Happy Surgiversary!! May 12 People
Thank you everyone, and a big hug to my fellow May 12'ers. It has been a day of reflection for me all day, remembering each hour a year ago. There are things I miss the old Debra could do: eat all the ice cream I wanted AND go to McDonalds. But the new Debra can exercise for an hour, cross her legs, work an eight hour shift, and feel healthy. I wouldn't reverse the surgery, even if I could.
Several people have said to me that I've lost an entire person. I laugh and say, yeah, the person who could eat whatever she wanted. The person that got left only eats protein and good veggies. Jokingly, why can't I be the 162 person who gets the junk food, instead of the 189 pound person who has to watch each and every bite? I've told my family many times that I haven't changed inside, I'm beginning to wonder if that is true.
Keep up the good work Maysters, and Congratulations to those celebrating surgiversaries tomorrow.
Debra M.
Congratulations, Debra!
I think as much as the core of who we are is the same... much inside us changes. And I honestly believe it is for the better. I think we need to change some of what is inside us. We need to get rid of old demons, learn better coping skills other than food, learn to be active, and learn how to eat right. New habits take a long time to become your norm. I hope at a year out that they are our habits now.
Happy Surgiversary!