Slow boards! We are all so busy now!
I just wanted to pop in, since it's been a few months since I have been on the boards. Wow, may babies, we are all so busy, and the board is slow. I had my plastics done in November, a breast reduction and lift, LBL with anchor cut, hernia repair, medial thigh lift and brachioplasty. It was a very long recovery, and I am just feeling great again! I have been maintaining between 118 and 120, and wearing junior size 3! I have never been this small, and feel great!!! I am back in school and working full time so I have been super busy between taking care of my hubby and my daughter and school and work. I finish in June, and hopefully can work towards getting a better job by next year.
I just wanted to see how everyone is doing and say hello since we are almost 2 years post-op!! WOW, how time flies when we're having so much fun!!! I can't wait to shop for bathing suites this year (I can't believe I am saying this, I always dreaded summer.)
-129 lbs

You are doing great!!! Ive been off the boards too for a long time. I had my baby back in October. She is such a blessing. I had no problems with my pregnancy due to my gbs. I see a plastic surgeon next month, and hope to be getting a breast reduction/lift, and a tummy tuck. I cant believe it has almost been 2 years already!!- Melissa
298/176/hope to atleast get to 140
It's good to see someone responded to my post!!! hehe. anyway, congrats on your daughter, how exciting!! It's nice to hear that you had no problems, and you must be doing great if your almost ready for your plastic surgery. Time really flies!!! Keep working, you can get to your goal and you will look so fabulous after your tummy tuck!! I am so glad I had mine...never thought I'd be thin!!! I was hoping for healthy, but after the skin removal, it is amazing!!! Good luck and keep us posted.