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Topic: RE: Do not let this board die off !!
Pix, you look fab and pictures are great, Keep us informed as to the PS info you seem to be a thorough person, Marcia
Topic: RE: Do not let this board die off !!
I have been busy with life and haven't been checking the board like I used to. I am healthy as a horse and weighing in at 151. I have been at this weight for sometime. I had hoped to be in the 140's, but am thrilled with where I am.
I went for a plastics consult in July and the surgeon was amazed with my tummy. I don't need a tummy tuck, but my boobs are in serious need of help. I need a lift and wouldn't mind silicone implants. I just need to find 8K extra to cover that. I also discussed my thighs, but don't know if I'll go through with that or not. The doc and I both think the scars might be worse than the skin hanging now.
We are going on a cruise in October and I might try to get these last 5- 10 lbs off before then. I bought some dresses thinking my boobs would be in the upright(haha) position by then. I guess those dresses will have to wait.
I hope everyone else is doing as wonderfully as I am. I am thrilled with my decision to have lapRNY and couldn't be healthier or happier. I have tons of pics on my picturetrail if anyone wants to see the changes.
Take care,
Topic: RE: Beware!!
Susan, I needed that. Thanks for the afternoon laugh. This is so us--I know most of this applies to me. The plastic surgeons are gonna get rich! Don't get me wrong though, I'm so happy with the new me. Thanks again.
Take care.
Topic: Beware!!
This is a heads-up to those friends who haven't experienced it yet, and
an explanation to those friends and family who have: Most of you have
read the scare-mail about the person whose kidneys were stolen while he
was passed out. Well, read on. While the kidney story was an urban
legend, this one is not. It's happening every day.
My thighs were stolen from me during the night a few years ago. It was
just that quick. I went to sleep in my body and woke up with someone
else's thighs. The new ones had the texture of cooked oatmeal. Who
would have done such a cruel thing to legs that had been mine for years?
Whose thighs were these and what happened to mine?
I spent the entire summer looking for my thighs. Finally, hurt and
angry, I resigned myself to living out my life in jeans and Sheer Energy
Then, just when my guard was down, the thieves struck again.
My butt was next. I knew it was the same gang because they took pains
to match my new rear end (although badly attached at least three inches
lower than my original) to the thighs they stuck me with earlier. Now,
my rear complemented my legs, lump for lump. Frantic, I prayed that
long skirts would stay in fashion.
It was two years ago when I realized my arms had been switched. One
morning I was fixing my hair, and I watched horrified but fascinated as
the flesh of my upper arms swung to and fro with the motion of the
hairbrush. This was really getting scary.
My body was being replaced one section at a time.
How clever and fiendish.
Age? Age had nothing to do with it. Age is supposed to creep up,
unnoticed, something like maturity. NO, I was being attacked repeatedly
and without warning.
In despair, I gave up my T-shirts. What could they do to me next?
My poor neck disappeared more quickly than the Thanksgiving turkey it
now resembled.
That's why I decided to tell my story. I can't take on the medical
profession by myself. Women of the world, wake up and smell the coffee.
That really isn't plastic that those surgeons are using.
You KNOW where they are getting those replacement parts,
don't you?
The next time you suspect someone has had a face "lifted," look again.
Was it lifted from you?
I think I finally found my thighs... and I hope that Cindy Crawford paid
a really good price for them!
This is not a hoax. This is happening to women in every town every
P.S. I must say that last year I thought someone had stolen my breasts.
I was lying in bed and they were gone! As I jumped out of bed I was
relieved to see that they had just been hiding in my armpits as I slept.
Now I keep them hidden in my waistband
Topic: RE: Do not let this board die off !!
Hey fellow May Babies,
I know what you mean. I work for the Dept. of Energy in Contracting and it's the end of our fiscal year. Things have been so nuts I don't even get time to check the board during lunch, and when I get home (after going to the gym) and cooking dinner, I'm ready to drop. It's gonna stay this way until October 1--I hope I make it through. The one good thing is it doesn't leave much time for grazing and snacking, so I should be able to take off this last 10lbs before my TT in November. Hope everyone has a great weekend.
Topic: RE: Do not let this board die off !!
You look GREAT!
I have been super busy!! I was supposed to have my reconstructive surgery on 9/22, but due to work problems, had to change it to 11/15. I was so upset, but I just have to get over it.
Life is busy...daughter started school, work is busy, and trying to get in 3 days of exercise is getting hard somedays. I am down to 131 pounds, and my goal was 130, so hopefully I can lose my last pound by november. I am hoping that after my tummy tuck, brachioplasty, LBL, hernia repair,breast reduction and medial thigh lift, that I can get down to 120 pounds. I was told that I have approx. 10-12 pounds of exessive skin. I am very nervous to be having all these procedures done at one time, but am excited that this will hopefully be my last surgery for a long time.
I struggle with food sometimes. Sometimes I get in 800 calories and then others 1500 calories, which sseems to be too many calories. I have a hard time with deserts, I always have, but have been working on that. I bought sugar free ice cream bars, and they are only 100 calories, and I try to eat one of those in the evenings instead of the other junk. I still struggle getting in all my fluids alot, but have been doing well in getting at least 64 oz lately.
This board has been slow lately, but I think alot of us have been busy. I can't get online during the days at work, so when I have time at home I try to come online.

Topic: RE: Do not let this board die off !!
Hey Susan .. OMG you have been busy .. Congrats on the job .. I am still looking to change mine . My new doggie is a West Highland Terrier . I rescued her last month .. Her name is MISS MC.DUFFY .. Duffy for short . I am in love with her .. she is such a great friend to me .
