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Jessica T.
on 8/24/06 12:01 am - Minneapolis, MN
Topic: RE: Weigh****chers & RNY - Can they go together?
Congrats on losing the 10 pounds so far!! That is wonderful. This is my 2nd official day on the program and while I'm not doing so well on the points - I am being honest and writing everything down. That is a step in the right direction. I think as I get used to things and counting everything I'll make better choices. I've already started thinking about alternatives to my usual bad choices. I found single serving microwavable cheesy broccoli by Green Giant last night. 60 calories per serving! I'm actually excited to try that. I've also been thinking about going back to the WLS support group at the hospital. I'm hesitant though because I'm over 2 years out and the "over a year out" group was pretty small. If I'm not having WLS complications and I can eat pretty much anything I want, is it really a WLS issue now or is it just managing my weight like everyone else?
on 8/23/06 9:43 pm - Bellevue
Topic: RE: Weigh****chers & RNY - Can they go together?
I and 3 others from my dr support group have joined WW also. I too had gained back weight since my RNY (May 2004). I had gained back about 25 pounds from my lowest point and I was getting to the point where I was afraid I was beyond "control". I knew if I didn't do something NOW, I wouldn't be able to get it back! I joined July 8th and I am now down 10 pounds! It really does work! I like the fact that I can still eat ANYTHING, except now I have to count it! I think the hardest thing for me to come to terms with is that my weight IS a part of my life and always will be. I am not one of the fortunate who doesn't have to work at this. I have gotten to the point where I am now determined I am using this to help me get the 25 pounds off and take me down the last total of 60 pounds I had yet to lose! Debbie
on 8/23/06 1:31 am - Danbury, CT
Topic: RE: Weigh****chers & RNY - Can they go together?
Hi Jessica, I can definitely relate to your post. I have gained about 4 pounds, which really isn't too bad, but, I have not been able to motivate myself to exercise for about 4 months! I am mushy in the middle now, and I feel depressed that I am not doing what I need to do to continue losing, or even maintaining. It is how I feel about myself that bothers me the most. I felt super the whole time I was losing and for the following year as well. Somewhere along the way I think I fell back into feeling like I am not good enough, like I don't deserve to keep feeling great, so I start to sabotage myself. I have eaten sugar on occasion, not very frequently though because I am afraid of packing on the pounds, plus I don't like the sick feeling I have after I eat it, but this lack of exercise is really really bothering me. I don't know what it is about me, that makes me so critical of myself, but it is a vicious cycle I was in when I was obese, and now I see myself starting it again. Don't exercise, have a cookie, feel bad, feel ugly, don't feel like exercising because what's the point I am fat anyway... I need to break out of this cycle before it pulls me all the way in. I am having plastic surgery next month and I am nervous about it, and so I am craving food to calm me down.It is a struggle. I need help too. I have been thinking about Weigh****chers, or Overaters Anonymous which I used to go to. I am sorry I really don't have advice for you, just wanted you to know that you are not alone. The only people who can help us are ourselves - we both know that. It is, for me anyway, feeling like I deserve to feel good -that is the key to my success. It is definitely the inside my head that needs work. Good luck to you. Anne 313/192/?? PS scheduled 9/28 TT/BL
Jessica T.
on 8/22/06 5:31 am - Minneapolis, MN
Wow - have you noticed how many of our May Sisters have gotten pregnant since surgery? That is wonderful! I know that is one of the major reasons I had my surgery. I have PCOS and my doctor said there is a very good chance I cannot have kids but if I lose weight - my chances will get much better. We're not trying yet (we just got engaged!! ) but plan to in 2008. Hope everyone is doing well - I've been going through a bit of a funk this year but hopefully I'll pull myself out of it very soon!! Much love to you all. Jessica 301/170/135
Jessica T.
on 8/22/06 5:26 am - Minneapolis, MN
Topic: Weigh****chers & RNY - Can they go together?
