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on 6/5/06 6:27 am - Crestview, FL
gaining and desperately trying to get out of a huge FUNK!!!!
on 5/31/06 6:43 am - Six Lakes, MI
Topic: RE: Having trouble. I am gaining so much back.
Hi Toni! I know what you are going through. The lowest I got down to was 172 and I hang around 177-179. Surprisingly, I look really good at this weight, but I would like to lose more. I lost my only son in a car accident last September and I am still dealing with his estate. So I know what stress is!! The best advice I can give you is to do what you can to change your eating habits so you aren't eating when you aren't hungry, but make sure you get at least 70 - 80 grams of protein per day and drink lots and lots of water. I find when I do this the weight gets back down like it should. I hope that you get more responses with better advice, but that's what has worked for me when I have gotten off track. When you are stressed it is too hard to go back to square one and start over with your diet. Once you've eaten those "forbidden foods" it's hard to forget that you could do it without getting sick. So that's what I'm going to tell you-concentrate on your protein and water and see if that helps some. I'm pulling for you Toni!! And if you feel that your husband is worth a second chance, then don't worry about what others think. When and IF the time comes for you to leave him, YOU will know when that time is-no one else. Take care!!! Laura P.S. Email me if you'd like! I'd be glad to listen when you need to vent!!
on 5/28/06 11:51 pm - Fenton , MI
Hi All, All of you have been instumental in my surgery journey , and yes I reply less as my life becomes more active . I do check the boards daily to see everyones WL progress. This surgery has been the most wonderful gift to me as I have never felt better looked better and been more confident before EVER Its like a new toy I have waited and waited for and couln't get before . I thank God every day for this feeling and welcome each new day, one night I had a dream that this weight loss had been only a dream I woke up with a start only to find out that it was and is real, I AM Thin and it didn't go away.Weight does not define me it completes me ,Life is a Dance You learn as you go WE can Lead and follow to all of you special people the (formerly well insulated) we have now shed our large cocoons and become the butterflys we new were there.I don't know if people who were never heavy feel this daily elation?? Marcia
(deactivated member)
on 5/28/06 4:20 am - somewhere in a haller, KY
Topic: Having trouble. I am gaining so much back.
First off I want to thank everyone how replies. I won't be able to response quickly. I lost my phone, so I use the public library. I have gained so much weight back!!! I am back up to 170. I have been depressed for awhile. Food has become my confort again. I caught myself eating when I am not hungery. So much is going on and I know that my weight gain is all my fault. I can't find a job, my husband wrote many checks knowing that there wasn't money in the account. He just started working again. We are losing our home. But we did agree on that, what bothers me is that he doesn't want to help get everything out. It is up to me and time is closing fast. My family doesn't want me to go back to him at all. Yes, he did hit me in the past, yes he did cheat on me. But he has been getting help and I do believe a person can change if they want too. So, I am willing to give him the chance. That doesn't mean I will not leave him if he messes up again, but I want to give him a chance. I mean, I did put him through so bad times myself, he was there all the time I needed him. But it is so hard to handle this stress. The stress is so bad on me that there are times that I black out and go through the whole day not knowing what I am doing or saying. I have pasted out a few times for no reason. My doctor thinks it is stress. Now I am stressed about that weight gain. I know that I have to get back on track with the program, but it is so hard. Thanks for listening. I just needed an ear and shoulder to cry on. You guys are the best here. Again thanks for you responses and I will write and answer as soon as I can. Toni R.
on 5/23/06 6:01 am - Prescott, AZ
HI Nat... Isn't it amazing... that the thing we relied on SO much for our immediate post surgery recovery... we now only check once in a while or post when we have good or bad news???? I know... we all are busy and getting on with our active lives that we lead now... because we CAN LEAD ACTIVE LIVES!!! Because we are all LIVING now!!!! Thanks to our surgeries and our new leases on life... New leases that we ALL share... and hopefully we can make it a goal to come on and check this board at least ONCE a week!!! We can do it!!!!! It is so important to keep in touch... we all went through this together and together we learned so much from each other... we all had different experiences and different challenges and different success rates, but we all did it together... learning, growing, crying, laughing, celebrating!!! It's been a wonderful journey... I can't believe we are lookin' at 2 years already!! It's amazing!!!! I struggle daily with my weight and my desire for food... there are times when I can hardly eat at all and times when I can eat more than ever thought I would again... I have days when I feel great and days when I want to just throw in the towel and give up!!! I try to go to the gym... but don't always make it and then feel bad... I work VERY hard at trying to maintain my weight and get this last 17 lbs. off... (lost 183 lbs. so far!!) There is still much work to be done... but with God's grace, and a kick in the pants from my friends & family (that includes you guys) I can do it!! Nat's right... whether we have all talked once or chatted regularly... we are all brothers and sisters in this incredible journey we call life... let's not lose touch with our "family"... you are all so important to me too... I have loved hearing all about your journey's and reading your profiles... and seeing the pictures... Blessings to you all... Love & hugs, Loree PS... Thanks Nat for taking the time to round us all up!!
