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Topic: RE: What's wrong with my hair????
Hi Laura,
I had the same thing happen to me, so I cut alot of it off, but when it grew back it still looked like a broom! I hated it. No matter what I did nothing helped.
Here is what I ended up doing, and now finally my hair is back to normal!! I started using shampoo every other day instead of daily, although I still use Pantene conditioner every day. I also bought this stuff that really works great! It is called Secret Professional Beauty Creme. I put it on my wet hair every single day, and let it soak in. You don't rinse it off. I let my hair air dry for about 20 minutes, then I blow dry. If I don't blow dry it is too wavy and I don't like the way it looks. (I can and do curl my hair with a curling iron again too). This stuff really worked for me, where other products I tried did not. I buy it online from a place called Avenue You. It is alittle pricey, I buy the large size tube for about $25, but it lasts quite a while. I swear it has made all the difference!
Good luck.
Topic: RE: What's wrong with my hair????
I agree with the last post. Really baby your hair now. I go in for ultra deep conditioning treatments at the salon and I'm there every 8 weeks for a healthy trim to get all the dead and fried ends off. Of course my hair problems are due to a bad perm I got last October but the outcome was the same. Lots of friz and crazy curls.
Deep conditioning treatments, regular trims, and try to avoid over styling your hair. let it air dry when possible, only use a curling iron when necessary - go a day or two in between if possible, etc... all of these things will help your hair get back to its healthy state that much faster.
Best of luck to you!

Topic: RE: Jenny Craig anyone?
How did your appt go with jenny craig. I know that having surgery gives us a better opportunity to weight loss so I wish you much success.
I would also like to say for me to loose the weight even after almost 2 yrs out I only added protien and water and lost everytime. I stopped eating sweets and went to the basics. I would stock my cubbords with beef jerkey and water. I know beef jerkey had alot of sodium in it so the water would flush that out but I got the protien from it none the less. I am not a meat eater so this helped out alot. I would snack on this instead of my crackers and stuff I used to snack on with alot of carbs. This is a lifetime journey I know and wish you much sucees..
Topic: RE: What's wrong with my hair????
I had real bad hair problem also. I also had frizzy hair and thin thin thin. I know our hair is different cuz I am black but the same problems arrize. I used biotin product on my hair and kept getting deep conditioners and you can do that yourself, you know hot oil treatments. You will have to baby your hair more than usual. do a hot oil treatment every week and only use a biotin shampoo and conditioner and a leave in conditioner. It made my hair better but I still opted to cut it all off and am going natural. My hair is now thicker than ever since I did that.
Topic: RE: WOOHOO Time for my plastics! & Weight gain issue.
Congrats Congrats. Its almost our birthdays!!! YEAH May babies...
This is a great present I commend hubby nice gift he gets kudos for that. Hmm he may have been thinking of himself also a bit ya think
Congrats to you

Topic: What's wrong with my hair????
Does anyone else have problems with their hair? My hair was and still is FRIED! I have cut most of it off to get rid of the frizzies, but it is still not at all like it used to be. And it is now CURLY!!! Grrrrrrrr! I don't like curly! I have always had lots of natural body and I still do, but now it is way curlier than it ever used to be. Has this happened to anyone else? Is there any help for it? What caused it? HELP!!!! I want my old hair back! But I guess if it means I have to have my old body back, then I'll just learn to live with it. Just wanted to know if anyone else has had this same thing happen to them.
Topic: Slow boards! We are all so busy now!
I just wanted to pop in, since it's been a few months since I have been on the boards. Wow, may babies, we are all so busy, and the board is slow. I had my plastics done in November, a breast reduction and lift, LBL with anchor cut, hernia repair, medial thigh lift and brachioplasty. It was a very long recovery, and I am just feeling great again! I have been maintaining between 118 and 120, and wearing junior size 3! I have never been this small, and feel great!!! I am back in school and working full time so I have been super busy between taking care of my hubby and my daughter and school and work. I finish in June, and hopefully can work towards getting a better job by next year.
I just wanted to see how everyone is doing and say hello since we are almost 2 years post-op!! WOW, how time flies when we're having so much fun!!! I can't wait to shop for bathing suites this year (I can't believe I am saying this, I always dreaded summer.)
-129 lbs

Topic: RE: WOOHOO Time for my plastics! & Weight gain issue.
Good luck on your surgery!! you are going to love your new breasts!!! That's an awesome gift your hubby is getting you. You are doing great!! Keep it up! Tricia

Topic: RE: Body Image Issues
Thank you so much for the nice compliments and advice. Everyone has great ideas that I will definitly work on. I am also seeing a psychologist to work on my body image issues but that is a very slow moving process unfortunately. I've always had to really work at getting my water in so that is something I will have to work on extra hard. Especially now that I know I can drink soda again. I try to stick to Caffeine Free Diet Coke but sometimes I do the full sugar Cherry Coke or Mt. Dew. (Bad Jessica!) I'm going through that time of the month right now so I'm just trying to get through life but once it's over - I'll be all over this health thing again.
Thanks guys! I don't know what I'd do without your support!
Happy St. Patty's Day!

Topic: RE: Body Image Issues
OMG! You are so beautiful!! Your body is probably just adjusting, as they are wont to do, to the weight that you have been carrying and getting used to it. You are so small, you could probably get blown away with a feather. Seriously, try to keep an accurate record of what you are eating and go back to 6 small meals of high,dense protein and more-different exercise routine. I have been trying heated yoga and I gotta tell ya, it really works to tighten the core and get rid of my jiggly belly that has came around since last summer. I'm with ya on the jiggly parts and depression hitting, but I try to deal with it in positive ways and drink more water and watch what I eat and remember that I used to be twice the size that I am now! Hope that helps--and you could be a model! Quit worrying and be proactive about your execise routine. Try changing it up a bit. Sometimes a switch from am to pm workouts help to confuse the bod into keeping the weight off too.