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Topic: RE: Uh-Oh: Bounceback?
It's not the end of the road.
As for exercise, I really think there IS something out there for everyone. Your profile doesn't tell much about your life in general, but I saw that you have a teenage son, so maybe he'd like to show you how to lift weights?
Weight-lifting build muscle mass, which in turn burns calories for you (in fact, it's ONLY muscle tissue that burns calories, fat and other tissue just sits around doin nuffin), even when you're at rest. Two sessions a week can be enough to build and maintain muscle mass that can allow you more calories or help you burn off those last few pounds.
Another great thing about lifting is that it helps prevent osteoporosis.
One of the best benefits is the entertainment value. The guys in any weight room are just soooooo nice to look at. They're so busy preening and checking themselves out they hardly notice lil ole me.
Weight training won't help with your cardio health, which it also vital, but if getting into an exercise groove is hard for you, take it one step at a time.
The most important thing for me getting into exercise was finding an exercise buddy. Plain and simple. I have a terrible time getting away from my family for some "me time", but I had no problem getting out to exercise, and that time was spent gabbing and talking with another grown-up. It was hugely rewarding, and made the then-humiliation of getting sweaty and jiggling my chub painless and easy.
Be careful with the 1200 calories. After so many months of watching, it is sometimes the case that we make errors calculating portions or other things. Go back to the beginning of weighing and measuring things, just to be sure that it really does all add up to 1200. If it does, I think you can safely assume you won't gain weight, especially with the malabsorption factor. Your metabolism depends entirely on the amount of muscle tissue you have, which you will naturally have lost when you lost weight. Age attacks muscle mass, but as long as you fight back, you can win the metabolism war.
"Normal" can be defined in so many ways. The "average American woman" is 20 lbs overweight, so if you define normal as "average", then you are actually right at or below normal.
I've just been crazier than usual-my 12year old nephew is living with us for the summer and Miranda is having another surgery next week (a MAJOR surgery on her back).
We've been living it up because the rest of the summer will probably be a drag with her recovering. We've been to Camp Snoopy at the Mall of America twice (I fit all the rides, especially the ones with weight limits I wouldn't have made before!!), we went to play putt-putt and ride go-karts, we've been bowling, out to the park to play, picnic, etc. My nephew is willing and ready to do anything and everything outdoors with me, and I'm loving every second.
I hit 146.5 today. Does anyone else recognize the end of a plateau by what I call "poop week"? I can be stuck at 150 for 3 weeks and then spend a week emptying out, to drop 5 pounds in that week. You'd think that with, that I'd have
Topic: RE: Uh-Oh: Bounceback?
Dear Donna, Are you still getting in your required grams of protein and all of your water? I have noticed for me that when I don't get in the protein and water my weight goes up and down like yours. I also am a non-exerciser, just never could get into it, so I know what you mean. But as long as I make sure I get in the protein and water, I usually see a loss on the scale. Hope this helps!!
Lap RNY 5/18/04

Topic: Uh-Oh: Bounceback?
Hi May babies -- are any of you going through this? I hit my low mark of 156 a couple of months ago, almost immediately bounced back 2-3 lb, and have been bouncing around like crazy ever since. For a while there I thought I was really losing it ... my weight went up to 164 and I felt like the side of a barn. I've been struggling but can't seem to break the 159-160 mark.
I think the problem is lack of exercise. I never really got into working out like many of you successful losers do; still seems too much like work and punishment and not enough like fun. But could it really be the case that a 5'5 person could consume less than 1200 calories a day and still be overweight? For my BMI to reach 'normal' I need to see 145 on the scale ... and it's starting to seem unreachable.
Do you think this is the end of the road for a 55-year-old non-exerciser?Any advice?
Im here. I know I havent beena round much. I decided to put Anthony in more things this summer to keep him busy, and it is really taking a toll on my attacks, with out my meds. We are doing swim team, basketball camp, bible school, and family trips this summer. I am doing good, but I think a little depressed. I can eat anything, I dont seem to have any will power, and I feel like I am on the road back to my old ways no matter how hard I try to stay on track. I have gained 5 lbs so far, and hopes it slows till my 3rd trimester. Over all though, the baby and I are healthy as can be.- Melissa
Didn't do anything spectacular over the weekend. Kind of hard to when you're on bedrest. I'm so hoping that I get well enough to get out soon so I can sport my cute halter tops to
Glad that you all had a wonderful weekend. Hope you all have a great week.

Hay Natalie, I know what you mean about those new halter tops cool eh! I have also noticed a decrease of activity on the boards in general I think people must be at the beach on vacation showing off those skinny bods(healthy)in swimsuit Competion LOL as for me I went to a family reunion of kids I baby sat years and I mean yrs 36 to be exact and it was OMG OMG OMG about how I Looked who wouldv't thunk at almost 55(isnt that a speed limit somewhere LOL) I think if i'd always been thin no one would have noticed ME. anyway it was a KICK and a great weekend, Marcia
Good morning Pix,
I had a very busy weekend! My husband and I took my daughter to see the musical Lion King this weekend! It was fabulous!!! Then I did laundry, shopping, and I exercised in our pool (I love it, and am glad we put it in this year). I have been busy talking with other people who've had reconstructive surgery with the same doctor that I am going to be using. I am schedueld for Sept. 22nd, and am so excited to finally get rid of my extra skin. Yeah!
Anyway, hope you had a good weekend, and that this week will be good as well.

Topic: RE: Clothes shopping - where?
Congrats Angie, you are doing so well!!!
What I did was this, I was losing weight too rapidly to keep clothes shopping, it does get very expensive. So I bought clothes from the clearance stuff at Kohls and Walmart, and mostly shopped at thrift stores for many months. Still do. I went to the one place by my house, and was getting clothes for like $1-5.00, depending what it was. It helped me out alot by not spending as much money.
Some times I wore clothes for 2 months, and sometimes they fit ok for about 2 weeks and then were falling off again. It isn't worth spending money, more than you have to at least.

OMG ... where is everyone .. the last post on here was Friday .. I am hoping you all are out enjoying life ...
Stop by let me know what you have been up too !
Me .. well every weekend has been fun filled and busy .. My weight is starting to slow down .. good dang thing .. as I am bony as heck .. I am just such a new person .. truly not the same as I was a year ago .. I bought for the first time this weekend one of those sexy halter tops everyone is wearing .. and OMG .. I felt so good ...
Well .. Happy Monday and let me hear from you .
Hugs ,