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Topic: RE: Feelings of being Dissed...
SHerri ==forgive me for laughing but sometimes I feel the same way about myself.....I find that unless I stand up and shout I am not heard---When I post of the forum---either I get no answer--unrelated conversation or a very delayed response. Maybe we are just invisible---hmmm--what a concept---Well let me tell you --you have done wonderful with your weight loss---I can only hope to do so well---and I am only 5 weeks out... Best of luck and maybe someone else can give us some insight---In the meantime--shout it from the hilltops---and Post in capital letters---or ask---why isn't anyone responding---Speak your mind and be heard!
Topic: RE: Last 33 pounds
Honey - I SO feel ya! I've lost 152 leaving 48 to go!!! The last 48 have been at home on my hips for so long they're taking their sweet time packing and not wanting to move OUT! I'm trying to get ther paitently....the only way i'm able to deal is to NOT weight but once a month! (Yeah - that's HARD to do!)
it'll go away.....I'm just IMPAITENT!
Dee Dee
Topic: Feelings of being Dissed...
Hi all,
I don't know if any of you are going through this or not but this is my perception about my Dr's Support Group. I am almost 1 year out, have lost 87 pounds, am wearing a size 6 in pants and am 1 pound from being at my outside goal weight of 145 pounds. I have exercised religiously all of my life and therefore have little extra skin to deal with. I don't tell people unless they ask. Those are the stats.
Here is the problem...I find whenever I post anything on my Dr's support group of a struggle or just good news, or just chatty stuff, I get no responses. Also, when I attend the meetings, people don't talk to me unless I make the first move.
I am beginning to feel like I should just move on but I know I need to learn to live post-op just as much as everyone else.
Anybody have this feeling too HELP!
Topic: RE: All the buzz about protein......
Melissa - you are absolutley right . We only absorb at one sitting @ 30 grams . But keep in mind too that our new insides only absorb about 50 % of that. This is why our protein requirements are so high . And I have sent a message to Dr.Gantz about your protein requirements now that you are pregnant .
Topic: RE: All the buzz about protein......
OOPs, dont get me wrong, if you are getting in more than 30grams in one sitting it isnt hurting you, I just wanted to inform you, you may not be getting in all that protein through your body that you think you are. - Melissa
Topic: All the buzz about protein......
Ok I dont know why this just hit me, but I woke up thinking about protein, lol. I know when we started this journey, alot of us were told we would need to up our protein and water, and exercise to make this work for us. Recently however it was brought to our attention on how important protein is, why, and that we should be consuming much more of it. Well this morning for some reason I woke up thinking oh no what about the 30 grams a setting? Ok what I mean is. I was told when getting my protein in that our bodies could only handle 30grams at a time. If we took 60 grams of protein in one meal, we would only be getting 30 of it digested or something like that in one sitting. I was told not too try to get over 30grams in a setting, because it would just waste and not go through my body, for some reason only 30 grams will at a time. However like half hour later or an hour later You can do it again and 30grams will digest again. It is only per sitting, which I assume I how long it takes for your food to digest. I think I saw one person post they drink some protein drink and it has 50grams of protein. This worried me this morning, if our bodies are not getting all that protein in one sitting and only the 30grams that 20grams are just wasted at that time. Has anyone else heard or remember anything aobut only 30grams working in one sitting? I will ask my Dr again why, but I just thought I would let you all know, if it is true, we have to try and get more sittings in of protein at 30grams a sitting to up our protein, not up it in one sitting. Boy I hope I just made sense, lol I dont think I am just dreaming all of this, like I said I just woke up and boom protein 30grams a sitting came in my head.- Melissa
Topic: RE: Sundays what did you eat today?!
Wow sweetie you are doing great at getting your water in!!! Keep it up!- Melissa
Topic: RE: Sundays what did you eat today?!
Hey Melissa!!
Topic: Sundays what did you eat today?!
Well the weekend is almost over, and it has been beautiful here!!
B- 1 cup shredded wheat with 1/2 cup milk
L- been burrito
D- hamburger from the grill with one peice of bread and a 1 oz peice of deer steak from the grill. My family wanted fried deer steaks and fried potatoes, and the day was so beautiful, I managed to get them to switch to a more healthier cooking method. My hubby loves to barbarque, and we were having so much fun swimming, that we went to Walmart. My DH picked me out a new bathing suit since my one from last year is sagging on me, lol. Oh my I have to get used to it!! IT isnt my normal black one peice, lol. It is pretty bright grean with flowers on it and it is one of those long tops with short bottoms, a two peice!!! Not a bikini though, lol. I still look huge in it, but he says I look well lets just say if I wasnt already carrying a baby, we would have made one now, haha. Anyways, when we came back Anthony and I went swimming, and my DH cooked out on the grill some hamburgers and deer steaks. We got some potatoe salad too which I didnt have but they did instead of fried taters.
I got lots of water in today too!! Now time to go check with fitday to see how I did on my protein. I might have a protein drink or bar later.- Melissa
Topic: RE: Stop Stressing...
Great post Nat sweetie!! This has been a very interesting and learning journey for us all. I know alot of things have to do with our heads and will power. I have been known to fall and eat the snacks, but have managed to get most of them out of the house even the s/f ones. I still have a very hard time making a good dinner. Exercising still hasnt gotten any easier for me. Not sure if I am just lazy at nature, or if it has to do with any medical condition. I am getting out into the pool now that it has warmed up, and hope it stays warm since this is about the only exercise I will get out and do with no pushing myself. I just really love to swim and the aerobic exercises I do in the pool feel free and fun not strenuous, even though I am doing a good work out. I thought I would be a good walker, but either I get too bored, or it is too hot or too cold. When I walk it seems I do best when the weather is just right and you have someone to talk to or something. I know it is easy for all of us to fall back, and some it is easier than others due to matabalism, health, or just plain energy or laziness. You should be very proud of yourself, and congrats on getting to your goal, dont feel bad that you reached it before many of us have. You are very blessed, and have worked very hard and have overcome some obstacles that some of us are still struggling to overcome. Keep up the good work!!! I love your posts!! They are so positive and helpful. Love ya sweetie- Melissa