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Topic: RE: Updated Pictures
You look great!!! It looks like you guys had a lot of fun. I wish we had something like that here in Kentucky. Congrats on your continued loss.
Take care.
Topic: Updated Pictures
Well folks .. I have added some pictures of me to my picture trail . We had a big luncheon this weekend with a lot of the VA Board Members here at Obesity Help . It was a blast . All of the pics are of me and some of the people I met there .
I am now down to a size 5 .. I weigh now 140 . I am still loosing . I am so enjoying the new sizes .. it is still all so new to me . I am dealing with skin issues and my belly and legs are horrible .. but ya know what .. I am alive and well and that is all that matters .
I am sorry I have not posted for a while . I have been working so dang hard that time is passing me by .
I miss all of you terribly . I try to post and like I said before .. our lives are so new still and so busy .
I hope you enjoy the pictures .. and tell me how you are ..what you have been up to ..
Hugs and love to you .. Here is the link to the picture trail .
You are welcome to look at them all but the most current ones are titled VA MEET AND GREET .
Topic: RE: help
Hey Traci!! You are doing great!! Everyone hits a plateau now and then and my surgeon told me I would still have another year to lose weight after I hit my one year anniversary. And he was right!! I thought I was going to stay stuck where I was and then out of the blue, I started losing again. I don't now and have never exercised, I am just bad, bad, bad about it. Jus****ch what you eat, make SURE you get your protein and water in and you'll be surprised!! Also, don't be too hard on yourself, because it just sets you up to go back to your old eating habits. Keep up the great work and take care!!

Topic: RE: Do you regret for any reason??
Dear Toni,
First, run don't walk to the nearest Women's Shelter. Do not try to fend off an abuser.
Try not to regret your decision to be WLS because of this. This is just a symtom of a much deeper issue that was bound to raise it's ugly head. Many spouses become jealous and controlling because of their own insecurities. I hate to admit it, but my own Son became this way after my d-i-l had WLS. It is not your fault.
It is good that he is trying to get help, but you cannot risk staying in that situation in the meantime.
You and he are in my prayers. Take care & be safe
Topic: Do you regret for any reason??
I do. I am now at 146 pounds, still fat and stopped losing. I am happy to some degree about what I have lost. I regret everything though for one reason. My hubby has become very physical. I don't mean the good type either. A few weeks ago I was in the er room because of my arm. He had put me down on the floor very hard. I have been in a brace now for 4 weeks and have two more to go then I am suppose to go to physical therapy. Just last night, we got into it again. This time I did defend myself. But we both go hurt, but I wasn't going to set back and let him beat me either. I have a few buises, hurt my wrist more, and sore all over. It was never like this before I had this surgery. He is so angry now it seems. He is getting help but I don't know what to do. I can't leave because I don't have a job or a place to go. I am going today to see if I can get into a low income apartment. I will go there when he leaves to go to his pycho appointment. Anyway, I just was wondering if anyone else had regrets for any type of reason. Thanks for letting me talk.
Topic: RE: help
Hey Traci,
Well I feel your pain cuz when I hit my year I had not lost a pound in months and was juggling between 158-161. (about)
I wanted to be at 150 for my TT and thought that would never happen. Well out of the blue I just weighed in at 151. I dont know how or anything it just happened. I am bad with excersice so I feel your pain. I say you are still loosing and just going in a plateau. This can still happed for us. So hold on and be patient. I would recommend you getting in more water. I hate water and I remember that I drank more water that week. I dont know if it was the trick but hey who knows.
Good Luck,
and by the way you look great!!!!!!!
Topic: RE: Daughter having spine surgery
Prayers for healing and peace and strength are being said for your family during this stressful time. You are in a much better place physically now to take care of her after her surgery. Please let us know how things go.
Topic: RE: Gall Bladder to be removed
I did have my GB removed last Thursday - and man it took a LOT out of me to go through this. Each day is getting better - but I'm sore and tired of laying in bed.....but that's mostly because I'm not an unactive person - so sitting round while I heal isn't an option for me!!!
I'm glad I've gone through this surgery and wouldn't change a thing about it for the world!!!!
Dee Dee

Topic: RE: Gall Bladder to be removed
It's amazing how many people have to have gall bladder removed. I had a complete hysterectomy and my gall bladder removed 5 days shy of my one year aniversary. I gone from 284 to 172 still working hard.
Topic: RE: OK Now we move into the next phase ..
Hi Natalie!
This has been a wonderful year! I never dreamed I'd surpass my goal by my one year anniversary. I can see so many changes in the way I live now. My health is better, my appearance has improved, and my personality isn't hiding anymore. I know keeping the weight off will be something I have to work at, every day of my life but at least I have the tool now, that will give me that opportunity.