And to the arm exersises .. girl they work !!! I am doing mine and have been and the skin is leaving .. and muscle is forming ..
I wish more would post .. I miss talking to everyone .. How is your daughter > I think of her often .. especially when I see my Amy ..
Life is good huh.... better for me than I ever expected .
Love ya beautiful !
Topic: RE: Do not let this board die off !!
Hiya Pixie!
I think we're starving the board to death. You're new pictures are divine, as always. What kind of poochie is Duffy? I just got a Bichon Frise for my birthday last month. She's 3 months old now and her name is Cali (short for California). She is so much fun, so sweet, so worth getting up at 5:30 to take outside. That last bit has led me to a big coffee habit, which somewhere in my brain I know is not good for me. I found the da Vinci sugar free syrups at Sam's and Walmart and I'm loving them.
My latest exercise project is to work on my abs and my arms. I do about 300 reps of various things for my tummy every day, and I've started free weights for my arms. I saw this young woman at the university gym doing her arms one day, and they were just so gorgeous-they were very muscular but not a bit masculine. I figure that since I'm not too likely to get this dangly skin removed from my arms, maybe I can fill it back up with some muscle. Either way, my biceps are a'bulging and I think they're sexy so it really doesn't matter what anyone else thinks. I've been slacking off of my cardio work lately, though. I mostly just get little walks in with Cali, and we chase each other around the yard. She is the tear-assing-ist dog I ever did meet. She looks just like the Mighty Dog commercials.
I'm not down to my perfect number and I may never get there. I'm at a really great number on the scale (145-150) but I'd love to see 135. I haven't been working very hard at it, but I know that when it's time, I'll be able to lose some more weight. I've been stable at this weight for almost 6 months. I feel healthy, happy, and normal. I'm in size 10 and 12 and a Medium in most things.
I just got a job, and I start next Tuesday (orientation). I'll be a Needs Assessment Counselor for a local psychiatric hospital. I've done this work before, but I know I'll be so much better at it now. When I went for the interview I was wearing one of the suits I inherited from my mom (who had a phenomenal wardrobe) and I looked so incredibly professional, I just knew I'd get the job. I just never was willing to spend $250 to get something at Lane Bryant that would make me look professional when I was m.o. Now I can look on the outside like I feel on the inside.
I turned 35 last month. I can't believe it. Every woman on my mother's side of the family has had a hysterectomy between age 35 and 40 due to tumors in the uterus and/or on the ovaries. Most have been benign tumors, but I'm still scared. I've known about it all these years but it's still alarming to get into the age range where things can happen. I think about how this is the age when women start finding breast lumps and men start having first heart attacks. We're not kids any more. We have to lead responsible adult lives. I still feel like I'm play-acting at being a grown-up. Like a little girl dressed up in her mommy's clothes (whi*****identally, I often am, lol). My mom's death has really stayed with me, and I miss her horribly. I am a much happier person now that I'm no longer obese, and I doubt I could have made it through her death if I hadn't become the person I am now. I have a lot of morbid thoughts, though. She was only 63. Her mother and sister both died younger than that. Her grandmother was even younger. My mom lived an incredibly healthy lifestyle-ate right and exercised and was active. It has struck me that maybe it might be more realistic to think that I might only live to be in my 60s too. Morbid, I know. And I plan on living a healthy life because it makes me feel good in the here and now. But it makes me feel sad to think that maybe I'm more than halfway done with my life. I know no one can see the future and I could live to be 105 and there's no point fretting about any of this stuff now. But I still try to look at life with a sense of realism, and to me, this is a realistic possibility.
Oh my. I wandered off the path and into the shadows. I certainly haven't become smarter or more focused as a result of surgery. I feel like a total airhead half the time. Anyone else feel forgetful or ADHD more so post-op?
Hope everyone is doing great! It's so wonderful to hear from you, Natalie! I hope you get approved for your TT! Sorry the surgery is going to be so involved, though.
Topic: RE: Tummy Tuck Prayers Requested- and advice needed !
I am SO sorry ... this board totally has slipped my mind with all of the traveling, drama and kids going back to school. I see that you are having your TT tomorrow. I will be thinking of you all day. I hope to hear how you made out ASAP. I have a suggestion about the support garments. They gave me the huge velcro one...I woke up with it on. Will they be giving you one also? After the first few days....I also wore a Hanes Her Way tight bike type shorts that I found at Target for $12. It was a HUGE help with the swelling in my legs and also gave me added support along with the velcro one. Once I stopped wearing the velcro one...I continued with the bike shorts type one for weeks when ever I felt I needed the support. Give me a call if you can and I can tell you more if you would like. 843-261-9964 Take care girl and I am so happy I caught this message before you went in. HUGS...
Julie S.
Topic: Do not let this board die off !!
Hey everyone .. it has been a while - a while since anyone gave updates .
I do not want this board to die off ...
Well.. I am down 175 pounds from surgery date of May 27th - of last year . I am struggling to keep the weight loss from continuing .
I went for my plastics consult last week ,..Doc tells me that I need extensive reconstruction on my upper abs - as they have been destroyed from previous surgeries . He will be submitting the paperwork this week .. fingers crossed for that approval along with my tummy tuck .
I am able now to get into some size 5's and 4's - 6's are getting to be too big .. It is all a dream to me sometimes .. I never would have believed it all ..
Well I updated my picture trail .. if anyone wants to see my summer so far .. I did post one that has my bikini shot in it .. I hate my legs .. they are so saggy .. but o well ... so is life sometimes ....
Go to the album called Pixies Summer for latest Updates .
Love you all and hope to hear from you all .. I miss you ..