June 1-15 Challenge!
Decided to post this a few days before the start date. So think about it folks, what will be your first half of June challenge? Everyone can list one or more thing that they'd like to work on? What will it be?
More water?
More exercise?
More protein?
More vitamins?
More accountibility by posting to the daily eating/exercise messages?
Less caffeine?
Less carbs?
Less sugar?
Less sugar alcohols?
Less snacking?
Less grazing?
Less BLTs? (Bites, licks and tastes...)
You name it!
Try to make it something a bit measurable if you can.
They (whoever they are... LOL!) say that folks that get more rest lose more weight. We'll have to see how it works for you. I also think the collective "they" also say that the folks who get more than 50% of their calories late in the day don't do as well as those that have things more spread out.
Snack avoidance is a good thang!
Great goal.
Your on....
Working on my 2nd 16oz CryLt (only 10am)
Did 90min of cardio before work this am
Packed some pulled pork for lunch. 30 grams of Protein
Started the day taking all my vits (for the first time in 2 weeks)...
More accountibility by posting to the daily eating/exercise messages? I'm very bad at this one... I don't think I'll get much better
Stopped at one small cup of Joe this morning
Carbs have been calling me, but I'll try to be better
I still need my one sweet a day...
Protein bars are a staple and they have a lot of Sugar Alco. Any suggestions for alternatives?
Snacks? 10am peanuts 2 caps full... and 3pm some SoyCrisps
Less grazing? Other than my snacks, it's only my Lunch and Dinner
Less BLTs? (Bites, licks and tastes...) Can I assume you mean Food? If not... NO Way...
Our fairytail year is over... We need to work harder than ever.
Good luck to all....
Kate Z
Feel free to start now or wait til you return from your vacation... up to you. No real rules here at all! Or even wait til the June 16-30 Challenge.
We leave it all to you!
I know that Leilani (I'm sure you know her) has a great rule on protein versus carbs. Her rule is more protein grams than carb grams in a day. I think that's an interesting philosophy for the long term and one I hope to strive for.
I really tried not to have many carbs since I've been so sensitive to them (though weekends I was more prone to eat 'em hence the weekly jumps in the scale) but I trying to up my non-white carbs while eliminating the white ones. Lately we made some grilled zucchini, roasted cauliflower and baked sweet potato. All yummy and so full of stuff good for us! I'm really working hard to get that type of foods in and not just proteins. Plus I know the fiber is a necessity!