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Topic: RE: How is it really going ..
Hi everyone
It's hard for me some days to get in all my foods. I live in fear of gaining back all my weight. Some days I still do shakes and bars. I can't ever imagine myself eating like I did pre op.
Wish my surgeon had suggested that ring as well. Sounds very reassuring. It would be nice to know that there was a back up there to help out.
I'm working on my last ten pounds to goal. They are stubborn little fellas, but I aim on beating them. It's been hard with all the summertime activites and picnics going on to. A lot of things out there to tempt me. I have to admit that I give in. I don't overindulge, but I'll take a bite of this or that just to taste it.
I love having this May board. It's so great to know that I'm not alone.

Topic: RE: How much have YOU lost
Well where have you been hiding sexy!
How was your vacation Chris? Oh do give me all the fun details! Hope all is going well! Show yourself on aol sometime here soon K!!
Topic: RE: How much have YOU lost
i'm still down only 66 pounds but greatful for that. add me to the pile.................................
251/185/140 (someday).......................

Topic: RE: Embrace Your Plateau
Not a problem. Make sure you have Adobe Reader:

Topic: RE: Embrace Your Plateau
I wasn't able to open it either. I'd love to read a copy!
Could you email it to: [email protected]?
Thanks a bunch,
Topic: RE: How is it really going ..
I don't eat much at one time at all. I eat small meals through out the day so I avoid feeling hungry if at all possible. I'm not doing as good with my protein. ( Really I need to do more of it.....the amount of exercise I do takes a LOT out of me. )
My doctor suggested that I get the Fobi ring - but wanted to charge another $4000 for it so I couldn't afford it.
I think I eat less than 1000 cals a day.....but I've never really measured. A lot of foods still make me sick. I can only eat chicken certain ways or
. I eat way less than I used to and I certainly couldn't imagine eating more than this for some time to come.
The one thing I have been consistant with through out the whole process is that I get the hiccups every time I eat. It's kind of my body's way of telling me it's had enough.
Working on getting the last 9 lbs off...but I know these are the hardest ones to get rid of!
Dee Dee

Topic: RE: How is it really going ..
Hi Pix
I have no trouble eating, most foods. I rarely dump and I can eat sugars, depending how much. I try very hard to avoid sugars, and carbs, but I Still have my days, (like yesterday I had 75 carbs) I try to stay under 40, but I am about to get my period, and I always eat way too much a day or 2 before it starts. Other than that, I wish I had a doctor that had put an extra restrictor band for precaution (I should have asked for that I guess)....but I am doing good. I try to limit myself to 800-1100 calories a day, 40 carbs max, and I try to get in 60-100 grams of protein per day. I still have 5 pounds left that I'd like to lose (my doctor's goal), but If I don't get there, I think I'll be fine, but I sure am going to TRY MY BEST!!!
I am scheduled for PS on 9/22 so I have time to lose 5 pounds but it's definately going very very slow these past few months.
I wish that I dumped more often, then I would definately stay away from those foods, but I have to keep reminding myself that those foods are bad anyway. I want to be able to keep this weight off for therest of my life. That's going to be the hard part.
If I ever have any money in the future, I'd love to see a surgeon to add a ring, and maybe make my pouch a little smaller, so that I can keep it off for life. (I currently don't know what size my pouch is, but I can eat anywhere from 3-10 oz of food, depending what it is.)
I still drink 1-2 protein drinks a day, and I try to exercise at least 3 times a week. look FABULOUS!!

Topic: RE: How much have YOU lost
Down from 310 official weight (though highest was a few months prior at 325), to I average at about 172. Give or take about 5-10 pounds any given week. So loss of about 138.
Topic: RE: How is it really going ..
I too am afraid to gain the weight back, but I never dump, that I've noticed, occasionally I get a slight nausous feeling or feel tired after eating, but no "great" dumping feeling. I have been at a stand still for about 3 months. I really want to finish getting this weight of, have about 20 pounds to go and then I can start planning my PS. No problems eating.