I feel GOOD!!
Its been a long time since I've felt this way, been struggling for about 2 months, not just weight, but life in general. Alcohol became my best friend, as opposed to food, and I was just at a bad point, but today is a good day! I've let a lot of stuff go, and summer always helps . Anyway I'm focused and steadily headed towards my goal. Thanks Maysters for always being such a positive force in my life
Love and HUgs
Revision on 10/29/12
HI ALiya....I am so glad you are feeling better. Alcohol can be very (falsely) comforting. I am glad you have realized it can be a problem. You are look great and I hope the days become easier for you and you continue to be happy!! Hugs, Stef
Glad to hear that you are doing so feel and getting GOOD! Excellent!
I think there are many post-ops that end up focusing their former eating behaviors elsewhere including alcohol and even shopping. I happy to hear that you have recognized the issue and are moving forward positively.
Love ya,
Girl we are so glad you feel good . You keep that head up and stay focused and nothing will stand in your way!
A good friend who is 4 years post-op confessed last year to me that she hadn't gone one year without a drink! I couldn't believe her until a month later when she called and asked me to take her to rehab. I was very proud of her and it's been a year for her. It all happened right before my surgery and she lectured me about newer demons that can find ways into our lives when the eating is controlled. I'm thankful for her because she stayed strong, truthful and has been a great example for me.
Love and hugs right back to you! You're looking hot and feeling hot. Keep it up!
Good for you Aliya!
At my last in-person WLS support group meeting, they talked about what one thing do we all have in common who have had to have weight loss surgery. That one thing is that we are compulsive. The compulsions take on many forms, for some, it continues to be eating, others its alcohol, for me, it is shopping. Although, I've also become compulsive about my pedometer. I have to get in my 10,000 steps a day! For once, I've got a compulsion that will actually do me some good!
Anyway, my point is, we are all struggling with our own demons. We are here for you Aliya!
Big Hugs,