WHat are we eating on Wedsneday
AM - 2 cups of tea and 1 small cup of coffee (coffee gave me a big ol' belly ache..)
b - Atkins protein shake
l - Atkins protein shake
s - veggies and dip - maybe something else too..
d - tossed salad, frittata, dessert
meds and vits: done
water - working on it
exercise - cardio and upper body toning
update on what I had yesterday
s - I also had half an apple and 2 tablespoons of peanut butter with the veggies and dip
s - had a pre-workout snack of an ounce or two of unsalted pretzels
d - didnt have fritattas and salad, but rather a lettuce chicken wrap (3 or 4 oz of grilled chicken breast, a sprinkle of fresh parmesan, olives, and light ranch dressing wrapped in romaine lettuce. YUM!!! Had s/f jello with s/f coolwhip for dessert.
B: cup of light 'n' fit vanilla yogurt with 1/2 pint bluberries and a handful of walnuts, 1 slice whole grain and flax toast with a pat of butter
Lunch will be - I'm not sure. Possibly leftover chicken soup that I made last night that was muy yummy, possibly a salad from Quiznos, possibly a grilled chicken sandwich from somewhere else - just don't know.
Dinner will be tacos with 2% cheddar, spinach, and light sour cream
I'll have a protein drink at some point today, get in my fluids and vits/supplements.
I've not done any exercises for a while (about 5 days), not even my PT ones which are really the only ones that I CAN do. Been exceptionally busy!!
Gosh, I really feel like I'm eating WAAAAAY more than everyone else...
Pre B - Nectar
B - lowcarb yogurt and an apple
S - 1% string cheese
S - pb crackers
L - Shrimp and spinach salad
S - vending machine bag of Sunchips
S - 1% string cheese
D - salmon (about 4 oz), broccoli and some grilled mushrooms
NS - Skinny Cow ice cream sandwhich