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Topic: RE: 2 doughnuts?!?!
Hi Guys!
I don't eat sweets because they really make me feel sleepy and I get heart palpitations. (i'm 2 yrs post op on 5/21). But, I do eat lots of crackers and Cheezit Twisters More Cheddars and peanuts the most. OH how can I forget to mention that I am a Starbucks A holic! But I get "Nonfat" versions with Splenda and only 1/2 a pump of White Chocolate in my drinks!!! Those are my absolute worst... Did I mention bread? I eat that too. I WOULD LOVE A DONUT!!! Anyone have any sugar free donuts out there? I think its a good thing that I get sick from eating the sweets b/c if not, I'd be back to eating the same way I used to b4 my surgery. I also can't eat foods from the fast food restaurants, this should help right?
Try to stay away from the donuts, and even be careful with the sugar free stuff bc they are so high in calories...Suggestions for snapping out of the rut... one minute at a time, one step at a time and one day at a time. Just try to control yourself one step at a time. When you are going for that Donut today, just turn around and walk the other way. Tomorrow, you do the same. Grab something else instead... Grab a bottle of water, I should do that myself!
Take care and good luck.
Topic: RE: Two years today
Hi Chris,
Happy Anniversary! My two year is coming up on the 21st. I can't believe it. I was reading your page, and amazingly you are going through same things I am and many others of us too. I still dont recognize the person I see in the mirror. I can't get over it sometimes. Also, in your most recent postings you mention the head games that come with the surgery. It is so true. A part of me sometimes thinks my life was less complicated at 280. Its very difficult not to sound ungrateful about this surgery isn't it; the truth is that without it, most of us who have chosen the surgery would never have lost the weight otherwise. I do thank God for my surgery and my weight loss, but the surgery does come with a lot. Lets talk about the responsibilities! I am still having a terrible time of taking my multi's etc, 3x a day and my b-12 spray and shots. I am so exhausted all of the time. Especially lately, I get so tired and sleepy. Depressed. (but all of that is b/c of the vitamin deficiency.)
Chris, I also wanted to tell you that you look absolutely amazing. I love that you placed your pics there of your tummy and the xcess skin, I have the exact same thing. I haven't done any plastic surgery yet because I have been trying to pass the Florida Bar Exam. I am desperate, I hate the saggy skin and the loss of boobs!
Thank you for sharing your story with us, and Happy 2 year!
Topic: RE: Two years today

Congratulations and Happy Anniversary Chris!!! You look marvelous and should be very proud.
Reading your profile it is obvious that you too go through so many emotions concerning this journey. HEAD HIGH CHIN UP GIRL!!!!! It's a wonderful life you need to live now.
I hope your third year out finds many wonderful moments and highs to celebrate.

Topic: RE: 2 doughnuts?!?!
HI Jessica
Well, I can totally relate to you... I do the EXACT same thing... I don't know why it is that we do this to ourselves... I REFUSE to gain this weight back, but unless I learn to get my "cravings" in order... that is exactly what is going to happen...
I get to the office... and all I want to do is munch... I am a carb craver...
always have been... if there are crackers (God forbid they are wheat thins) within a mile radius of where I am... I'll find em'... I'll hunt em' down... and I'll eat em'... If there are animal crackers...look out... I'll get em'... and I don't care who I take down in the process!!! I don't know what it is about the munching... I just always seem to be craving something to munch on... too bad it's not carrots (but I cannot tolerate those at all anymore)... or fruit or something that's at least good for us... (but really, healthy food is so NOT yummy!! )
I have eaten 2 small bowls of animal crackers today already at my desk... I don't know why... am I hungry??? I seriously doubt it... I just crave them... I guess... I don't know... If I knew the answer... I'd be able to fix it!!
I started this process at 391 lbs. I now weigh 208 lbs. ~~ Yes, I've lost 183 lbs...
It was 190 lbs., but I have gained back 7 lbs. ~~ and I'm working like hell to get those 7 lbs. off AND 10 more... so that I can officially have lost 200 lbs. ~~ I will do it!! I was JUST approved for my panniculectomy... and I am GOING TO LOSE THAT WEIGHT!! I just have to. My surgery is set for October 18th... which leaves me 5 months to lose 17 lbs....
I seem to do the same thing... I'll be driving along... stop at 7-11... and voila' before you know it, there is a donut in my hand... do I even like them that much?? NO... Do I need it...NO!!!! Do I really even want it??? I can't answer that for ya... I think I do... but all it does is make me feel bad for eating it...
This is a struggle...Any one who thinks we took the "easy way out" or that what we did is "easy" and that we are set for life now... is dead wrong... this is the hardest thing I've ever done... It's the best thing I've ever done... but it's also the hardest...
You will be in my thoughts Jessica... and anyone else reading this who is going through the same thing (and there are more of us than we admit)... And yes... if anyone has any suggestions... bring em' on... I try to remember that NOTHING TASTES AS GOOD AS MY SIZE 14 JEANS FEEL... (I know 14 is still bigger than most of you guys... but I started in a size 32!!!) So, just remember how good the clothes feel that we put on... how good it feels to fit on the airplane seat... the movie theater seats... how good it feels to be in the "regular" sized clothes in the store... how good it feels to not get "that look" when you walk into a room or get on the bus!! I am so thankful for this surgery... the struggles have been hard and I am sure they will continue to be... but... we are all strong!!! We survived the surgery and we are at or almost at our TWO YEAR ANNIVERSARIES!!!!!!
Let's take this opportunity to make our anniversary dates our START OVER dates... going back to our healthy eating... no more snacking... no more stopping for donuts... no more gummy bears (my big weakness)... think protein and think healthy!!!
My love & hugs to everyone... Congrats on all we have accomplished and here's to the future!! May it be skinny & bright!!