Has anyone tried Weigh****chers (WW) since having surgery? I've been on a downward slop for the past 8 months or so and I really want to get back into healthy eating and exercise but I need help. I need structure and I need someone to teach me how to eat healthy again. WW is having a promotion right now for a monthly pass. It's $39.95/month and you can attend unlimited meetings and you have full access to all of their online tools. The real clincher for me was the unlimited meetings. I think that is going to be huge for me. I need to be held accountable and I need support from others who've been in my shoes or who are in them with me. With the weekly weigh ins I'll always have a pulse on that magic number and when I start to see it going back down, I think I'll be much more motivated to get my butt off the couch and into the gym or outside. My first meeting is tonight at 6pm. I'm looking forward to it because I need to do something to change the rut I'm in. I've been eating such junk for the past 8 months that I'm depressed more than 1/2 the time and my body just feels bad. Do you know what I'm talking about? That feeling like you're OD-ing on sugar and fat and general bad food. I've tried to eat a salad once in a while for lunch and while I'm happy about that - I end up sabotoshing myself soon afterwards. Last week I got a side salad from BK and ate it at my desk. I'm not kidding - no more than 5 minutes after I was done, I was into my neighbors Snickers Mini's stash. Why do I do that??? Even today has been bad. I signed up for WW this morning and since then I've had a bottle of Cream Soda, a bag of Cheetos, Macaroni & Cheese, and some tuna on crackers. What is wrong with me???? Sheesh! Just thought I'd toss this out there and see if anyone else has tried WW since surgery and or if anyone is going through the same bad eating habits I am. Hope your day is going well Jessica 301/170/135
Jessica T.
on 8/21/06 11:28 pm - Minneapolis, MN
Topic: RE: UHG!
I'm right there with you Mary. While the scale says I haven't gained more than 6 pounds, my body looks and feels like I've gained 20! The past few months I have really let my diet develop into junk and I haven't exercised in months. Logically I know this is my problem but I'm having a hard time getting motivated to do something about it. You're not alone - I just wish I knew what to tell you to help! Jessica 301/170/135
on 8/21/06 12:27 pm - Traverse City, MI
Hi Everyone. I used to post periodically as well but became too busy to get on her much. I had surgery May 7th, 2004. I had lost 130 lbs and became pregnant 14 mos post op. I gained 20lbs exactly with my pregnancy. My son, Hezekaiah, was born March 10, 2006(6 lbs 13 oz 20in) and I have lost 43 lbs since his birth. The 20lbs I gained came off the first few weeks very quickly!! i was wearing my regular clothes a week after he was born. He was well worth the minor setback!!
on 8/17/06 10:03 am - Central IA, IA
Topic: RE: I have been super lazy
Okay, this is a way late response but I don't get to this board often. First, go for your checkup. Your doctor is there to help you! You need to be diligent about having your lab work done and making sure you are getting enough nutrition. You may be depleting the calcium from your bones and not know it. You are setting yourself up for lots of problems on down the road. If you aren't already, try tracking your intake on Maybe if you do that, you can see where you need to make a change. I had a 6 pound regain in May and have just finally gotten it off. I was also lazy. But geez, if you aren'****ching what you're doing, soon it will be 10 - 20- 30 or more. Pay attention and get back to the program. You've worked too hard to blow it because you are lazy! Basics, protein 80-100 gms a day. Water - 64 oz or more. Fruits and veggies only after you've eaten your protein. If portion control is a problem, measure everything. Eat only what you've measured and then you're done. Stay away from all simple carbs, sugar, flour, potatoes, rice, pasta, corn, peas. Exercise? Are you doing any? I personally hate to exercise but I try to get in at least 2-3 times a week. I walk or do water aerobics. If you are hungry, drink. If you are still hungry in 20 minutes then eat something. Lots of times if I think I'm hungry, I'm really thirsty. Try eating 5-6 small meals in a day instead of 3 larger ones. That keeps your blood sugar more stable and helps with the carb cravings. Most of all, get to your WLS doc. He'll help you get back on track and make sure nothing else is going on like low thyroid or something else. Good luck! Lyn
on 7/29/06 6:56 am - Shamrock, TX
Topic: RE: need some help, gaining back weight...
Hey Leigh Ann, I went through the same thing this past Feb. I gained back about 20 pounds and I felt the same way you do. I had to stop and think what the heck am I doing to myself. We had gone through to much to just give up and gain it all back. My doctor told me that I would have to take prescription diet pills off and on from now on whenever I let myself get out of control. I took Adipex for a few months to remotivate myself and I've been walking 3 miles a night at least 4 nights a week. There are times I want to just sit in my chair and not go but I make myself. We have been blessed to be one of the lucky few fortunate enough to have this surgery. I hope I have helped you in some way. Just get a check on it now and start excerising and eating right and it will all work out for you. Good Luck and God Bless, Debra, 346/173/155
on 7/27/06 7:59 am - Hellertown, PA
Topic: need some help, gaining back weight...
I feel like I am outta control, I have gained back almost 50 pounds...I am soo dissappointed with myself. I don't even know where to start again.........any pointers?!? Thanks for your help! Leigh Ann
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