Roll Call: Who is around?
I'm here. I don't get on much in the evenings, but I do read all your posts at 4am... lol
I am officially on a plateau, I think. I've been bouncing the same 5 pounds since the end of March. Also haven't had a period since then...
Have an OB/GYN cancer checkup next week, and then a consult with a plastic surgeon the following week. I'm so excited, and nervous. I'm so afraid that he's going to tell me it costs more than I can afford. We've been pinching and saving and putting away, plus I'll borrow against my 401K but what if it's not enough? If I have to choose between my boobs and my stomach, I think I'll go insane!
Well, I think I found your missing period. Unless I marked the calendar wrong... looks like two periods in 40 days? Guess I'll pay more attention. I know I had one in May but when... had one late April. And now. Geez. Plus they have changed forms too. Internal spotting for 3 days (don't even need a pantyliner but it's there if you know what I mean) then maybe one heavy day (pale by comparison to periods of the past) and then tapers from there.
I'd suspect the lack of periods is the weight loss and hormone changes.
BTW, had my hormones checked like I said I was going to. Low testosterone. Shocker considering I have 0 libido. Doc called me in a prescription for some cream that gets put in the nether regions 3-5 days a week and is absorbed from there. We'll see if it helps.
Geez, stomach or boobs. That's a hard one. I'd lean towards stomach because as crappy as my boobs are (empty sacs)... they look fine in clothing. My stomach skin rolls over the tops of pants and such. Ewww.
Let me know how that cream works for you. I plan on talking to my OB/GYN about it in a couple of weeks... I've been taking Black Cohosh, I've read some good things about it. Mainly used to combat symptoms of menopause, but also supposed to help in similar situations. It's been about a week, hard to tell if it's helping or not...
If I had to choose, I'd probably lean towards my stomach, as well... Although, the other day, Liv and I showered together and when I leaned over to wash her hair, she said "Mommy, what's wrong with your boobies?" I looked down and they looked like 2 silver-dollar pancakes hanging vertically down from my chest.... I said, "What do you mean, honey?" and she said "They look all funny and gross... When I get big and have boobies, they won't look like that..."
Sigh.... outta the mouths of babes...
I'm here - just trying to deal with my back pain, irritation of not being able to go to camp this week with my daughter, and enjoying not having to do homework and such! Next week is the kids' last week of their homeschool co-op so I'll have the whole summer with not a lot going on!!! I'm so looking forward to it.
Poor, dear! Sorry to hear that your back is so bad and is holding you back from things.
I just made an appointment with my back surgeon. August 30th is the sooniest appointment. Argh!
This leg is ******g me off. I cannot do what I want to do. Running or walking fast on the treadmill annoys it. Eliptical machines annoy it. Twisting of any kind annoys it. Stepper annoys it. And when it is annoyed it hurts. My leg has reduced flexibiliy, is very tight and then my hip hurts.