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Topic: RE: I AM APROVED - I AM - I AM - I AM ..
WOOOHOOOO>....I am so excited for you. When is the big day?
Topic: RE: Size 14!!!
So good to hear about your journey so far. I am struggling also with my eating habits and gaining weight. I have only gained about 10 lbs sometimes 12-15 lbs but I am still in my dress sizes (6s & 8s) but not petite 6s anymore. I have never been much of an exerciser---I started off doing the treadmill and it seemed to keep me feeling really good about myself, then, I just stopped. But I find that I can eat a lot!!! But I don't seem to gain weight from it (not yet!) It could be that I may go on a binge for a few days and then come to my senses and go back to eating more sensibly. All I need is a few days of eating right and I will drop a few pounds again.
Gaining this weight has seemed to be better for me because I feel that I had lost a bit too much in the beginning. People said that I looked kind of drawn in the face, but I look better now, more healthy.
I hope to go back the treadmill soon, I even moved it into the bedroom so I was sure I would get on it--but it didn't! Good luck to you Donna and keep posting.

Topic: RE: Kudos to Barbara Huffman
Hey Leigh Ann,
I imagine at your age this is so much tougher. I was partying pretty hard when I was your age as well. See if you can stomach some vodka and grapefruit juice if you must drink. That's what we always called our diet ****tail. It's called a greyhound if I'm not mistaken. It is low cal and well...cleans you out big time the next day.
As for the it gets so much tougher. One this you might want to try is denser protein. Things like yogurt go through our pouch very quickly and therefor we are hungry soon after eating. Try replacing that with denser protein like meat. For breakfast I am always on the run and usually grab some canadian bacon and cheese or maybe some jerky or turkey pepperoni.
Hope your motivation returns and you find yourself on the losing track again.
Topic: RE: I AM APROVED - I AM - I AM - I AM ..
Hey Tink!
Congrats on getting your tt and hernia approved. I know that will be great for you. I was blessed to come out of this with a pretty flat tummy and no skin issues there. My breast lift was a month ago and I'm loving it. I just wish insurance would have paid for it. We are so broke now.
Hope you are bikini ready very soon. Let us know your surgery date.
I was just approved Friday By BCBS. It is all in how they right up the letter to the review boards . It must meet medical necessity . Odor, hygene , rashes ..hernias , This is what got me aproved .
Best of luck to you ,
Topic: I AM APROVED - I AM - I AM - I AM ..
I just called my insurance company and they said to me the second best set of words a gal could here .. MS.CARDEN YOU ARE APPROVED FOR YOUR SURGERY ... What surgery you ask ?? Well , MY TUMMY TUCK AND HERNIA REPAIR .. !!!
I had to ask 3 times .. Had her repeat the proceedure codes to me .. and she said it .. Other than them telling me I was approved for my RNY .. this is the best day ever .. ( Other then the birth of my babies too !! )
Ok .. It is on .. UPing the Protien ( Thank you Lei !!!! )
I have waiting so long for this . And I wanted you all to be the first to know .. you have been with me from the start .. I love and miss you all !
Tink ,
( Soon to be bouncing quarters off my belly )
Topic: hi guys, in need of some motivation.....please!?!?
Hey! Hope all is well with everyone! First off I really don't want to admit but I have gained...some weight..maybe I will leave it at that. I am soo frustrated. Gonna try to be good again, gettin protein in right now...some yogurt and chesse sticks...22 grams first thing, guess thats a good thing?? Gotta get my water in too. I know I have been slacking with everything. Its hard being 25 with the drinking/partying. Gonna cut back on the alcohol too. Only have it once a week and keep it to 2-3 lite beers..and maybe a few shots every now and then. For now...maybe after I see some weight come off that will be the motivation to cut it all out!! I need to lay off the carbs...they have become my best friend again recently. i need to stop these horrible habits from creeping back into my life, I am scared and didn't come this far and do this drastic thing to my body to put the weight back on!! So if ya'll have any suggestions for me, I would love to hear it!! We can do this....its almost our 2 year aniversaries........
Take care and have a great weekend!
Luv ya
Leigh Ann
Girl I am right there with ya..getting frustrated with myself...I did very good the first year..but its been downhill since then. I hit my lowest of 203 and now i am back up to 235.......HELP!!! Not sure how to get myself outta this one...can't believe I just typed that, yes I have gained some!! Ughh...I need to get this f'ing weight off.....if you all come up with anything, let me know. Maybe I need to go back to protein drinks for a few days.....
Thanks for the wake up call!!
Leigh Ann
Topic: RE: It's been almost 2 years
wow u look great wish i could say the same bout me may 24 will be 2 years for me and here i am still fat i weigh 250 started at 325 but its my fault no doubt anyway congrats on you you size 4 u go girl
Topic: Put it down slowly and no one will get hurt....
Who's bright idea was it to come up with the idea of a 'candy dish'? I even have one on my desk for some reason! I'm working on finishing off the Hershey Kisses I have in there. Knowing full well that they weren't good for me, I bought them because they were pretty pastels for Easter. Thankfully my co-workers have been eating them too but dang! I can't keep my hand out of it. It pretty much defeats the purpose of a diet coke doesn't it? I have the worst time with snacking and junk food cravings when I'm at work. I do at home too but they don't seem as bad there. it doesn't help that I'm not over my head busy with work either.... then I wouldn't have time to think about eating. I envy those people who lose weight because they were "too busy to eat". I ask you... HAVE YOU EVER BEEN THAT BUSY???? I can't think of one time in my life that I was so busy I couldn't eat. Maybe because I put so much importance on eating or maybe because the people who say that are lying! ha-ha Seriously, I'm sure they're being honest... I just have never been able to put it out of my mind for that long. I think about it all the time. When I finish one meal, I'm already thinking about how long until my next one. Man, when I type it out.... I need help!
What do you guys think????