Has anyone tried Citracal's Calcium Citrate Creamy Bites yet? I bought some today and tried one. The flavor is lemon cream and although it is on the sweet side, it was pretty tasty! I also bought the chocolate mint flavor but haven't opened that box yet. Any comments?
1. I dump easy so best to keep away from them.
2. I wasn't crazy about adding an additional 100-200 calories a day for those into my intake.
3. I tried 'em and liked 'em way too much. I'm glad for #1 and #2. LOL!
I love the creamy bites! I used to do the caramel, but now I am on the lemon. I try to eat 4 of them a day. I figure, they taste good, I get my calcuim and my body thinks I am getting a treat!