Rear-End May Challenge! Report-In.
Well, Rich and I are doing well. We had the last SF ice cream pop last Monday (had to finish 'em up). Whatever else we had in the house went into the trash. Rich did make those magic peanut butter cookies yesterday and we did put in some SF choco chips so I made a sugar alcohol exception for them - nothing like changing the rules to suit myself, eh?
Haven't had soda in more than a week.
I think for the beginning of June Challenge I'll work on slowing down my eating again. I've ended up a bit sore and ended up needing papaya far too often so I think I need to concentrate on chewing and slowing things down again.
What's the papaya for???? I've not heard of that???
For my June challenge, i'm going to get my meals and vits in each day!!!
I have to admit I've been slacking in this area. And after my illnesses I should KNOW better!!!!! I'm still holding my 130 so at least I didn't lose more, but i need to be more consistant. I'm going back to eatting on a timed schedule and taking my vits on a regular routine basis.
This won't be easy cause my June is an EXPLOSION of activity. My daughters Open house, getting our new house ready to move into (lots of painting and cleaning) having a yard sale, moving, my sons 17 th birthday and I have some HUGE goals for my Mary Kay business this month too!!!! WHEW!!!! Yup if I don't eat on a schedule I'll certainly forget to eat.
Papaya enzyme is the active ingredient in meat tenderizer and stores sell tablets to aid with digestion. They are a life saver when food feels stuck or is sitting really poorly. At the first hint of "that doesn't feel right"... I chew a few. Definitely saved me many times from an owie belly or worse... yakking.
Slacking on food and vitamins? You of all people.
Don't make me come there. You wouldn't want that.
Get yourself on a good schedule. Eat by the clock not when you remember. Plan it all out. Keep yourself nourished and strong. You've bounced back and we need to keep you healthy.

I am doing so-so on following my diet. Friday night I was eating a really good shrimp dish my mom made and ended up only able to eat 3 bites. I was bummed but was glad I didn't pu**** I don't record my eating on sparkpeople anymore as I find it tedious and boring but I know if I do that I'll continue to lose. I talked to my nutritionist this week about the fact the scale isn't moving as much as I'd like and that I'm losing inches but not weight and she told me not to worry about it if I'm losing inches its ok. Continue what I'm doing. I told her I was worried I'd make them mad when I see them if I haven't lost a certain amount of weight and she told me not to worry about that either that they won't get mad. It's my life and what I do with it is my choice. I guess that people pleasing part of me is just running rampant.
Never be disappointed when you cannot eat much of something. Be grateful. That means that the tool is working. And, there is always leftovers. Hopefully.
Losing inches is great. Really, honestly... you only have to please yourself. Hard to get out of the mindset not to please everyone else but it is worth it.
I'm with you... I really feel that challenges are better in smaller doses. But I agree that once you do something for a week or two... perhaps you can stretch it out a while longer and next thing you know you have a better habit in place.
I'll be posting the early June one on Wednesday!
I have to say I have done better with my eating, vitamins, and exercise this month than any month pre or post-surgery.
I have met my committment of working out a minimum of 4X a week or more.
I have not had one bite of any grains, whole or otherwise, not one bite of potato, nor pasta of any sort.
I have eaten a variety of protein sources and fresh veggies.
It has been a major accomplishment for me, and has often been very difficult, as the head hunger and cravings for certain foods (french fries, potato chips) never seem to go away. All I have to do is look at an ad for certain foods, or see a picture in a magazine, and the food cravings are there. I have come to accept that that will probably always be there for me.
Having said all that, my weight loss pattern this month has been very interesting. I lost a great deal of weight the first 20 days this month, and have now been bouncing up and down a pound or so the last 10 days of the month. Is this a plateau? I don't know. I do know that there is nothing more I can do with my food/exercise/water regimen. I can't cut back on any food, and if I exercise more I will run the risk of stressing my 50 yo knees. Before when I plateaued, deep down I knew there was more I *could* be doing to increase/jump start the weight loss, now I know that I am truly doing everything I can to maximize my tool.
So, I will continue this and see what happens.
Debra M.
sitting at the computer, drinking my protein for the day