I'm baaaaaaaaack!
Hi ya'll! Miss me?
Well I missed you! Things are going pretty well here...just very busy. Hmm, let me fill you in:
*Moved in June
*One hour aerobics 5 times a week
*House being built and hopefully ready in Dec...meanwhile my family of 4 is in a teeny sapartment...it was fun at first but now
too small!!!!
*School starts, woo hoo!
*Second day of school...son is sick, the croup!
*Second week of school...son sick again
*Third week of school..son has pneumonia
*My day goes like this - home at 5, cook dinner, gets in bath/bed, me BACK at wor****il 9 or 10...b/c I take my new job as a Kinder teacher in a new district very seriously and since we have no AIDES I do lots of work by myself!!!! Aaaaaaagh! (it's better now though)...now I only work late once but have to go 1/2 day on the weekend
*Daughter is in tball...practice, games, etc.
*So, I haven't exercised since oh, school started 6 weeks ago!!!!
*Oh, daughter has odd growth under her chin for past 3 months and now she needs surgery to remove...when it rains, it pours right???
Whew, enough of that!!! I love my new city, love my new job but I need to fit in the exercise. When I was doing it over the summer I lost a few pounds and gained some incredible muscle...I was looking pretty darn good!!!
I haven't lost the muscle but if I don't use it I know it will be gone soon.
As far as eating, it's not too bad although I do love my cookies!!!!and chocolate!!! I don't overeat and get uncomfortable. I've taken some sips here and there with food but that's about it. I'm drinking one diet drink a day but my surgeon does not have a problem with that. I haven't gained any weight at all...holding steady in the low 130's.
It's just so hard to sit here in front of the pc since school started. The two year old and 1st grader keep me on my toes! Hubby has been great...he cleans, helps tons with the kids, etc.
I'll try to be better at posting and reading. I sure do miss all of you. Take care and God bless!!!
-ana (oh, I did add two new pics to my profile)

(Trying this again.... not bad enough to have no internet at home but now my work IE craps out on OH message posts... what's up with that? Telling me something?)
Great to see you Lisa! Think I posted this already but I'll say it again - you look great. Love the picture with your daughter.
Hope that Peter Hut is treating you well.
Take care!