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Topic: RE: Egg Salad
OHHH..I LOVE egg salad too...I think I will make some today. I guess the only advise I have it to limit it or make sure you eat it on a bed of lettuce and not bread. You look amazing by the way...
Topic: RE: This Time 2 Years Ago ..
Well hello there you TINY little thing!!!
I am glad to hear you are doing well and you always look so happy and energetic in your pics. Congrats on your divorce party...LOVE 'the gift'....lolol
As for me...I am still holding at a size 6. I fluctuate from 139-142lbs....depending on the time of the month and I would like to get down to about 130-135. I am not in a hurry though. I look at my size 22/24 cloths , that i still have, and can not remember what it was like to wear them. My issues now are my horrible sweet tooth, grazing and not exercising. I will conquer it though I am sure. I also have issues with swearing I do not look in person how small I look in

Topic: RE: This Time 2 Years Ago ..
Hey girl! I can't believe its been almost two years. It flew by...I am still stuck at where I have been forever. I know why...just gotta change those habits again. Why did I start drinking again...thats a big downfall for me. I make very bad choices with food when I have been drinking. I will get there, I know it...just gotta get my butt back on track. I hope to see you this weekend!
Take care!
Leigh Ann
Topic: RE: Jenny Craig anyone?
I haven't tried a program like that post surgery but I have been eating Lean Cuisine meals for lunch. They are the best I've found including the Weigh****cher Smart Ones and Healthy Choice. LC actually tastes like real food.
Best part - no dishes to clean up afterwards!! ha-ha-ha
Best of luck to you, keep us posted.

Topic: Egg Salad
I absolutly LOVE egg salad now but I'm not fond of all the calories and fat it contains. The protein however is great! Does anyone have a low cal & low fat recipe I could try?
Topic: Updated After Photos!
My best friend and I went to Glamour Shots back in January and I wanted to share my photos with you all.
I have them posted on - here is the link.
what do you think?

Topic: RE: almost 2yrs
We're surgery anniversary buddies. Boy, what a ride! I'm still 5 pounds from my goal but am working on it. I had the extra tummy skin removed 5 weeks ago and am happy with the results. I can eat almost anything except pork chops. They just don't work. I have pretty much lost the desire for meat. I eat it only because I have to. Altho I do really like filet mignon! I've been dealing with some emotional issues about expectations and being "happy." I'm trying to be "happy" with all the things I have now, not what might make me happy in the future. I think I'm making progress. But it's slow. They can fix our tummies but it's up to us to fix our minds.
Topic: This Time 2 Years Ago ..
Wow .. How many of you where getting ready for your surgery 2 years ago .. planning .. and preparing .. I know I was .. I can not believe that it has been this long .. it overwhelms me .
I miss everyone .. I wanted to always keep the board alive .. I think what happend is what where kept alive and just not a lot of time for it . I hang out on the VA Boards Daily .. as I do a lot of conferences .. and promotions for my support group .. I just wish there was some way for all of us to meet one day ..
I am maintaining my weight finally .. thank God .. I am at 125 .. for a total of 190 pounds gone . I still fight it though .. I am so scared sometimes of going back the way I was .. I made it to a size 3\4 .. and I do not like it .. it is way to small for me I think .
I love taking pictures now .. something that I did not like to do .. I have been going out a lot .. working a lot and just living and enjoying this new life .. but I still can not believe it has almost been 2 years .
Well here are some pics of me from the the past couple of months
Well take care .. Hope you all post and tell me how you are .. I miss you all ..
Topic: RE: internal hernia,and adhesions
Were you having pain? I am wondering if I have adhesions. I am 29 but had gallbladder and liver tumor prior to my GB. Lot's of activity in the gut even before GB. I have been having miserable muscle "pull pains especially under right rib cage for almost a year now. Have had every test known to man endoscopy, colonoscopy,gi studies, ct's, mri's etc. The one thing I do have is a 5mm gasto-gastric fistula, but I hear this "should" not be causing the pain. Periods are brutal every month (am on the pill due to rupturing ovarian cysts last Feb.) and it doesn't help. I am wondering if it is worth having a lap done to look around for endometriosis, adhesions, etc. It wasn't bad? Really? Thanks. Jaime form CT
Topic: almost 2yrs
Cannot believe that 2yrs have almost passed since surgery
I feel wonderful no major problems ( except excess shopping
in a size 4 jeans small to medium tops
I have my 2year followup with dr boaro on March 1st so I will wait and get weighed there but at this point iam around 128-130 I eat pretty well although rice,meat,bread,are not for me so I don't even bother with them any more there are other things that I cannot eat but I am fine with that. I can eat other stuff that I enjoy, and I love my protein shake every day I have found some really good protein cookies from the vitamin shoppe..
Boy have my taste changed
the only thing now is that I am thinking about having a face lift I have lost so much weight off my face I really need it to be perked up. So maybe this year I don't want to look 25 just refreshed then I will deal with the tummy tuck I am pretty lucky I don't have to much there nothing that clothes cannot hide
I hope everyone is doing well from the May babies......... We are all poster girls and boys...