1 year check-up
Hello fellow Maysters!
I had my one year check-up today, even though it is technically one year and 2 weeks. I have lost 163 pounds (166 on my scale!), which is 90% of my excess body weight. The surgeon was very pleased, he said most patients lose on average about 70 to 80%. My BMI is 25.5, which is 'overweight', I am 4 pounds from being 'normal'.
The appt. went good, except he told me I need to exercise more. Which I know, I am just getting lazy. I blamed the wintertime, and me being so cold. But I do need to get back in gear so I don't gain any weight back.
I hope everyone has equally wonderful check-ups!!
Congratulations! My surgeon says that the goal for year 1 is for the patient to lose 70% of the excess weight so you are far beyond that goal.
Hey, guess what, exercise will keep you warm at least for a while. If it helps, stop by here daily and post to Lori's daily exercise post. It really helps alot of us be accountable for our activity levels.
Best wishes, Kathy