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Topic: RE: Losing Again
Congrats Christie!
So you cut out ALL carbs? What does an average day for you look like with food? I'd love to jump start my weight loss again. I seem to be addicted to carbs. Cereal is the worst when I'm at home. It's so easy and rarely does it get stuck. What's not to love about that?! Oh I know... the calories and lack of nutrition. Sigh.
Topic: Losing Again
OK May Folks,
Come on Ladies and Gents!!!! I hit my ceiling again of 155 2 1/2 weeks after my breast lift. I let that lift be a crutch for me to start up on carbs again. Once I eat them it's like I crave them so dang bad.
I hit the wagon again on Monday. I have dropped 4-5lb since then.
I'm sure most of it is water weight. I'm drinking my water like crazy right now. Upping the water always helps me tremendously. I'm back to meat at the start of meals too. I love the Tuna to go or the tuna kits for lunch.
So anyway. I'm back down to 150 this morning!
WOOHOOO! I do have a few new pics posted as well. I am going to the beach this weekend and wish I'd gotten toned up. I feel like a winter mush ball. I work out like a beast in summer and do very little in the winter.
Hope everyone is able to jump back on to using our tool.

Topic: RE: Obese again
I am right there with you. One of my doctors, who is treating me for tension headaches and I was having trouble sleeping, put me on Ambein. I was on this for 3 months. I didn't know exactly what it was doing to me. I have been living in a different town from my husband do to some other issues. A few weeks ago he came down to help me pack the house. The last three months have been fuzzy but I remember somethings. The last two weeks however, I don't remember anything. My hubby let me know last week that I would forget that I would take them and end up taking more than I was suppose too. Plus, when I was on this drug, I would eat anything and everything I could get my hands on. Needless to say, I have gained around 30 to 40 pounds in the last three months. When he told me how I had behaved as well as my eating during this time, I stopped taking them and flushed them that day. I called my doctor and told him everything that had happened. He is now hoping that the Ambein at least kicked started my body to go to sleep at night now so he doesn't want me to take anything for a week. The good news is that my hubby did tell me and I fixed the issue and I am sleeping again without meds. That is the happiest thing in my book. Now, I have to get back on track, use fitday each day, walk on the treadmill again since I got it back in my apartment. The only thing I am having trouble with now, is my late night snacks. I guess my mind got use to getting them again and it is a fight not to eat fruits, cheese and crackers, and other goodies after dinner. I am going to work and get back down. I know I will mess up here and there, hey, we are only human. I am going to start coming here again for support. I hope things work out for you as well as all of us who have slide back some.
Topic: RE: How quickly things change....
Hello gorgeous,
Speaking as someone with similar issues, here are a couple of ideas:
For a chocolate fix, have you tried Viactiv? These are calcium-packed chews (you'll find them in the vitamin section of the grocery store), last a long time in your mouth and only 20 calories each. Like everything else you can't eat too many of them, but they're better than a Hershey kiss for a quick fix. I also use SF cocoa or SF instant breakfast with milk for the same reason -- helps satisfy need for chocolate, takes a longer time to finish and sneaks in some nutrients.
You can take a long stick of celery and fill it with a tablespoon of peanut butter. Eat it in small bites. It tastes great, fills you up like plain celery doesn't, and sneaks in some protein along the way.
Today I'm going to try to satisfy my snack demon with some SF jello. Don't know if that will work, but at least it will keep my mouth busy (and out of trouble) for a little while.
Can't help with the soda issue; that's the ONE thing it turned out I wasn't addicted to (* thanking god for small favors*)
Baby steps is really the way to go. I'm setting goals now in 5-lb increments, which seems to help make them more achievable.
GOOD LUCK, and thanks for sharing. You've come such a long way and look fantastic, you're an inspiration.
Topic: How quickly things change....
Here is my latest post in my WLS journal.... the day started out so well too.
Well I haven't lost any weight since my last post... in fact, I've gained weight. I'm now at 170. This is no doubt due to the increased amounts of soda, cookies, chips, ice cream, etc.... I've been consuming. Bad Jessica!!!! I've been trying to work out more and I want to start riding my bike and running/walking outside after work. My biggest issue is food and water. Small detail right? Honestly though I feel like I need to relearn everything in order to start back on track to losing weight. I have 35 pounds to lose now and if I could go without food and still maintain full functional health I would. Oh yeah and if I had the will power to pass by all the yummy food and say NO I could do that.... I can't & I don't. Sigh.
