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Topic: RE: need some help again,
I agree with the others. Basic. It is hard. It feels like a daily struggle anymore. It literally just has to be a day by day thing at times. My 3 year anniversary is tomorrow. I have gained some good habits from WLS, but I also believe I have learned to 'cheat' it too.
There is a board on here WLS Grads, where much of what you say is identified. There are LOTS of us still fighting.
All the best,
Topic: RE: need some help again,
hello Leigh Ann
BOY DO I FEEL YOUR PAIN It's happening to me also. I gained about 15-20 lbs and I feel terrible. I am exercising now since I've had my knees replaced so I can get out and walk about 1-2 miles a day. I couldn't walk a block without pain. Now I am walking and it seems I'm gaining not losing. I've asked everyone what's up with that.
I should be losing not gaining. But that's what's happening.
That's all I can say
It does make me
because I've worked so hard to get that 100 lbs off only after 3 years to start gaining. We have to have faith and continue to do what we did when we started this journey. Sometimes we have to go back to go forward. Retrace our steps so that we can get back on track. We did it once We can do it again
Keep the faith and increase your Protein and exerxcise.
My best to you and you will be in my thoughts
Claudia D D

Topic: RE: need some help again,
Hello Leigh I just wanted to stop by and show my support. It will be 3 yrs for me May 10 and I cant believe how the time has flown.
As far as the stress goes I feel you. I really have to concentrate on it. I may as well be a student in my 7th yr of medical school. I remember my friend saying to me, "If you dont want to do it you won't" I learned to talk to my self in 3rd person.
Natalie, I know you want that candy but if you eat it you will regret it in 5 minutes.
I fail sometimes and then I get back up. No one is perfect and not saying this will work for you but it does sometimes for me. I have to remind myself that only I can be responsible for me and truly I am not hungry for it I just want it and that I can't have everything I want. (LOL easier said than done)
You have done great so keep up the great work and good luck
Topic: RE: need help!
Hang in there! You do need to cut back on the drinking, I think thats how I put some of my weight back on! As for sleep, I feel ya there too, dr put me on Ambien...but I still am not sleeping too well. Trying to cut back on my caffiene too, but its soo hard. I am 27 too. Email me if you need anything! [email protected]
I dont get on OH as much anymore!
Take care
Leigh ann
Topic: need some help again,
or maybe a good swift kick in the pants. I had major surgery to have this awesome tool and I am not using it right. I lost about 120 pounds and was down to about 201....feeling great, everyone was telling me i was too thin, never think I would hear that. But now at almost 3 years out I am back up to 250 pounds and can't get control of my eating. Everytime I think I am doing better, losing a few, something else pops into my life thats stressfull and I slip up again. UGHH, I am soo frustrated!! Weigh****chers was working for me...lost about 20 pounds, but I couldn't afford it after a while, with all the other bills piling up. Thanks for listening to my vent...any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!!
Leigh Ann
Topic: RE: I'm so glad I found you!
Christi don't beat yourself up about your weight. Look at how far you have come from where you have been. When you are beating yourself up about the last 20lbs think about the 148 you have lost and what a great job you have done. We are not all meant to be 105's and 165. Trust me no one has noticed the 10lbs you have gained!
Topic: RE: need help!
Yvette I have done some of the same things. I lost 87lbs that I need to lose from the surgery and have gained 15 of those lbs back I am working to get those lbs back off! I am 28 and I can feel your pain. Stop the drinking it is bad for you especially as a bariatric patient. Talk to your doctor about sleep aids that can help you. I hope you feel better and I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers. Email me if you need someone to talk to.
Topic: RE: can you answer my question
I worked with a gentleman who used the South Beach Diet and he never bought any pre-made meals. He bought the book and used the recipes from that. Also, if you have access to the internet, you can go online and look up recipes that are from the book. She could also borrow the book from her local library if she doesn't want to buy the book. I am saying, NO, she does not have to buy the meals but she can still follow the South Beach Diet. Hope this helps!
Topic: I'm so glad I found you!
I had never joined any support groups, and boy am I sorry. I am so glad I found you all on this site. I had my RNY May 19, 2004 and went from 325 to 180. In the past few months, I have gained 10 pounds. I can tell you I am freaking out! I'm trying so hard to get back on track. The terror and shame I feel are paralyzing. I'm finding that I do not want to go anywhere or be around other people, for fear they will 'notice' that I've gained. I'm constantly mentally berating myself for eating more than I should, or caving in to a craving. I have lost down below the 180 before, at times when I was sick with pneumonia, and other illnesses, and once in the rush of new love when I was too excited about my love life to care about food... but my body seemed to always bounce back to that weight. It has never seemed to me like it was good enough. I wear a size 12, and always thought that I'd be thrilled to be that size, but I find that I will mentally berate myself 'why can't I try harder to get into a 10?' and "why can't you stop eating until you get down to 165 like the doctor said you should weigh!" I'm sure you all know the dialog. Anyway, it really helped me to read your messages and see I'm not alone. I'll keep working to get these 10 pounds off, and who knows, maybe I can loose 20 if I work hard enough! I have to have hope. But it sure gave me a boost to read that we're in the same boat, that I'm not the only one feeling this way. God bless you all and thanks for being brave enough to share your stories.
- Christi_P