Tomorrow is my extreme make over
Yes, I mean exteme! I am scheduled for a LBL (Belt Lipectomy) hernia repair (this includes the abdominioplasty (sp), and Brachioplasty, breast reduction and lift, removal of exess skin on sides of breasts, and medial thigh lift, and lipo to knees. It's alot to do at once, I know, but I am as prepared as can be. I have taken way too much time off from work, and can't keep taking time off to have surgeries, so I am doing it all at once.
I have the best Dr. in Illinois, Dr. Fenner! He is goig to do great! All of my costs I have added to my profile if anyone wants to know. I also have before pictures, and will post my after pictures as soon as I can. My befores are here:
Wish me luck! We are all doing so well with our journeys. Keep up the protein and water!!
247/130 @ goal