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Jessica T.
on 8/4/08 1:36 am - Minneapolis, MN
Topic: RE: HELP!!!!!!!!!!
Oh Janette, I'm so sorry to hear of your frustration but please know you're not alone. We're all 4+ years post-op now and for most of us, can eat whatever we want and drink whatever we want without much reprocussions. I've been fighting the scale myself but my vice is soda. Not diet either - full sugar - full calorie - yummy soda. I've gained 17 lbs in the past 3-4 months! I'm challenging myself to get off the soda and at least onto diet but the goal is water. Then I'll tackle the sweets and carbs. I can totally see how its possible for WLS patients to put the weight back on but its up to us to put a stop to it at some point and say "I WILL NOT GO BACK!!!". It requires more planning and preparation on our part but it can be done. You mentioned its late when you get home with the kids and usually stop on the way home for soemthing to eat... perhaps you could swing into a grocery store with a deli and get more of a balanced meal; Or pack a cooler with turkey/chicken/ham/etc... and cheese sandwiches for the drive home. Toss some fruit and veggies in the cooler with some bottles of water or juice for the kids and you've got the making of a healthy dinner (not to mention, cheaper in the long run!). I applaud you for reaching out in your time of need. That's what this site is for and I think it'd be helpful to everyone to check in once in a while. I know I am more weight concious when I've been on here recently. Best of luck to you. Jessica
Janette D.
on 7/21/08 10:34 am - Humble, TX
Topic: HELP!!!!!!!!!!
I had the RNY 4 years ago now. I got down to 198 I am now back up to 230. I am really upset with myself. I had this done to get down to a healthy life. Everyday I tell myself I am going to stop eating all the fast food and junk food!!! I just find it easier to stop and get something after work. I am a single mother of 3 i work an 8 hour day. By the time I get the kids picked up get home it is late. So most of the time we just stop and pick something up!!!!! I have also had a baby sine my surgery. I did not gain one pound while I was pregnant. I lost 25lbs while I was pregnant. I gained it all back after I had her. and more!!!! In January I had emergancy surgery. I had an Abdominal Abstuction. I died on the operating table. I now have a huge cut all the way down past my belly button. I was in the hospital for 2 weeks. I lost 30lbs after all that. I kept telling myself that I was not going to gain it back. But guess what i have gain every bit of it back!!!!!!!! I know what I need to do it isjust getting myself to do it!!!!!!! I have not been on this site since I had my surgery. I am going on here and looking at all the pictures of the before and afters!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am so depressed. PLEASE HELP!!!!! Janette
on 7/1/08 9:20 pm - Eugene, OR
You look great. I went from a 28 (tight) to a 12, but over the last two years I have gone back to size 18. I am frustrated, but trying to get back on track. Lost 9 pounds in the last 4 days. Ginger
Just Valena
on 6/20/08 6:27 am - Nunyabizness
Topic: RE: It's been 4 years fo...
Wow, I didn't realize that you could still develop diabetes after WLS. I guess I should keep an eye runs rampant in my family, one of many reasons to have surgery. Congrats on the loss and for keeping it off!
Jessica T.
on 6/17/08 7:26 am - Minneapolis, MN
Topic: RE: On track...
Congrats on the twins Becky!! I'm in the same situation as both of you regarding weight loss. I lost from 304 to 164 but settled around 170. Now I'm up to 179 or 180 and I swear my clothes fit like I gained 25lbs! I joined the gym here at work and I even brought my gym bag to the office.... its been sitting under my desk patiently waiting for me to grab it and head downstairs. I don't know what my problem is.... its almost like I'm scared to workout. I couldn't agree more Krystal.... who ever said this was the easy way out was SERIOUSLY mistaken! Its a constant battle mentally, emotionally, and some days physically. I really want to get down to my "ideal" weight which is around 140 but honestly I'd just be happy if my clothes fit right again. I'm in 14s mostly but have a few 11/12s in my closet. I also have 1 pair of 16s which I had to buy as a desperate measure so I could go to work the next day and feel some what comfortable. My poor husband keeps trying to motivate me but I just keep going after the Mt. Dew, chips, cookies, chocolate, etc... and keeping the water far from me. I'm going to try to come on the board more often for support. I think if I can do that I may not reach for the sweets for comfort. Stay strong ladies and congrats on all of your progress thus far!! Ciao! Jessica RNY: 5/17/04
on 5/28/08 6:59 am
on 5/28/08 6:54 am
on 5/28/08 2:09 am - DeBary, FL
Topic: RE: On track...
Congrats Krystal, keep up the great work. You mention you really had a fight on your hands. When you back slid what did you do to get under control? I am having a struggle now myself. I lost from 285 down to 150, got pregnant with twins and treated it as a free pass to eat constantly (I actually did have to eat constantly to get them to their birth weights of 6lb 5oz). I lost immediately following the pregnancy but slowly started gaining over the past year. My twins are 15 months old and I am up to 175 and don't know how to get it down. What's weird is that I go back and forth from 172 to 183 and can literally gain 10 lbs in about 3 days. If you have any insights I would appreciate hearing more of your success story. Thanks, Becky post gastric bypass 5/27/04
on 5/28/08 1:41 am - DeBary, FL
Hi, congrats on your babies. Though my babies are healthy, I had a disappointing breastfeeding experience because I never did make very much milk. My twins are 15 months old and I wanted badly to breastfeed them (rented a hospital quality pump, used a lactation consultant, etc.) I never had any discomfort with breastfeeding, my breasts never got really engorged and the lactation consultant said my breasts were really soft and spongy not the typical post partum breasts so I might have lost a great deal of breast tissue with my weight loss. I also used reglan and it seemed to help some but my babies didn't seem to get very much from me. I wound up breastfeeding part time for 4 months; we started supplementing with formula in the hospital because my babies weighed 6lb. 5 oz each at birth but the one I was breastfeeding more (he took to the breast better) lost down to 5 lbs. During my pregnancy I took B12 shots every month. The only regret I have about the way I approached breastfeeding was that I think I was too "ambitious" I planned to pump milk for them after I returned to work and so I focused on using the pump to stimulate my milk production (following the lacatation consultant's advice). Later I found out from my sister that she had never been able to have much of a "letdown" using a pump and she made more milk actually feeding her baby. Next time I will focus on feeding the baby and let the hormones do their job and not worry about pumping. My babies are perfectly healthy according to their doctor but they've always been on the low end of the percentiles in weight and height-like 10% to 20% which concerns me. (Head circumference was on the higher end). Hubby and I are short and small framed though so this might account for the low percentiles. My advice is listen to your pediatrician and try not to worry. Ask for additional labs for your baby such as iron so your doctor can address any potential health risks. Becky post gastric bypass May 2004
on 5/25/08 10:43 am - Huntsville, AL
Topic: It's been 4 years fo...
It's been 4 years for me also. I have lost 155 pounds. I started off at 260 and now I am 105. I feel great but recently was diagnosed with diabetes. It runs in my family. Other than that I am in good health and have no other problems. Losing the weight was the best thing I ever did for myself! I would encourage anyone to do it.
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