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Topic: RE: Mondays what did you eat today
Monday has been great !
Crackers - and cheese
D-BOWL OF PUFFED KASHI CEREAL- well a little bowl- about 4 tables spoons full . This stuff is great with slenda and some bananas .
I had mixed nuts for snack -
I will do another Nectar before bed .. possible a yogurt and moz cheese stick .
Totals CALORIES - 712
Not a bad day after all ..
Have a great night .
Topic: Mondays what did you eat today
WEll I did better, and stuck with what I told myself I would do this week, so Im off to a good start.
B- protein drink
L- detour protein bar
S- carb countdown choc milk
D- 4 oz of steak on george foreman grill, and 2 spoons of green beans
I might have another carb countdown choc milk later for a snack.- Melissa
Topic: RE: Movin like a fat lady
.... sooo FUNNY.... can definitely relate... use to not even attempt to get in the floor... would have to turn over and get up that way... a couple weeks ago I actually sat in the floor in front of the tv like I did as a kid...
and I use to make fun of the skinny chick who use to sit in a chair and pull both legs up in it with her... haaa I can do that too now!!!! Also understand fully being in a crowded room and looking for the BIGGEST entrance/exit through them and now can just 'slip' right past 'em..... actually I was out Saturday night and there were 2 MO girls sitting at a table and I accidentally bumped one. I told her I was sorry, but I wanted to reach out to her and let her know that I KNEW how it was... but I didn't... I just hoped she didn't think I was one of "those" snobish skinnier girls....
it's those "little" things.... that are BIG accomplishments to us WLS people... congratulations to your successes

Topic: RE: 8's are Great !
...... WHOOO HOOOOOOO that's wonderful... and I know because Saturday I went to Thrift Store and bought myself a pair of Levi Low Rise size 8's and wore them that night....
I'm loving life.... and it appears you are too!!!
Thanks Nat for being such a good inspiration to all. Have a Great Day!!

Topic: RE: Movin like a fat lady
I too pull the seat belts WAYYYY out before buckling them down to my now tiny butt. I still pick up my size 10 pants and say "whose tiny pants are THESE???" LOL!!! I am 9 months out and reached goal a couple of weeks ago. I try to remember that I can now crawl under my desk to fix the extension cords, etc. - something I used to have to have someone else do for me! When my friend and I parked at a restaurant at lunch, we were hemmed in pretty tightly in the parking lot. My friend said, "I don't think I can fit out the door, but your skinny butt could." THAT WAS SOOOOOOOOO AWESOME TO HEAR!!!!
Loving life at 127!

Topic: RE: Movin like a fat lady
Hi Susan, I know exactly what you mean I experienced it just yesterday at a restaurant. I was used to asking for a table cause a booth was out of the question,I didn't have to do that .Then in the parking lot there were 2 cars parked really close together and I turned sideways and there was no need.My hubby got upset because I could fit and he couldn't. It was just really weird how you really do have to relearn how to handle yourself....and I also found out I do have ribs and other such's very bizarre.
Well hope you have a good day.
God Bless,

Topic: RE: another WLS WOW moment......
That is sooo true....I still look at my treadmill that way....the scale too, you know the old joke "you know when you're too fat that the scale says "one at a time please".... LOL, Well, that other "person" is gone for good!!!
Have a good week,
Topic: Movin like a fat lady
Back when Eddie Murphy was promoting The Nutty Professor, I remember him being interviewed and talking about having to learn the movements of an obese person. It wasn't just the fat suit; there are specific ways of carrying oneself, etc.
Back when I was M.O., I was very conscious of this, and I tried like heck to still move like a "normal" person, at least as much as was possible. Now I find myself still moving like an obese person. I go to get up off the floor, and I do all those same balancing moves and even make the little ooomph grunt and then I realize they aren't necessary. Funny how years of doing something one way will stick with ya. I do the same panicked worry and squeeze-in when I try to navigate a small space that formerly wouldn't even have been doable (between chairs in a restaurant or whatever). And voila, no problem. Same thing with seat belts. I'm just sure I have to pull it WAYYYYYYYYY out in order to get it around myself and then laugh my (tiny) butt off when it retracts WAYYYYYYY back. The airplane was a pure joy-I had to adjust the seat belt DOWN from the last passenger.
I think I'll spend a day or two just getting up and down off the floor to relearn how to do it.
Anyone else still moving like a chubster?
Topic: RE: another WLS WOW moment......
Sounds like a blast! I love talking to sea lions.
I was checking the treadmill at the gym for weight limits when it finally dawned on me that I can't be anywhere near the limit. DUHHH. I remember pushing it on my home treadmill (limit 250) when I was at 262-just waiting for it to complain or break or start smoking or something.
Topic: another WLS WOW moment......
Happy Monday Everyone....
Well, these little events are becoming the "norm" instead of the "exception" and it is sooooo darn exciting.
This weekend I had 2 of my grand kids, so we (along with my 13 yr old son) treked off to the harbor/beach. We walked and walked, it was a beautiful day. We were in the harbor (Redondo) and saw the paddle boats walked past and around, then decidied to go back and check them out. Well, since they had a 4 seater, decided to ask about it.
My first thought & question.....HOW MUCH WEIGHT DOES IT HOLD? The guy just gave me a funny, questioning look and signed us up. He had me get on was I scared!!! and ya know what??? It didin't even tip!
We all loaded up and spent the next hour & a half, out in the middle of the harbor talking to the sea lions & enjoying the sun....Except for sore thighs from peddling against the tide & sore back...from my Bony spine hitting against the hard plastic seat.... all is/was WONDERFUL!
Thanks, for again, letting me share these wonderful moments.
RNY 5/13/04
268/157 under goal & maintaining