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Topic: need help!
I was a member when I first started, but when they switched over I thought I didn't need this anymore...I am living in Florida, I had Pter Tomasello has a surgeon, my date for surgery was may of 04, I lost 148 pound gained bout 15 pounds from that...I am reaching out here- I have beome a hermit (sp) and an alcoholic was I am on;y 27 but his this the only thing that I can think to make me sleep at night!! yes a smoker too...I just to find at least someone who has expirenced this at my age!! Just searching for something ot there....I know I don't have my profile up n running but I can tell you I am for sure!!
Topic: can you answer my question
i am asking for a friend she is going to have the surgery done and she was told to use the south beach diet for 6 weeks before surgery could you tell me if she has to do this because she cant afford the meals is there another way [email protected]
Topic: Questions About New Fobi Pouch Revision
I had my surgery 5/2004 and lost about 110 lbs. Could not get to my goal. It has been a long while but I have just started to eat a little bit more and have gained about 8-11 lbs. back. There is a Doctor in Atlanta who specializes in a Fobi - Pouch or Revision for WLS patients who cannot get to their goal. The cost is about 4000-5000 and I am trying to find out if anyone else has had this. !!!!!!
Topic: RE: Finally did it, left husband!!!!
Hi Debra - you do not know me bcause I never post anymore. I had my surgery 5/2004 and lost about 110 lbs.
I was married for 24 years to a drug addict. He took excellent care of me financially but he was wild and verbally abusive - like your husband I am sure. In public everyone thought he was such an angel - but I knew the truth. Good idea you got away. My husband went on and off shooting up drugs for 24 years. I never left him and he passed away from lung cancer 8 years ago. I should have been upset and sad - but the truth is I was not. I wasted a lot of time on him and I have not really missed him not once. I always kept some insurance on him because I thought he had a death wish. I consider the money I got "payment ofr services rendered" If I had it to do all over again - I would have left. Chances are really good that these idots can never stay in any relationship of any meaning for too long - we just seem to make it easy for them to be what they are.
Best of luck and blessings to you and your children. Lisa Solis
Topic: Finally did it, left husband!!!!
Just wanted to share this with you guys who understand what I'm going thru. I finally left my alcoholic, verbally abusive husband of 11 years. I have finally had enough and I feel like a ton of weight has been lifted from my shoulders!!! I could never have done this without my weight loss and the confidence it has given me to realize there is someone better for me out there that will treat me right!!! Keep me in your prayers!!!Deb
I have not ben here n a while. I wanted to post an update and my whole profile is gone. How can I get back all of the information? It was truly my inspiration wheen I could get to a computer. I just wanna pick up where I left off
Topic: RE: Leaving husband!
Hi Debra..
It's been awhile since you posted this.. but I don't think you are being selfish at all. We all deserve happiness.. rather fat or thin.. and you do NOT have to tolerate the consequences of his alcoholism. You can love the man, but not his actions. I understand that it gets "very old" after time.. and you will know when you have had enough and it sounds as if you have had enough. Since you are from a small town.. people probably know your husband too.. and will more likely wonder why it took you sooo long to leave..
Feel free to read my profile.. I have a weakness for alcohol too.. and quit 11/17/06. I would not blame anyone for wanting to have a healthy.. happy relationship. And I understand that tolerating a drunk or anyone with addictions.. be it porn, gambling.. whatever.. is a hard life to live. My ex-husband was addicted to porn. And I've lived with another who drank everyday.. so I do understand some.
Prayers are with you.. find your happiness and your kids will be happy also

Topic: RE: where is everyone??
Yea motivation is important. I have been having soo much go wrong in my life, motivation is sooo damn hard. But you are right, we can do this!
Leigh Ann
Topic: RE: where is everyone??
You are not the only one struggling! I have gained about 20 pounds back. I am having a really hard time getting on track as well. I just started going to the YMCA last week and I am trying desperately to cut out as much carbs and sugar as possible
I hate working out.. but I refuse to let getting the surgery and going such a huge life change be in I am going to force myself to go! I am going to try different group fitnetss classes.. like kickboxing and cardio dance etc.. because I get bored easily.
I am a snacker so I am trying to replace my unhealthy snacks with healther choices and then eat 4 or 5 small meals throughout the day. I am trying to cut out fast food, fried food most carbs(that's going to be the hard one!)
Check out Bob Green's "your best life... diet" I read about it OPRAH magazine.. I am starting it Feb 1st.. it doesn't seem that it would be that hard to follow.
We can do it! We just have to motivate ourselves!
Topic: RE: Leaving husband!
All I can say is I know where you're coming from. I've been there and it's no picnic. It's a big decision. I thought about for years and then one day it happened. I knew that I could not take it anymore and I didn't want my daughter growing up thinking that was the way it was suppose to be. We have be separated 14 months now and me and my girl are doing great!!! She has even said "Our house is so peaceful now!" We do struggle sometimes but we make it. Like she said it's just more peaceful. No alcohol, no complaining, no name's nice. I wish you luck. Sounds like you have your head and heart in the right place. I'm here if you need a friend to listen. Take care. You and your girls are in my thoughts and prayers.
God Bless.