In a natural family planning moment
, the weekend before last I discovered a bump/lump on my cervix. I was quite a bit unnerved. Rich was working. Then strangely I forgot about it til the next day. Can you say "duh". Anyway called the gyn who was out and made an appointment for when she'd be back aka today.
Of course, my period started Saturday (21 days after the start of my last period - ah, what fun!) and I didn't know if I'd be able to see said doctor but I called this morning and they said c'mon in.
Anyway, WHEW tis nothing but something called a Nabothian cyst. Benign. Nothing to do. Nothing to worry about. Just mucus (ewww) filled cells on the cervix wall. Doc said if she drained it, it'd fill back up.
I'm definitely relieved especially after all I've been through and my family has been through in the past 2 years. I saw my therapist last week for one session and filled her in on my doings since I last saw her 2 years ago: divorce final, engaged to Rich, Rich's WLS, mother's strokes, mother dies, decide to get WLS, decide to get married a year earlier than planned to get WLS, get married, back problems, back surgery, WLS, side pain, gallbladder surgery - not cause of side pain, side pain fades, father's prostate cancer, father treatment (hormones and radiological seeds), sister's breast cancer, parathyroid/thyroid removal surgery, sister's mastectomies and reconstructive surgery, side pain returns, stomach pains off and on, sister's chemo, vitamin deficiency identified, chest pains/ER, side pain fades, husband's diagnosis of myelofibrosis, chest pains fades (caused by vitamins), side pains returns off and on, some back pain depending on exercise. Ah, my life!

WHEW is right!!! I need a pill just from reading all of that!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Good grief girl! It has been quite a roller coaster for you the last two years. I'm glad that this was a false alarm and nothing to worry about.
I found a lump on my neck. At first I thought it was a misquito bite but it wasn't red and didn't go away. I've been watching it for two months now and decided I best get myself in and get it checked just to be sure!! I need blood work done anyway. And speaking of blood work, I got my bill from the last major blood work (14 tubes) it was $1,600!!!!! WOW oh WOW!!!!! I only pay 10% but man that cost a lot!!!!
A bump on the neck could be a swollen gland or lots of other things. My glands never quite recovered from mono at age 38. They stayed a bit larger than normal. I tell you mono sucked at that age.
Got a back surgeon appointment Wednesday. Gonna talk about how my back ummm.. ticks me off when I do certain types of exercises and holds me back. Waaa. I've been waiting to see the man for 2 months, I think. Geez.
In a few weeks, I see my regular doctor. Hope to get my elevated liver enzymes rechecked. Upped my milk thistle a while back and hope that helped. *please* Don't want a liver biopsy. And wanna talk to her about my iron levels which were dropping - I upped the iron but wanted to run it by her. And wanna talk to her about my Vitamin D3 level. Our nutritionists at the hospital are pushing for it to be at least in the mid 30s and mine is 25, I think and has been all along. I think the way to get Vitamin D up is megadoses... 50,000 iu a day for a month - that I'm not doing on my own without medical instructions. A little tweak here or there... yea, but not megadoses. LOL!
Yes, blood work prices are outrageous. I've seen 'em since my primary insurance rejects them because they are WLS related. Secondary should pay. Hopefully. LOL!