days and then bounce up 5+ lbs and hover. Then next thing I know I'll go down a few and that lower weight becomes more of the norm. We'll see. Need to cut out the SF stuff, me thinks.