Topic: Two years today
I just wanted to send some love to my friend Lisa we had our surgery two years ago today. You look amazing my friend, enjoy your day !

Topic: RE: Two year anniversary on Saturday
Happy Anniversary Sherri!!!
This is a wonderful journey and it sounds as though you have a firm grip on the reality of this tool and yourself. Way to go!!!! Congrats and continued success to you.
Topic: Two year anniversary on Saturday
Today I am 1 day shy of two years post-op. I wanted to say I still think this was the best thing I ever did for myself! While I certainly can eat a lot, I try and stay in control or counter my eating with exercise. I started running in January and am now running 4-6 miles, 5-6 days a week. I am hooked on running. I never thought I could be a runner. I also joined weigh****chers to help me remain accountable. I enjoy the support group talk at w/w, because the dilemma about choosing the right food is the same no matter which program you are on and you need to be on some kind of program! I did not tell them about the surgery though.
I am so grateful for this tool. BUT remember it is not a panacea! I thought I would get to goal and never worry about what I ate again. WRONG! I think about it constantly. It is always on my mind because I do not want to gain the weight back. So if you think you will lose weight and relax, that won't happen. You still need to learn to have self control and that is the struggle.
I love wearing size 6 and 8 clothing! I love feeling beautiful and confident! and I love being healthy! I love feeling in control! Be well all you who walk this journey and remember, what you put into it is what you will get out of it.
Topic: RE: 2 doughnuts?!?!
Wish I could help ya...but I am doing the same things..ughh, its killing me, I just feel as if I don't have it in me to fight the cravings any longer. I give in too much..I still feel soo damn fat. I am hoping with the warmer weather coming I will feel better. Who knows? Good luck and if you figure it out, please let me know!!
Leigh Ann
Topic: I need a rash!!!!!!!!
Hi Guys...
I need your help... fast!!!! I have an appointment with the plastic surgeon on TUESDAY, May 2nd... and I need a rash!!!!
You say?????
Well, it turns out that my insurance is not doing very many plastic surgeries without a big ole rash... or it being deemed "medically necessary"... never mind the fact that my tits hang down around my belly button, which is down around my you know what... and my thighs are now twin sharpei puppies named FIFI & FIDO... I mean... c'mon people... medically necessary??? YES.. or I will kill someone... how's that for medically necessary???????
Anyway, I'm trying to come up with something to give me a rash...
I am a twice a day shower person... so I've kept the rashes and aggravation at bay by keeping myself extra clean and extra dry... BUT, now, I am finding through others in the program that I am going to need a rash...
I tried using that Mr. Clean Eraser, which I heard gives you a rash if it gets on your skin... (scrubbed the hell out of my thighs... but NO RASH) ...
then tried a finger nail file (fine sandpaper, right?) and although it hurt and made it a little raw... it doesn't seem to be doing the trick... I know... I'm crazy!!!!!
I don't want to be in pain... just "uncomfortable" right??? I don't want it to look obvious... but I do want it to be noticable... enough that I can get approved for some surgery...
Any ideas guys and gals??????