Just Valena
on 5/23/06 1:27 am - Nunyabizness
I used to post on here from time to time but have been away for a LONG time... I had surgery May 3, 2004. Lost around 150 pounds. Thank GOD for the RNY! Am now 5 1/2 weeks away (hopefully less!) from delivering my first child, a daughter. Have gained 15 pounds so far with the pregnancy...not bad at all, but I have a feeling that number will go up before she gets here! Valena
(deactivated member)
on 5/22/06 1:34 pm - I Do Believe .. I Do I Do .., VA
Do you remember the TV Show .. Where are they now ? OK May Babies .. Where are you .. How are you .. tell us how you are doing . I truly miss everyone .. this board , our friendships .. I want each of you two know that whether we chatted once or many .. you are all a big part of my journey .. when I see someone with a surgery day in May 2004 I know that you and I are brothers and sisters for that time and space . I want to know if you are still out there .. So many changes .. busy lives now .. but if you are still here .. let me know . I love you all .. Natalie
(deactivated member)
on 5/22/06 1:31 pm - I Do Believe .. I Do I Do .., VA
Topic: RE: Anybody got any info???
Hey sweety . I Just popped in to the May boards to see what was going on .. we are slowly dieing off . Do you remember when this board was hopping .. I sure do . I miss everyone so much . I think I will post and see who all is truly out there . And yes .. We do need to meet in person . Do you have yahoo ? We should keep up via Email intil then . Well our day is coming soon for us .. I will be thinking of you .. You are truly a beautiful woman .. and I too have enjoyed having you as a part of my journey .. Love ya .. Nat
on 5/18/06 11:44 am - Prescott, AZ
Topic: RE: Anybody got any info???
Hey Nat!!! WOW Girl!!! You look fantastic!!! When ya comin' back out to Hawaii to show off that new bod of yours??????? Thanks for the input... I'm trying to up my protein and up my workouts!! I am not sure if the xenadrine is "working" for me... I have been taking it for about a week now, and I am just not seeing a difference and in fact, when I went to the gym this morning (at FIVE AM),I see that I gained 2 lbs... (talk about being pissed off!!) (Nothing like being at the gym at that hour and then realizing that you've GAINED instead of lost!!) Anyway, I guess I'm just going to have to go with it... and let whatever is going to happen...happen!! I have to realize that I will NEVER be a size 4 or 6 or 8 or probably even a 10... I was a size 32, I'm now a 14... guess that's pretty good... and who knows what will happen after this tummy tuck... although if they don't do anything about my thighs... I'm going to look like a fricken' pear!!! I'll be wearing size 10 pants for the waist and 16's just so my thighs can fit!!! UGHER!!!! I forgot we were the same day... can you believe it's been TWO years already!!!! I swear, I feel like I've lived ALL of your wonderful journey with you through your posts, etc... YOU'VE been a lifesaver to me... and so full of wonderful stories and advice!! My thoughts & prayers are with ya girl!!!! One of these days... we REALLY do need to meet in person!!! I think a big ole May 2004 reunion is in order... Keep up the GREAT work my friend!!! Congrats on all you have accomplished and keep sharing all the wonderful pix with us!!! I love all your updates!! Love & hugs... and BIG ALOHA!! Loree
on 5/18/06 11:38 am - Prescott, AZ
Topic: RE: **2 Year Anniversary*******
Congrats to you both!!! What a wonderful accomplishment and even better that you get to share it with your son!! I think ALL of our lives have changed!! THANK GOD!! I am coming up on my 2 year anniversary on the 27th... Can't believe it's been TWO YEARS already... I went from 391 to 208... and I'm trying to get another 17 lbs. off so that I can reach MY goal of losing 200 lbs.!!! Congrats congrats congrats!! AND HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU!!!! Aint life grand??? Aloha & Hugs, Loree
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