I'm still alive!
Hey there everyone! I hope you all are doing well. I've been busier than a one legged man...well, you know the rest!
I'm a full time college student (four, count them FOUR classes), teaching 3 classes at my kid's homeschool thingy - two Ancient Egypt and one Creative Writing - and homeschooling the kids and soccer and piano lessons and, and, and...well you get the picture.
I'm not sure what I weigh, but my clothes are starting to fit looser again and people are telling me I'm losing weight again. Last time I weighed I was 183 (a few weeks ago) and I was perfectly content with that as I was wearing mostly size 14 (some 12 some 16, you know how it goes) but now those are fitting loose somewhat. I go see my surgeon Thursday for my 18-month check-up (not officially until Nov. 3rd, but that's alright) and we'll see what I am then. I don't have a scale and don't weigh myself. I eat healthy 99% of the time and judge my weight by my clothes. I'm able to wear more size 12's now and (unfortunately) I'm now in a smaller size than my 13-year old daughter. I'm wearing the clothes that she's grown out of. She's just over 5' tall and is about 160 pounds. She eats pretty healthy, but she's got her mama's genes. I hate to see it and she's expressed that she's not happy with her weight. I see a gastric bypass in her future, too.
The night-time snacking has really subsided. What I do when I feel hungry at night (and I do - I eat dinner around the 5-5:30 time frame and I don't go to bed until 11 or 12, so I do get hungry around 9-ish) I eat something that will fill me up - like another meal so that I'm not snacking all night on "small" things and never feeling full or satisfied. Like I'll eat 2-3 oz of lf cheese or 2-3 oz of turkey or chicken and a veggie, fruit, or multi-grain depending on what I've had the rest of the day.
One thing I have seriously been lacking on is protein and I can tell as I'm losing hair again. I've really slacked on the protein shakes and while I eat protein for my meals, I know it's not enough to reach my 70-80 grams/day. So, today I started adding a protein shake into my regime again.
I'm still in a good deal of pain 90% of the time. The really severe pain that I was having in August and September pretty much went away for a few weeks but came back last Saturday. It started earlier in the day and got worse as the day went on. I was at the Navy Birthday Ball Saturday night and had to leave because I was sweating, shaking, and after a morphine and two Vicodins I still was hurting so bad it hurt to take a deep breath, so we went home. It was bad for the next few days and is now still there, but somewhat bearable. The Fibromyalgia is still kicking my booty, too. Aside from the "bad" pain (which is what I've termed the pain that feels like I've got a knife in my spine and wraps around my right side and under my ribs) the Fibro pain is pretty bad. They're still working on the right "****tail" of medicines to see what works. So far I'm getting good sleep at night with the meds for that, but other than that, I'm still in a good deal of pain.
Anyway, that's about what's up with me. I miss you all and will try to check in more frequently.

Hey, Michelle!
Congrats on the schooling as well as the teaching. That's great.
Sorry to hear you still suffer from pain issues. Is the sweating/shaking from the pain or are you having blood sugar issues (hypoglycemia)? Have you done any research to see if your problem could be something like costochondritis? It is rib cartilage issues. Pain can be quite bad and mimick heart attacks and stuff. Not easy to diagnose. Sorry to hear about the fibro being so hard on you too. I hope you find the ****tail of meds that works for you very soon to keep things managed well.