Okay, okay, I answered my own poll...
Well, I missed this poll so here's my answers. (and YES, I got the brick joke, cute)
1. What gadget in the house is indispensible to you?
my magic bullet (you can decide which one)
2. If you were going to be stranded on a desert island and could bring one luxury item with you, what would it be and why?
My Mary Kay make up bag. Gotta look good on vacation.
3. Do you prefer briefs, high cut briefs, bikinis or thongs?
used to be briefs, but now that I have an anchor tt scar thats healing definately bikinis
4. If you could have lunch with anyone throughout all times, who would it be?
tough question. I already plan on spending a lot of time with Jesus, so I'll say any of the brave men who signed our constitution.
5. What is your all-time favorite kid's book?
I'd Choose You. Great book, kids love it. I sure wish I had a parent that "chose" me when I was little.
6. Do you prefer gold or silver?
Dimonds are a girls best friend when wrapped in GOLD.
7. How many generations do you have to go back to find someone for whom English was not their native tongue?
I'd have to go back FIVE generations
8. If you could dress up as anything/anyone for a Halloween party, what or who would it be?
we don't celebrate Halloween but I'd go as a princess and my hubbie could be the frog. (shhhh, don't tell him I said that)
9. What is your favorite month?
I'm with Kathy - MAY!!!!
10. If you could visit any place on the face of the earth that you've never been to, where would you want to go and why?
I'd walk through the lands where Jesus walked and visit the well where the Samaritan woman found grace, the tomb where Lazarus was raised. It sure would be a powerful trip.
11. Do you play a musical instrument and if so, which?
good thing you didn't ask if we could play them well!!! I played the oboe in band when I was in school. I can also play the flute and the alto saxaphone. My dream was to buy a saparano sax and learn to play jaz on it.
12. Paper or plastic or neither?
plastic. I like to resuse them in our small garbage cans in the bathrooms and in my office.