Wednesday - Move to Lose/Maintain Rpts
Gym this a.m.
Upper body weight machines.
58 minutes treadmill workout - heart rate training - today was the first time I did the speed training. Basically the treadmill is set at 2% incline. I don't vary that. They I have to vary my heart rate for various periods of time usually 1-3 minutes at a time to a couple of different ranges. To do that, you vary speed. Sort of trial and error.
I ended up doing 3.15 miles in the 58 minutes due to the varying of paces from 2.0 mph to 4.2 mph.
One problem was either my heart rate monitor. Didn't seem to be reading correctly some times. The treadmill reads the signal but I think it was getting confused between my signal and Rich's monitor. We'll have to work out at different ends of the line of treadmills, me thinks from now on so they don't interfere with each other.
Looks like a good workout Kathy.
Here was my routine this morning:
25 minutes treadmill
Med Ball Over Head Side Bends
Med Ball Woodchop Squats
Floor Crunch Feet Up
Floor Crunch Knees In
Floor Kickout on Elbows
Elbow Raise Over S Ball
Reverse Curl With Dowel
Band Lateral Raise
Band Front Raise
Tricep Kickback on S Ball
Superman on S Ball
Front bend, back extension
Reverse Grip Lat. Pull down
One Leg, Leg Press (each leg)
Band Side Walk
Leg and Hip stretches
Have been trying to get in a second walk at okay most nights, but, because it is so hot, it means another trip to the gym, which isn't always easy.