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Topic: Clothes shopping - where?
Hello my fellow May '04 post-ops!
I could use some
- I am getting really close to those "normal" sizes for clothing. (Never was a fan of that term.
) I am down to the 14/16 tops, so soon I'll have to say goodbye to Avenue & Lane Bryant. It's a weird feeling, because I've been wearing plus sized clothing since before high school.
I have started doing some shopping at Wal-Mart & Target, but I'm wondering where else others are shopping for clothes? (I went into Chico's for the first time on Memorial Day, and while those clothes are fabulous, I'd be broke in a heartbeat!)
I have a couple of trips next month, and I want to get a couple of nice outfits without breaking the bank, especially since, God willing, I will still be losing weight for a few more months.
Thanks in advance for the help, and hope everyone is doing well!
Angie S.

Topic: RE: WOO HOO!! I AM FINALLY NORMAL!! Sort of??
HI Tricia,
Congratulations! Isn't this an awesome journey!
Wishing you continued success & happiness,
Topic: RE: OK Now we move into the next phase ..
Well said Nat. Looks like you have done a fantastic job this past year.
I'm doing good with my wls. My problem is that I have a bad heart and have been pretty much bed ridden since January and can't exercise. Needless to say this has slowed me down some. I am however very happy with how far I've come. My higest weight was 247, day of surgery was 209.5 and I'm currently at 145. No complaints here at all. My goal is 130 and I'm actually beginning to think I can make it.
Although I don't post on this board that much, it has been a tremendous support to me. It's been great to follow the May babes and know that so many others have been going through the same things at the same times. Thank you all. I hope we continue to keep this board active. I'll try harder to be more "socialble".
It's been a wild ride, but I'd do it again tomorrow in a heartbeat. I love my new life.

Topic: RE: Embrace Your Plateau
No problem!
Send an e-mail, so I can get your e-mail address, and it will be on its way to you!

Topic: RE: Embrace Your Plateau
Hi Angie
I was unable to pull up the article from the website. Could you ever e-mail it to me~it sounds very interesting.
thanx in advance
Topic: RE: WOO HOO!! I AM FINALLY NORMAL!! Sort of??
It sure it great!!

Today I woke up another pound down, so only 7 more to go. I go for my plastics conulstation today, and I am so excited, nothing can ruin my mood today!
Hope you are doing should put your surgery date into your general profile so everyone knows how far along you are.

Topic: RE: Embrace Your Plateau
Thanks for posting this! I really found this info to be helpful and reassuring. It's interesting to me how much variation there is in the recommendations of dieticians and surgeons post-operatively.
I also wanted to something about "set points" in weight. In all the zillion diets I tried before surgery, this was something that came up. Often our bodies want to "rest" at a weight we stayed at for a long time in the past. So if you weighed 190 for 6 years straight back in your twenties, you might find 190 to be a tough barrier to get beneath. That might be one of your "set points" in weight.
I really liked this article, Angie. Thanks again for posting!
Topic: RE: One year and two weeks!!
Hi Natalie!! Thanks for the response, I appreciate it! You have done an awesome job as well, I am so proud of you. I just colored my hair again so I will get a new picture posted very soon!!
Thanks to you all....

Topic: RE: WOO HOO!! I AM FINALLY NORMAL!! Sort of??
Congratulations!!! Isn't it great to find out that you are now in the normal range???
Topic: RE: Embrace Your Plateau
Hi April
Just curious... have you asked your nutritionist about the South Beach plan? It concentrates on high protein/low carb, plus for the first two weeks there is no sugar allowed. I know it really helped me to get back on track and lessen the cravings... just a thought