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Linda D.
on 2/18/08 12:16 am
on 2/18/08 12:16 am
Topic: RE: Weight Gain!
Hi-Even though You posted this back in December 07', I'm just reading it now and I had to reply to tell You that I, too, am having the very same problem. I'd say I have gained about 50 lbs. back too. I have been seeing a therapist for just under a year now, and I know why I eat when I'm not hungry, I just don't know how to stop it yet.
I am eating anything and everything, although mostly carbs. I have been on disability for the last 5 weeks, and every morning I am at Panera for coffee and a pumkin muffie, with 2 pats of butter! God, I know that what I'm doing is soooo wrong, but I do it anyway! I am kicking myself, but I don't stop. I tell myself every day that I'll get back on track soon, yet when the time I had planned to do it comes, I procrastinate about it again for another week or so. I don't know what the answer is-I wish I did.
My clothes are tight too...........I put the blame squarely on my own shoulders. If You should gain (no pun intended) any insight on how to remedy this problem, please let me know. The last thing I want to be is on a DIET! I HATE HATE HATE them!!! I just want to be normal! GOOD LUCK To YOU! Believe me, I know how You feel! Linda
Topic: Hey ya'll
Well Hello California..... I've been gone for such a long time and miss the support I use to get from this place. Miss everybody soooo much. I moved very far away, such a bad girl.... I've even put on some poundage and I need help getting back. I've strayed off the yellow brick road. I'm real down, really down! Almost feel like giving up then I said, wait... I didn't go through hell and back just to go back to how I was before! But I need help. I know this is asking alot. Most of you don't even know me now. I use to go to all of the Seminars, I was so proud of who I had became, and happy with shopping for clothes had the greatest Doctor in the world, he was even a cutie pie. But now I'm so far away from home and I've lost my dirve. HELP ME IF YOU CAN. PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Topic: RE: Weight Gain!
My surgeon ordered an upper GI but I haven't been able to get back in to see him about the results. I'm sure they are just fine or they would have been more insistent about me coming back. I've realized that I need to stop making excuses for myself and just get back on my program. I am now down 15 of the 20 that I gained, so I know I can do it. And what did I do? Stopped eating so much junk and worked harder at getting my protein and water in. I started out officially at 329 (though I know I got much heavier than that) and I weighed 160 this morning. I may never see 150 but I'm okay with that. I look great and I feel great and I think that is all that counts, not what the scales say. But I'm like everyone else and want to see a certain number on that scale!! So if I can do it you can too! I wasn't feeling full because I was just eating junk-not good, dense, wholesome food. Once I started eating properly, I started feeling full. I'm pretty ashamed of myself, but I'm also proud that I stopped trying to put the blame elsewhere instead of squarely on my shoulders where it belonged. I will never be fat again, ever. And I went through too much to just throw this all away. Thank you SO much too all of you *****plied to me-it gave me the encouragement that I needed. I hope you all can get your weight gain back down to a manageable level. I know you can all do it!! Merry Christmas and Happy New Year and Bless you all!!!
Topic: RE: Weight Gain!
Just a quick hello to see how you are doing? I am in the same boat but let it get to 50 pounds and all my clothes are tight and I can't afford new right now. Uggh its killing me. Can't get past the fact that yes I am eating like i used to. Really scaring me and I don't know where to turn
Topic: RE: Questions About New Fobi Pouch Revision
Hi Lisa,
I had the vertical band gastric bypass...if not identical to the fobi pouch...very similar. I had my surgery done 5-11-2004 and have gone from 267 to 141. I'm 5'7. It's worked absolutely great for me! My Dr. actually was trained by I believe the same Dr. that perfect ed the fobi pouch..If I'm not's been awhile. If you would like any other information...feel free to shoot me a note! I realize it's been a while since you posted this...I hope you've already found the information you were looking for. Best of luck to you & take care! Kathleen
Topic: RE: Weight Gain!
Please let me knoqwhat the doctor says... I have gained 20 also and feel the panic starting again . scares me to death. I certainly don't want to be a statistic in the medical and weight loss community.
LEt's beat this together.

Topic: RE: Weight Gain!
Well, now it is 20 that I have gained and I am SO depressed about it. I do not feel full anymore at all and that scares me! I am going to call my doctor today and see if I should come in for a check-up. I don't ever want to go back to 350 again either. I'm calling my doctor right now!! You take care and keep me informed on how you are doing getting that 40 back off!!
Topic: hi
hi everyone it has been a while since i posted anything i am doing great and i now weigh 185 pounds . i feel great and i am doing a lot of things i have never thought i would . i am making baby sweaters and baby blankets and lap blankets for the patients at the hospital and mothers who has babies that cant afford them . i am also
going to school to get my ged i have passed one subject four more to go . i will post a picture also soon
Topic: RE: Weight Gain!
Hi Laura, Amazing I have found others with the same problem. Unfortunately I let myself go farther than that 10 lbs. Just keep exercising and eating right. I was ok with the 10 I gained. Everyone I knew that had surgery went through it. I had a couple medical issues that brought back my bad habits and I am up 40! Don't let yourself get there! I am really getting my butt back into shape! I feel like I did at 424 lbs.. I don't want to be there never ever again! I hope you are doing well!