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Topic: RE: new pictures
Wow Wow Wow!!
You look amazing!! I haven't been on here for a while...but I'm always so psyched to see when there are new pix posted... and THANK YOU for sharing your TT story... I'm scheduled for mine on October 18th... and I'm freaking out about it!!
It was so nice to read the positive stuff you had to say... I'm NOT looking forward to those drains and no showers (I'm a minimum 2 a day shower gal!!) ~~
Anyway... just wanted to tell you how great you look!!!!! I'm very proud of you and thank you for sharing!!
Topic: RE: Diet Soda... Good or Bad???
I think that they tell us that Diet Soda is bad... I was told that it is the carbonation which supposedly can stretch the pouch (not true)... and then also told that it is the caffeine whi*****reases hunger (true)... but told by Kaiser, NOT to have any soda... NOW, the person who runs our support group who also had the surgery AND is a nurse, has a Diet Coke with her all the time (she says to do as she says, not as she does)... NOW, here's the scoops.. I'm 2 years out... I've lost ALMOST 200 lbs... and I have Diet Coke EVERY SINGLE DAY... I have one in the morning (it's my "coffee") and occasionally I'll have one on the way home from work... I just got back from vacation of 2 weeks on the mainland and I must have had 3-4 diet Cokes a day... No problem... I have not gained any weight back... (well, I did gain a bit during Christmas and tax season but have since lost it by going back to the gym and getting back "on track")...
Anyway, just my 2 cents worth... I say GO FOR IT!! My philosophy has been to NOT DEPRIVE MYSELF OF ANYTHING... once I have the deprivation feeling, I get poopy about everything... so, if I want something, I let myself have it... no matter what it is... just within reason... and of course, within the limitations of my pouch... (so, no, I'm not going to eat a whole piece of cheesecake, but I'll certainly have a bit or two!!)
That's all from me...
Hugs & good luck!!
Topic: RE: Diet Soda... Good or Bad???
My doctor said no carbonated sodas. I have a sip of my hubbys every once in a while. But not a drink. I would LOVE a good cold Pepsi though. LOL

Topic: RE: Finally weigh less than hubby!!!!!!
Congrads..........That is great. Keep up the good work.

Hello I'm a May baby also... Have been away from the site for awhile, building a house in my spare time. I have gained 5 lbs this year. So its time to kick my self in the rump...Any one else have this problem. Except you pregos of course.

Topic: Finally weigh less than hubby!!!!!!
I just had to share my excitement, I finally weigh less than my husband for the first time ever!!!! That was one of my major goals and I finally reached it. All I like is losing that last 20 pounds and I'll be done. Good Luck to all. Debra
Topic: RE: Holy Moly....I missed it!
Hi Perry,
Glad to see you are doing so well know. IT all goes back to what we heard in the beginning..."It is only a tool." We really realize once we are a few years out and have recommitted to using that tool how wonderful it really is. I too have dealt with some gain and relost that after getting back on track. I am back at it again as of today. I've allowed myself to creep back up to the high normal BMI range and want to remain in the middle.
Congrats on all your success and hope to see you celebrating many more anniversaries.
Topic: RE: SO HAPPY!!!!
Hi Toni,
Congrats on your new job!!! I am sure it is going to help you get back on track and get those few pounds off. I will keep your family in my prayers.
Topic: RE: new pictures
Hey Dee Dee,
You are looking marvelous. Your new figure is looking wonderful and you can tell you are working hard at it still. I know that is a wonderful feeling.
Now, send me some "get up and go to the gym" motivation.
Topic: RE: Having trouble. I am gaining so much back.
Hi Toni,
Hey, you know what is best for you. Just don't anyone take advantage of you...or use you as a walking mat. You are someone special. Don't forget that.
I am back on here, because of weight gain also. I didn't think this would happen. My doctor said it was because I was a binge eater before, and binge eaters have a really rough time...but, I am not buying that, cause that is why I had the surgery, because I couldn't do it on my own. I thought htis was supposed to help big time. It only helped little time, if you know what I mean.
We need a support group where we can go and talk.