I started seeing a therapist a couple months ago to try to work out my body image issues but I'm going to switch therapists as this one seems like she's falling asleep when I'm talking. (Eyes slowly closing and everything!) I also don't feel like she really cares about what will work in my life. I have to keep telling her that the reason I can't plan to have celery as a snack is because I don't like it and I will never buy it. She seems to think this isn't a big deal. She tells me "not all food has to taste good".... ummm - YEAH IT DOES! Who is this woman??? Anyway - I'm going to try to make small changes and see if that works instead of making them all at once. I'm totally panicing inside when I think that I can only eat this at this time and I can't have anything else until this time and OMG no more soda ever.... I've already broken down today and had 2 fun size candy bars, 4 Hershey Kisses and now a bottle of Caffeine Free Diet Coke. So much for restrictions eh? On the bright side, I had a cup of green beans and shrimp for lunch so that was under 250 calories.
Baby steps.... baby steps.... baby steps....
Ok May Babies - today's the day we get back on track and become losers again! Let's do our best to make healthful choices with food, eat our protein FIRST, drink our 64 ounces of water, get some exercise in, and most of all - remember that we're doing GREAT!!!!
Here's a little quote to remember today.... "Nothing tastes as good as being thin feels!" (Isn't that the truth?!)
Topic: RE: Obese again
I'm right there with y'all. It's really ahrd to stay on track. Now I know why Carnie Wilson's second book was titled "I'm Still Hungry". I had lost down to my lowest of 148, and am now at I have gotten back on track to try to lose this 12 pounds before we go to the beach next month. I'm just glad I am not the only one. Let's encourage each other to be LOSERS again! Thanks for sharing, it got me outta my lurk mode!
Topic: RE: Obese again
Hi Donna,
I completely know what you're going through! I too have found my way on the upward swing over the past few months and it's really affecting my self-esteem, self-confidence, body image, etc.... I need to get back on the program and stop with the chips, cookies, soda (yes I drink it all the time now!), and chocolate. Ok - the chocolate isn't going to be completely erradicated from my diet but I will limit it to one piece a day. I think that is livable.
Does anyone have a good post-surgery plan they could email me? I wasn't given anything more than what to eat 1-3 weeks post surgery and I cannot go back to that diet again. (mashed potatoes, cream of wheat, etc...) Thanks!
With the weather getting warmer, I'm trying to get out for walks and exercise more without making it a chore. This is taking work but I'm working at it.
We can all do this! We've been through so much already that we owe it to ourselves to take control now before we get too out of control. Our tool is always there to help us. We just need to get our minds back on track. (easier said than done I know....) We can do this!

Topic: RE: Obese again
Hey Donna,
Boy do most of us know how you feel. It is so much easier to eat now and we have to remind ourselves that...just because we can...doesn't mean we should. One thing I did last summer after a 10 lb gain was put myself back onto the plan and make a ceiling. A ceiling that I wouldn't let myself get above before putting myself back on plan. This tool works so well. I've probably been back up to that dang ceiling 3 times. I want to kick myself everything too. But, I get back to my plan and the weight falls right back off.
I had lost back down to 146, my all time low, right before my breast lift last month. But, after the surgery carbs just seemed so much easier with the nausea. So, back off the wagon I fell. This weekend I realized to that ceiling of 155 I was once again. So, I'm going to the grocery store today to stock up on meat, veggies, cheese, and fruit. I will do my 2-3 oz of meat at the start of EVERY meal and veggies. I will do fruit, cheese, and nuts in small amount for snack or after my meat at meals.
I too am hoping to get back to exercise after tomorrow. I have a meeting with my surgeon tomorrow and hope he releases me for all exercise. I'm turning soft for sure.
Good Luck Donna!!!!!!!!!
p.s. If you are a female looking into a breast lift and would like to see before and after pics email me.
Topic: survey help
Hi-My name is Martha Dunn. I am completing my doctoral degree at Antioch New England Graduate School. My dissertation research project explores post bariatric surgery behavior, struggles and needs. If you have 10-15 minutes to complete the survey, it would be a big help to me. Also, if you have friends who've also had the surgery and could forward this message to them, that would be great. More in-depth details are on the link that follows and thank you in advance.