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Topic: RE: Belated Birthday to me!
Happy Anniversary and congratulations on all your success.
Topic: RE: Feeling much better....
I hope you continue to feel better every day. I'll be anxious to hear how you feel about your results after some time has passed and swelling is gone. We started at about the same size. I am 5'2'' and was 270 last May. Tuesday will be my one year anniversary. I hope to lose 10 more pounds and have plastic surgery this time next year. I wonder how my oldest son would feel if I told him he had to put off college for a year so mom could have plastic surgery. I don't think that will go over very well. Guesss we'll have to find a way to pay for both. Take care of yourself. Let your hubby take care of you too.
Topic: Almost one year
On May 25th; I will be one year post op.
I can't say this enough....I would do this over again in a heart beat...I would guess that most of you feel the same.
I am now at 117 pounds gone forever; and am feeling healthier every day. Thinking about the things that I can do now that I couldn't do this time last year are absolutely incredible.
Things like:
Living in a second floor apartment instead of a first floor apartments and being able to carry all my groceries up the steps.
Sitting in a bath tup - HOW UNVELIEBABLE IS THAT!!!
Having a doggie bag when you go out to eat with friends and family members oh and ACTUALLY FEEING IT TO THE DOOGIES - instead of eating it myself.
Climbing the steps in my office building (THREE FLIGHTS - TWICE A DAY)..who would have ever thunk it.
Shopping at Walmart instead of our favorite Large Peoples catalogs - and realizing you don't have to pay so much for nice clothes. Getting four nice tops for $8.88 each instead of one top for over $40.00.
On June 2nd I go back to my surgeon for my one year check - up and my goal is to finally be out of the 300's I am really praying that will happen.
A pretty funny side note - I have to go for a drug screening on Tuesday for a new job - I told my supervisor the only thing they might find is a very high PROTEIN level and an overdose VITAMINS (you know CALCIUM, BIOTIN, B12, etc....)
Now I am researching the cost and everything involved in plastic surgery. I still have 90 - 100 pounds to go before I reach my goal but I want to start getting as much information on it as possible.
CONGRATULATIONS TO EVERYONE.....THIS MONTH IS A SPECIAL MONTH for us as we celebrate our RE-BIRTH to a healthier new life.
Betty Myers
St. Louis, MO
-117 pounds
Topic: Feeling much better....
Well today makes 6 days post -op from my TT/muscle tightening/hernia repair. It all looks great except for the middle part. He was supposed to do an anchor incision if he felt it needed it but at least a scar revision. All he did was give me a new ugly deep belly button again and horizontal cuts through my existing rny scar (I guess to make the scar stretch better. I sure hope he did not include that on the bill to my ins. I will correct him if he did. I will want a scar revision.....I think. Unless things change a lot it looks like I will have loose skin on either side of my belly button. I am not too happy considering all of the pain I have gone though I wi**** would have all been done at one time...
On a good note (sorry for the whining) the pain is drasticaly better. Once I got the valium for the muscle spasms...I was able to cut way down on pain meds. I am able to stand so much straighter now too. MY appetite is still way way down....which I have no complaints about. I ate one xhicken wing and a few bites of pineapple and I was stuffed.
I did find out that he cut off 6lbs off my belly....very exciting. I weighed 153 the morning before and as of this morning I am 148.5
My hubby is taking very good care of me and has allowed me to stay in my recliner all day and night and sleep when ever I need to. He has done all of the laundry and taken care of the 3 kids. This has been wonderful!!
My fist post-op appt. is on Tues and I will be praying that he takes at least one of these drains out....they are the pits!! I stood up today and felt like I peed myself....the hole where one of the drains is in leaked ALL over and down my fun...lolol
I hope everyone is doing well....I am able to sit here at the computer for a few extra minutes each day w/o my back killing me too bad.
HUGS too all....
Julie S
high/now/dr. goal/mygoal
16may05 TT/hernia repair
Topic: RE: WLS moment: I'm in a commercial
CONGRATS!!!! How exciting!!! It will be so neat to see yourself on TV...
Julie S.
TT/hernia repair 16may
Topic: RE: Belated Birthday to me!
OH MY GOODNESS girl...I have been wondering where you have been. I am SOOO proud of you and I hope you you update your pictures soon. I am sure everyone else will agree with me that we would love to see the 'new' you! I am so happy that you are finally on the computer again....congrats on your success. I look forward to hearing from you more often again...
Julie S.
TT/hernia repair 16may05
Topic: RE: 1 yr Lab & Check up... & quite a WOW
I AM SOOOOO excited for you....I know you had to be on cloud nine hearing those words come out of his mouth. HAPPY HAPPY HAPPY re-birthday for you!
Julie S.
TT/hernia repair 16may05
Topic: RE: Belated Birthday to me!
Well look at you .. there you are . I had wondered where you where ... Congrats on your Surgiversary .. I know exactly what you are talking about .. Life is great .. I will be celebrating my one year next week .
So much to be thankfull for .
Glad to see you back . have thought about you a lot .
Hugs ,
Topic: Belated Birthday to me!
Hello everyone. Let me first say my computer has been down for soooo long. My one year anniversary was on the 17 of this month. I sooo wanted to be online. Oh well. Life has changed SOOO much this past year. I actually have a life now. I have bounds of energy and can't sit still if my life depended on it. Even my foot taps constantly all day and all night(although I was told early on that a constant twitch of some kind burned off 600 caleries a day doing it)so I have gotten into a habit of it. Anyway. I have went from a size 26 to a size 2 268 to 119. I am about back to my weight where I was long time ago...actually I was 110-115...but since I am older now, I think that is just to thin. People tell me repeatedly that they can't tell I was ever over weight to begin with. I am just so thankful for this surgery. I hope to stay online for awhile now. lol