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Topic: RE: Do you regret for any reason??
Toni, I am so sorry about your situation. You and your family are in my prayers. I know it is easy for us to tell you to leave but you are headed in the right direction.
As for being 146 pounds that is awesome. I am at 170 (trying desperately to get in the 160' My goal is 150. I am very happy though and at a size 12 I feel very comfortable. You are doing awesome and I don't think your hubbie is abusive because of the surgery.
Keep your chin up and get whatever help you need. You can talk to us anytime!
Hugs, Hugs and more Hugs,
Topic: RE: Updated Pictures
Nat, You look great!! I know you keep hearing that. I know you have issues with tummy and thighs but your arms look awesome. I still can't do sleeveless. I workout like crazy with my trainer. It is getting better but not enough to show off yet. Congrats on the new you!!!!!!
Topic: RE: Anyone Here Not Lost 100lbs. Yet?
I snack on beef jerky a lot!!! The protein drinks I cannot handle, they make me sick to my stomach all of them well all the 100's of them tat I ahve tried. I have not been back to my Dr. since my two check up. I know I need to get back. I am making an appointment for next week. I also get humgry about and hour after I eat. I have know idea what is wrong with me. Now I cannot eat a lot at one time but I think I am starting to eat more then what I am suppose to be able to eat. I know that this is just a toll for us too use, and I am trying to use it as a tool.
Topic: RE: Anyone Here Not Lost 100lbs. Yet?
i'm only down 66 pounds and thats on a very, very good day. my dr. was comfortable with it and i must say that i feel pretty good. i, too, eat a bit more during the day than i should but i get hungry two hours after eating and its REAL hunger. i've got to stock up on jerky and other high protein snacks instead of what's lying around the office.........................
my sister had surgery the end of january and she's already caught up to me in the weight-loss department. i walk a little each morning but have a severely arthritic knee that inhibits much real exercise. i know my "tool" is still in working order as i don't finish all that i order or bring for lunch and i don't feel well after ingesting sugar.....................
hang in there, janette, and i look forward to posting future losses and reading of yours.....................

Topic: RE: Anyone Here Not Lost 100lbs. Yet?
Hi Janette,
I didn't have 100 pounds to lose by the time my surgery day came, but I just wanted to tell you not to get discouraged. Chin up and keep on going.
It sounds like you know what you know what you need to do. You've been given a wonderful tool. We know going in that this surgery is a tool and not a miracle cure all. It's up to us to make the right choices. Just hop back on track and get back to basics and I'm sure that scale will start moving again.
Don't beat yourself up too hard over it. We've all gone through rough spells.

Topic: RE: Updated Pictures
You look fantastic. Absolutely beautiful. You've done fantastic on your WLS journey this past year. How do you feel when you look in the mirror? Has your mind caught up with your body?

Topic: RE: Do you regret for any reason??
I have to agree with all that has been said above having been in a very abusive relationship myself. Don't blame the WLS for the situation you are in. Only you can control what happens in that situation next. I say run and get out now while you've suffered little damage now. It's only going to get worse, trust me.
You have a chance to start a whole new wonderful life and now is the time to start. It will be tough, but you can do it. You will find the strength you need and you will do it. You will be amazed at how proud you will feel one day when you look back and realize that you did it all on your own and you don't need a man to depend on.
Come here for support anytime you need to.

Topic: Anyone Here Not Lost 100lbs. Yet?
Is there anyone here that has not lost 100bls. yet. I had my surgery May 4, 2004. I have only lost 77lbs. I am so upset with myself. I know waht I have to do to get the weight off it is getting myself to stick to it. I snack all day because it is easier then eating a full meal. But the things that I snack on are terrible. I also have to drink when i am eating if I do not I feel like the food is getting stuck in y throat!!! I just don't know. So I was just wondering if there was anyone else that has not lost 100lbs. yet.
Topic: RE: Do you regret for any reason??
I totaly agree with Pam, run, as fast as you's only going to get worse. I do understand,because I was in an abusive relation about 12 years ago. I ran too, and had no money, no job, and no experience anywhere. I started my whole life over, (with a 6 week old daughter at the time). I am going to say that it isn't easy, but it was worth all the pain and hard times. I am now so happy in my life, with my daughter and my fairly new husband. I am happy that I had WLS, and you sould be too. You are doing great, and should feel good about yourself. Please find a shelter, report your husband to the police, show them your bruises, can only help you. Please find someone professional to talk to!!

Topic: RE: Daughter having spine surgery
I am sure when you read this she will be out of surgery and well on her way to healing . I too went thru this with my daughter Amy . Amy is now 23 . And I remember how hard it was on her .. not to mention the nights at the Childrens hospital where I stayed with her .. craddleing her little but cheeks to keep them from touching the bed . It was the most agonizing pain for me .. I pray for you and her .
Amy was 80 % curved and it was putting pressure on her organs . Scoliosis is a horrible disease .
Just know she will be great . Amy is now married with 2 children .. and lives a great life . She has a few back aches from time to time .. but she is doing good .
My best to you sweety .. hang in there .